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CJ Porter

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by CJ Porter

  1. I could have sworn I saw a post this morning about post-sleeve diabetes management. When I got to my office to post something, it was gone. So, I thought I'd start a thread - would love to hear from other diabetics in the group. Before my sleeve surgery, I was on 1.8 mcg of victoza, 2000 mg of metformin, 60 units of lantus and 60+ (sliding scale) of apidra daily. My surgeon reduced my meds immediately after surgery - no victoza, half the metformin and 10 units of each of the insulins. Unfortunately my blood sugars, particularly my fasting sugars, were not where I wanted them after I began solid food, so I consulted with my GP and we went back to 2000 mg of metformin (less chance of hypo), 25 units of lantus and 5-10 units of apidra. That's just freaking amazing. We also developed a plan to begin backing me off the medicines as the blood sugars come down. Both my surgeon and GP agree that if all continues to go well, I should be off the meds in a few months. I'm limiting myself to around 30 grams of carbs a day (my surgeon's plan allows for 60) and getting daily exercise. So, how's everyone else doing? Anyone off meds altogether? CJ
  2. CJ Porter

    What Is Your Thanksgiving Workout?

    I'm doing my first 5K. We'll be walking it, but, as someone else said, my goal is just to finish it. Friday - Sun - more walking, getting in the pool at the gym and housework. Vigorous housework I've ignored for weeks. Should be fun... NOT. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! CJ
  3. Thanksgiving. Ugh. Anyone got any thoughts on how they're going to get through it? Anyone have experience or advice? My bariatric practice is really practical about this sort of thing. They say that the holiday is a special day and that we should give ourselves a break. That being said, I know myself. A break for Thursday will last the entire holiday weekend. And if I'm lucky I'll crawl back on the wagon on Monday. That's a big IF. So, I'm starting my Thursday with participating in a Turkey Trot 5K. I've had a few times when I've eaten too fast/too much and the feeling is so awful I really don't want to do that. So, what's everyone planning? CJ
  4. CJ Porter

    Thanksgiving Tips

    I'll take a balanced approach to the food. I love turkey, so, no problem with going for the Protein first. A tablespoon of stuffing, perhaps a tablespoon of green bean casserole. Definitely a tiny bit of cranberries. And I think I'll be good. My therapist and I talked about strategies when I started feeling deprived or frustrated which I intend to utilize. Going to focus on all my senses, not just taste. Enjoy the people, play some games, go for a walk, watch Harry Potter, etc. I also want to try to make some intentional decisions - I don't get things like stuffing and cranberries year round. If I want mashed potatoes, I can do that any time. So, going to go for the truly special stuff. And I know this group will be here if I need to vent. CJ Edited to add: THANKS to everyone who responded. I'm feeling far more positive about the holiday now. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
  5. CJ Porter

    Sleeve failure?

    I am hungry most of the time. I'm trying different ways to make that slightly less distracting than it currently is and I am determined that I'm not going to let it sidetrack me. But yes, there are days when I wonder if they took the wrong half of my stomach and left me with the side that creates the hunger hormone! CJ
  6. CJ Porter

    Same old issues

    I'm going in to see my therapist here in just about half an hour and am going to have a similar discussion. I'm hungry and mentally, I go to the "I deserve this. I want this." I call it my "internal temper tantrum." I keep reminding myself that this is a journey, not a sprint but the old feelings of "I'm going to fail. I can't do this. I'm such a loser" are rearing their ugly heads!
  7. CJ Porter


