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  1. Jess8891

    I need help...

    @@momof2tx Thank you so much, I really appreciate the reply.. I was woken up and this is the first thing I read and I can tell you I am feeling much better... You are right, today is a new day, and in back to my eating plan and no more crappy foods... I think I will research a councillor today and look into going to see one Thank you so much xoxoxox Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. Jess8891

    I need help...

    @inner suffer girl - Wow, I really appreciate the reply, I truly feel much better and more at ease with myself.. You are right it's much harder to make choices now, I was happy to sip sip sip my Water, cordial and juice on my liquid stage I actually am not sure what it is about these damn sausage rolls :') I think it might just be the crunchyness of the pastry? I'm not sure? But I need them out of my life... You are totally on point with the my fitness pal app - I will download it right now, and tomorrow is a new day Thank you so much xox Much appreciated, Jess Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Hi everyone, this is my first post on here.. I need a huge kick up the bum, and I am hoping that you could all help me out, or tell me I'm not the only that has done this, I feel absolutely terrible with myself and a complete failure of a person.. I was sleeved on January 22nd so I am almost 3 months out, and I have lost 27kg which I believe is around 59 pounds - I have just recently maybe the last two - three days just totally fallen off my eating plan, I was in tears last night about how disgusted and upset I am with myself, on Saturday we were at a friends house and she made chicken sasuage rolls, they where cut into 4 or 5 pieces so they weren't big, (maybe 3cm) however I managed to snack on about two of them and then eat half a sasuage from the BBQ, this is a lot of food compared to what I have been eating, so I was upset with myself, I did not feel sick so I guess I didn't over eat? Sunday I was fine, Monday I went out and made those yummy sasuage rolls because I wanted to make them for my husband, I managed to eat 2 and a half on Monday night, THEN a few hours later I wanted another one, God knows why,? ate it and vomitted, this is when I thought omg, have I stretched my stomach? What is wrong with me? Why do I just want to keep eating when I know I can't? Then today I was good and fine during the day. I had a little bit of mince meat with sauce for dinner and then when I was making my husband lunch for work tomorrow I seen another little sasuage roll in the fridge and ate it, I think I ate it to fast and threw up again, I am not absolutely disgusted in myself and don't know what's wrong with me... Am I eating too much? Have I stretched my stomach? am I over reacting? Guys I'm so upset I just can't even handle it, why I would go through all this just to eat shit food again? Please give me a big kick up the ass or tell me I'm just loosing my mind and over reacting? I just don't know Thank you! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. I've been looking into weight loss surgery for about 3 years now, my partner and I have been trying to conceive about the same amount of time, and I think the final straw for me was when I finally fell pregnant last year in December and then sadly lost the baby I also have PCOS and an under active thyroid. type 2 diabetes runs in my mums family, everyone has it and after having a blood test and my doctor telling me that I'm already so close to getting diabetes if I don't do anything ASAP, so I have decided all this was the last straw for me and I need to have this done...
  5. Hey ladies! I've been trying to find as much info as possible on this. I have NOT had the surgery yet, but in the process of getting the money together to have it done I am 23 years old, I am married and have been with my partner for 5 years, we have been TTC for over 3 years with no luck and 1 known miscarriage I have PCOS, an under active thyroid function and I am over weight. I am praying that after this surgery my problems will be fixed and I'll again be happy with myself, however I have a few questions and would love to hear everyone's story! I have read millions of different things but here's my main question, I would like to try for a baby after hopefully 1 year postop, obviously I'm going to put weight back on, which I totally understand, but will the weight just drop straight off again after or will it be hard work? and did you get cravings? Thanks, and looking forward to hearing everyone's story!

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