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Posts posted by watchoutinmexico

  1. To help make your research easier, I have compiled the following videos, and hopefully everything else you could research along with these videos, to help you make an intelligent decision when selecting your physician if you do decide to go to Mexico to have your gastric sleeve.

    These are the latest three videos that just aired, two in California and one in Florida:


    (January 14, 2016)


    (January 15, 2016)



    (January 18, 2018)

    ****Here are the past videos to help you set the stage for the above videos - and/or to help you catch up on what is going on now:


    (Angie Stidum May 12, 2015)


    (July 2, 2015)


    (July 2, 2015)


    (July 27, 2015)


    (July 27, 2015)


    (July 28, 2015)


    (July 31, 2015)


    (July 31, 2015)


    (July 31, 2015 Death of Carla Laster)


    (August 11, 2015)


    (August 19, 2015)


    (August 19, 2015)


    (November 16, 2015)


    (November 16, 2015)

  2. To get your deposit back from WLA is simple. You need to call your CC company or bank and do a "back charge". Then you tell them three key phrases. One, "It is an international transaction for a service". Two, and you must also say, "card not present". Three, "service not rendered".

    The document that WLA had you signed and send constitutes wire fraud and is not PCI compliant. Your CC company will give you your money back. Go get'em!!!

  3. I am just grateful that I am fine. I was worried before my surgery once I saw a few articles.

    Glad you're ok for now. But it has come to light that Almanza is not cleaning or sterilizing between patients. I don't want to scare you, just want for you to be aware - I humbly suggest that you do complete blood work every six months for the next two years to be sure you don't have any blood-borne illnesses from the surgery with Almanza.

  4. Thank you Amanda for your kind words, they are truly appreciated. We understand that many people are having a rough time. I humbly ask something as simple as sharing or reposting Steve's story on other sites to help spread the word and that we all work together. We need as many people as we can get there to get the process started.

    Again, thank you and everyone that has contributed in some way to help these victims get to Mexico.

  5. Steve Kaiser is another victim of Dr. Mario Almanza and Jarred & Alexis Cohen (owners of WeightLossAgents.com and Gastricsleeve.com) that has barely survived the slaughter. A similar story like so many others! The good news is that Steve has dedicated the rest of his life to help prevent others from making the same mistake that he so innocently got snared by the web of lies and deceit perpetrated by WeightLossAgents. No one should ever have to suffer or die from an elective surgery of this type, but surgery with Almanza is like people being led to a slaughter house.

    According to the existing laws in Mexico, a victim must file in person with the appropriate authorities to open an official Mexican Government investigation against Almanza and Weight Loss Agents. As of today, there are no formal complaints against Almanza/Weight Loss Agents and that is why he continues to operate with impunity. The Mexican authorities are aware of the problems posted on online, but without a formal complaint, it's all hearsay. Let's all work together to help these victims get the justice they deserve. In Mexico, the authorities are looking for both civil and criminal charges against Almanza and Weight Loss Agents but without proof and a formal complaint, there is nothing they can do.

    Please help Steve with his part in this Journey to Justice Campaign because Justice is what Steve seeks. Below is the link where your financial support in any amount, is greatly appreciated.


    You can see part of Steve’s story by using the link below:



  6. Diana L. Thomas is another victim of Almanza and Weight Loss Agents and wants to be apart of the Journey to Justice Campaign, go to Tijuana Mexico and file a formal complaint with the Mexican Government against Almanza and Weight Loss Agents. Diana will be the second victim of Almanza and Weight Loss Agents to file a complaint with the Mexican Government because the Mexican Government requires an injured party to file in person.

    There are a lot of great surgeons in Mexico, just not Almanza and Weight Loss Agents.

    I had to take out this blip from a paragraph of Diana's story, "I had trusted WLA and Dr. Almanza, but when I advised WLA that I had been hospitalized for three weeks in ICU and had come close to death on several occasions, I was ignored by WLA and never received any type of correspondence from Dr. Almanza or his practice."

    Please click on the link below, read the rest of Diana's story, and help out if you can. Even posting/sharing online will help. Help stop the slaughter and bring the justice that these victims deserve.


    Please also see:


  7. Dear JamieLogical,

    Thank you so much for your consideration in attempts to donate to help Kaycha. Kaycha achieved her funding request in a very short time and is expected to be in Mexico very soon to file her formal complaint. In the coming days, there maybe a few more victims of Almanza Weight Loss Agents, coming forward with their videos and their stories of being butchered and injured from Almanza and Weight Loss Agents. I hope you will be open to helping in any way that you can for these victims to come back to Mexico to follow the existing legal protocols.