    Echoing what everyone else has said. My stall lasted 2 weeks. I just kept plugging and I'm headed downward again. I really do think that our bodies go through a "WTF??" moment. It will get with the program. One of the things you want to keep track of is non-scale victories (NSV). You may not notice the scale moving, but pay attention to things like how your clothing fits, how you feel when you're walking, etc. That will help.
  8. I spent a year trying to make up my mind. I researched the surgery. Talked with a surgeon. Discussed it with my family. Tried to lose more weight on my own during that year. Then decided it was the way to go. Then spent another year going through my insurance's hoops to get approved for the surgery. All of their questions were designed to get me to second guess my decision. (Things like, "Are you nervous about the surgery? Do you understand that there could be complications? One of those complications could be death?") I think waffling is very normal - you're talking about surgery here! I was sleeved on 8/31/15. I have not for one second since then regretted or second thought my decision. I'm feeling better than I have in years. I'm eating well. I'm enjoying exercise. I'm sleeping better. I can go up stairs without feeling like I'm about to have a heart attack. Do you know my one regret? Not making up my mind a year earlier. Good luck, whatever you decide. CJ
  9. CJ Porter

    Just thoughts....

    Sadly the support group through my bariatric practice is not really supportive. It's an information group where the leader lectures, or they bring in a plastic surgeon to show horrid pictures of skin surgery patients... I want to keep going and give it a shot but the only discussion there's been was really negative so far. I said something to the leader and we'll see where it goes. Which is why I'm so happy for this board!
  10. CJ Porter

    Things you feel good about?

    I'm still early in the journey but am already seeing benefits. Going up stairs without feeling like I'm going to pass out. Putting on clothing that had gotten too tight and finding out that they are now loose. Energy to spare. Knees feeling 100% better without the NSAIDs I was on. Getting out and walking with friends or family and not having to quit after 5 minutes. I'm sleeping better. Do people treat me differently? Not at this point, no. But I'm a fairly out-going person and I talk/flirt with everyone so I don't wait for them to be kind or indifferent to me.
  11. I remember when I was pregnant with my daughter. Everyone had a horror story about 48 hour labors, delivery complications, etc. At the time, I wondered why on earth people would share such terrible things with someone who was so happy to be having a child. (I went through infertility treatments - the pregnancy was a blessing and I was scared enough.) You know there could be complications. I'm assuming you know the numbers and the frequency. If not, ask your doc for that info. They are relatively small. And you have the story of every person here who had an experience that was uneventful and is thrilled with the choice they made. Like me. If I had the choice, I'd do it all over again. CJ
  12. CJ Porter

    Focus sidelined. Feeling stuck.

    I'm so sorry to hear this. I can't even imagine having to deal with that and recovering from surgery. Take care of yourself, do what you need to do and keep us all posted. My husband is a brain cancer survivor. It wasn't an easy road, but he made it. I wish you peace and strength. CJ
  13. Thank you, @@thisfathasgot2go for posting that video. I have to admit I've been pretty loosey goosey with the Water during eating thing because I kept wondering what could it hurt? But I'm really very hungry in between meals and I have to wonder... so back to following the letter of the requirement for me! CJ
  14. CJ Porter

    Emotional and feeling guilt

    To be honest, I've been the "fat girl" for so long, I'm not sure who the heck I'll be when I get down to goal. For that reason, I maintain a relationship with a therapist. I see her once every two weeks. We talk about the journey and I know that as I try to process who the person is looking back at me in the mirror, she'll be there and we'll talk about that too.
  15. CJ Porter


    Let's hear it for NSVs! That's non-scale victories for the new folks. Pay attention to these - they will get you through those weeks when the scale isn't budging and you swear if you see one more chicken breast you're going to lose it! So my NSV this week was the ability to comfortably cross my legs and sit without feeling like my legs were going to go to sleep. I did it without even thinking about it and then, mid-meeting I thought, "Holy crap! I crossed my legs! I feel great!" Don't ask me what happened in that part of the meeting. I was too busy celebrating. What about you all? Any NSVs to report? CJ
  16. CJ Porter

    NSV ::this dress(pics) and

    Congratulations!! My daughter is also very excited about the new found energy I have. Happy Halloween! CJ
  17. CJ Porter


    I'm not really seasoned, but, at 8 weeks out I am eating 2-3 ounces at a sitting. I'm not having any trouble getting my Protein in and I've been trying different foods to see how my body handles them. No beef for me right now, but, chicken, turkey, pork, and fish have all been great. My tastes have changed as far as broccoli is concerned but I'm doing well with all other veg including lettuce. What do you have to look forward to? When I started eating foods, even the mushies, everything tasted gourmet to me. My first scrambled egg was heavenly. Hang in there - you can do this! CJ
  18. CJ Porter

    Doc says no fruit--EVER

    I am absolutely not approaching my life as a "never have again" and neither my doctor nor nutritionist recommend that either! I'm with @@Whynotnow - I did not get this size by eating fruits or vegetables. I'm 8 weeks out and have been able to eat peeled apples, a small section of banana, etc. I'm not going crazy with it and I'm following the protein/veg then fruit rule. I can also tell you that as a diabetic, fruit sugars do not impact my blood sugars like cane sugar/sweets do. And if the fruit helps curb my cravings for things that are much worse for me, all the better. (YMMV - all diabetics are different. If you are diabetic, please seek the advice of your own doctor. ) All of that being said, you have to do what is right for you. I'm honest with my NUT when I stray from advice and I also work with my counselor to keep me from getting back to that sugar crazed binger I was prior to surgery. Good luck!
  19. I was craving pizza so bad at once point that I pulled the cheese and sauce off a slice (my daughter ordered in) and ate that. It helped. Pizza is a trigger food for me so I'm looking for alternatives. I'm going to try the cauliflower crust. My Mom also used to prepare pizzas on flour tortillas for my dad who was a pretty brittle diabetic and couldn't really eat regular pizza. At some point, I'll get small tortillas and make a personal pizza and see how it goes. I'm trying to be balanced about all of this. Eating that stuff helped get me where I am and I have no interested in going backwards. At the same time, I am well aware that deprivation and feelings of loss can lead to binging and making crap choices. I found myself mourning foods I would "never eat again" and that just isn't going to work for me in the long run. My bariatric group talks about balance and the fact that there will be special occasions that justify a special treat. I just make sure that those times aren't "a day ending in Y" and "I got out of bed today!"
  20. Eat slowly. It will help. When you feel like you've had enough, push away from the plate. I measure out everything (except when I'm eating out and I eyeball it but after 100 years of dieting, I'm pretty good at guessing 2 ounces of something) and if I feel full after eating only 1 ounce, I wait a little bit and see if the feeling passes. If so, I will eat a little more. If not, I'm done. You'll know it when you're full - you just have to overdo it once to remember the feelings. I did, it was awful, not going to do it again! CJ
  21. I wanted to specifically address your question about going out. Yes, you will be able to go out. I am almost 8 weeks out from surgery and have eaten out with family and friends. Everyone knows about my surgery and everyone wants to be supportive. So they always check with me about what restaurants I can do (most of them, but I am currently skipping Italian) and what they can do to help. My husband orders and I take a little bit of what he's gotten and maybe a side. I can only eat 2-3 ounces at a time, so, it's working out. My friends also have volunteered to share when my hubby isn't around and my sister is thrilled because she's eating less when we go out. I eat slowly so I'm not sitting there staring at everyone else eating after I'm done. It's working and it is possible so take a deep breath - you're going to be okay! CJ
  22. CJ Porter

    What to eat

    I'd personally be careful with tomato soups. Lotsa acid in those.
  23. I, too, had gas pains in the beginning. I found that if I ate slower, it helped. Still get the burps and gurgles at 7 weeks out. Kind of getting used to them. CJ
  24. CJ Porter


    My doc said 6 months. His team takes a realistic approach - if you enjoyed a glass of wine before surgery, it's simply unrealistic to think you will never ever have a glass of wine again. My nut says it's just empty calories with absolutely no redeeming nutritional value. I try to take the approach of filling my sleeve with the most nutritionally sound stuff but... there will be exceptions on rare occasions. CJ
  25. CJ Porter

    Returning to work

    I returned to the office after 3 weeks. I started doing work from home after 2 weeks. I also have a desk job. I probably could have gone back after 2 weeks but frankly, I preferred working out what I could or couldn't eat from home where I had a better chance of success. And I was also monitoring my medications and blood sugars (diabetic) and that was also easier from home. CJ

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