    As you know, the number 3 leading cause of deaths for Americans is doctor and hospital error. It's true that medical problems can happen anywhere. Right now today, there is a bariatric center in Beverly Hills, CA being sued for killing 3 patients. Also today, at UCLA Medical center in Los Angeles, CA, there are 177 victims of cross contamination and three deaths with antibiotic resistant bacteria through use of a non-sterile gastroscope. I can go on and on, but victims and victim's families have the right to sue for Justice in the USA. The affordability of many weight loss procedures in Mexico provides hope that is not affordable in the US and this effort to weed out the bad apples like Almanza and Weight Loss Agents will only make it safer for the rest of us.

  8. In order to stop something, you have to start something. This beautiful brave soul's name is Kaycha Baez from Florida, and her story speaks for itself. Kaycha's Weight Loss Journey has now turned into a Journey of Justice and wants to take action to help make a difference in taking the first steps in perhaps paving the way for others. Kaycha needs to go to Mexico and file a complaint in person against Almanza and Weight Loss Agents. According to the existing laws in Mexico, a victim must file in person with the appropriate authorities to open an official Mexican Government investigation against Almanza and Weight Loss Agents. As of today, there are no formal complaints against Almanza/Weight Loss Agents and that is why he continues to operate with impunity. The Mexican authorities are aware of the problems posted on online, but without a formal complaint, it's all hearsay. Let's all work together to help these victims get the justice they deserve. In Mexico, the authorities are looking for both civil and criminal charges against Almanza and Weight Loss Agents but without proof and a formal complaint, they can do nothing.

    Anything to help Kaycha get to Tijuana, Mexico would help, $5, $10, $20, etc.., so Kaycha can be the first victim to file a formal complaint against Almanza and Weight Loss Agents in Mexico to help save others from potentially suffering from what Kaycha is going through, or what other families are going through, or worse, like death of a loved one.

    For the victims with leaks, nicked intestines, nicked spleen, cut liver, infections, or medical problems caused by this butcher named Almanza and Weight Loss Agents, please contact me and let's organize to file formal complaints, to put this butcher in jail, and stop the this human slaughter.

    Please click on the link below, read Kaycha's story, and help if you can.

    This is the fundraising campaign for Journey to Justice:


    There are many good surgeons in Mexico, but Almanza is not one of them.


  9. Wow this is very sad :-(.......

    There is a few post on here from a while back ....maybe 5/6 months ago about a few doctors that are doing bad business, it's things like this that make me want to reconsider.

    Don't let things like this discourage you, there are excellent doctors in Mexico with people who have had a very successful surgery and a 100% life change for the better. If you go to Almanza, you might have the change for the worse. For example, If you have a successful surgery with Almanza, you might want to check yourself for any cross-contamination issues in six months when returning from Almanza. Almanza has known to do up to 20 surgeries in one day. When doing your surgery research, one of the questions should be is how many surgeries can a surgeon do in one day? Here's is something to consider-An average surgery takes 1 hour (text book surgery without extra work, running into other extra patient issues, etc.). Clean up takes about another hour for appropriate sterilization and preparing for the next patient. If a surgeon does 5 patients, that's already 10 hours.

    WeightLossAgents and Almanza are committing gross negligence. They will lie to you and say there's no deaths, but knowingly will take your money and send you to the slaughter house. The whole business model is getting too greedy. Especially when stories like this pop up, something is seriously wrong.

    Research takes some time, but choosing the right place is worth the research, price and your time.

  10. Here's another video I found that aired in Florida on Almanza:


    And here's one that aired tonight, July 29, 2015.

    Team 10: Weight loss surgery gone bad http://www.10news.com/news/team-10-dozens-injured-during-weight-loss-surgery-in-Mexico

    If you watch these videos and don't think twice about going to Almanza-God be with you. I'm sure the story is going to get worse for this guy.

  11. My surgeon is Dr Almanza ????

    Although there are very many great deals and surgeons in Mexico, Almanza is not one of them. Please do your research and if you paid WeightLossAgents, there's a way to get back your money. All I can say is please really think about going with someone else:

    When u get a chance - check out what aired on channel 10 news in San Diego.




    God bless you.

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