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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Sajijoma

  1. Sajijoma

    Introducing myself

    Welcome!! you'll find a lot of helpful People here with lots of great advice!
  2. Keep in mind, not everyone dumps. I don't. I haven't consumed any major quantity of sugar, but have had no ill effects of anything thus far.i don't actually have to dump, just knowing it is a possibility is enough! LOL I had horrific dumping like symptoms after my gallbladder surgery every time I ate dairy or spicy foods and that was soooo horrifically painful and miserable that I keep telling myself that sugar will be the same after surgery! It's a great motivator!
  3. Sajijoma

    Surgery Now or Later?

    Only you can really answer this question, but it depends on so many factors. Have you seen your psych and feel that you are in a good place in your head or so you feel like you still have unresolved issues? Remember this surgery will only cute your stomach from being hungry, it won't cure your head so if you are an emotional eater or a depressed eater or whatever, that problem is still there and needs to be addressed. Whether you address the problem before surgery, directly after surgery, or all along the way is up to you, but if you don't take the time to fully address the problems you already have to weight loss, don't expect surgery to fix them. I was originally planning on a Christmas surgery because my hubby would be off work for a few weeks and I thought it would be the best for him, but as I'm going through the process, and talking to my husband about it, it's come to my attention that I ought to be thinking about me during this. Isn't it harder on me to wait when there's no reason instead of just getting it done and maybe making some visible progress by then? Will it really hurt him that much to take a couple days off to help with the kids while I attend to MY needs for just once? What would I gain from putting it off? Nothing. So as soon as I've completed my requirements I'm picking a date and doing this thing. I don't see any positives to waiting.
  4. Sajijoma

    Pain sensitivity...

    There is a condition associated with surgery as a result of the anesthesia not working quite right where the body actually felt all the pain of surgery, but being sedated you are unaware that your body felt the pain.(if that makes any sense). So basically the body gets traumatized by the surgery and becomes hyper sensitive to any source of pain. It can last anywhere from a few weeks to years after an incident. I wish I could remember what it was called, but I had a similar thing happen to me after surgery and it took 6 months before something like a simple paper cut didn't end in over exaggerated pain.
  5. I was sort of similar in that I went in certain I would only allow a gastric sleeve but not anything else and after the seminar when we watched the slides over the various long term success rate and overall success rate, I knew I had been too close minded and opened myself up to other options. I can't wait to get my bypass now. My doctor agrees that it is the absolute best option for me.
  6. I tend to ask weird things especially when I'm not in my comfort zone. One of the things I asked about surgery was at the seminar prior to the consult when I asked him basically how many people he's lost while performing the operation aka kill rate. It's not a bad answer to have, but make sure you use a little more tact in how you phrase things than I did! LOL you might want to ask how many operations he's performed. He bigger the number, the more experience he's had and less likely to screw up. Other things I wanted to know about was in the bypass does the empty stomach left behind growl since it's not getting food. Then I asked what causes people with undiagnosed hypothyroidism to suddenly die post surgery and what can be done to prevent the risk of sudden death given a I am hypothyroid. Also, I wanted to know if he genuinely thought this would work for me. I'd say sit down and think about what you want to know and make a list so you get all your questions answered and you don't end up asking questions you didn't plan on but slipped out your mouth before you were prepared! LOL
  7. Sajijoma

    To tell or not to tell...

    @@caligul I like how you think!
  8. I've been trying to decide who, if any, I will be telling about my bypass surgery before it happens. So far, my list is pretty small. I've told my best friend since I was kid, my college room mate who is 1yr out after bypass, my husband and our kids, I plan on telling my brother's wife because we are super close, but not the rest of that side of the family, and really not much beyond that. I don't want to tell the whole world, and I've decided on my "cover story" as "I'm having a small hernia repair", because it's not a lie, I will be having a small hernia repair at the same time. My Problem is my inlaws. I wasn't going to tell them at all, and I'm still not sure I fully want to, BUT I do know that if I don't mention it to them, and they find out later, they will be angry and stew over it. Like I didn't trust them enough to include them type thing and how dare I do something potentially life threatening and not tell them. I'm just not sure what to do. Do I tell them and have to spend the next 3 months being bombarded with "diets to try instead of surgery" emails and pamphlets over "what to do when surgery fails" and anecedotes about a friend of theirs who had the surgery and it didn't work or it worked too well and she starved to death and other unlikely stories while also being told that my weight could all be solved if only I knew the proper way to pray(because I'm Catholic and we don't know how to pray the proper way like they do) and prayed to God to remove it from me and then pretend he did and walk around like it happened until I see the change. I'm just not sure what to do at this point. I don't want to hurt their feelings or have them feeling excluded, but this is a HUGE super personal thing for me and it's right up there with talking about sex lives in my opinion. It's great to have one, but everyone doesn't have to know the details especially inlaws. So, what should I do? What would you do if it were your inlaws? Would you tell them and let the chips fall where they may or would you NOT tell them and let them get upset and feel not included? I wish there was a third option that didn't involve having to do either!
  9. Sajijoma

    How did you know?

    You know you are ready for surgery when you just can't take another diet that not only doesn't give you a weight loss but ends in a gain. Then you sit in the floor and cry, because you know your weight is going to kill you and there's no way out of it(except weight loss surgery) and the idea of surgery and never being able to eat your favorite foods, or eat birthday cake frosting, or drink Mountain Dew doesn't bother you! The first time I looked into wls I was in my 20's and when they mentioned no mt dew for life I was like "F that!" And walked out. This time around I'm More like "GOOD! I think I've already had my lifetime quota!" LOL that's how you ultimately know.
  10. So I decided today I was taking my butt and my kids around the entire block on a walk even if it killed me. Well, it nearly did! LOL by the time I got home I was gasping and wheezing and was very lightheaded so I sat down on the porch to rest. Well, at that exact moment, who calls me? The Psych to set up my psych eval appt. and I'm trying to talk to him and I know I'm sounding like a dumbass but I can't really think straight and I'm gasping still and God, he sounded like he had the rubber stamp for the loonie bin ready with my name on it by the time the call was over. I hope he doesn't hold it against me when we have our appt in 2 wks! Haha it was so bad! Why doesn't anyone ever call me when I'm calm, composed, and not under physical duress!
  11. Sajijoma

    Approved! only took 3 days

    Yay! Congratulations!
  12. I swear you just quoted my life from the cruel people making fun of you all the way to can't afford a treadmill or gym and kids won't let me do my dvd's and hubs won't watch the kids so I can. In all fairness his idea of watching the kids has always be to let them run loose and listen for blood curdling screams or the sound of broken glass before doing anything, but it's so frustrating! The one exercise we can do together is Dance Dance Revolution. We have the big floor mat and play it on the Wii and take turns. I'm mom so I get 2 songs and they each get a song of their own to dance to while I'm gasping and puffing between rounds. LOL
  13. So at my appt this past Fri., I was talking with my surgeon and he asked me what I envisioned as my goal weight. I had honestly never thought about it and I told him that I honestly had no clue what "normal" would be having been overweight all my life or even the concept of being able to reach it, and we talked for awhile and he wrote down 200lbs in the fields on the worksheet. I've been just thinking about that non stop all weekend. Is he saying realistically this is about where he thinks I will top out given my family history and weightloss history or is this more of a number that although higher than my ideal weight per height would be, it's attainable for me and although I'll probably lose more than that, it's a reachable goal so I can have a place to reach and feel success? Or am I just totally over thinking this whole thing together and should just not even worry what it says on the sheet one way or the other?
  14. Every time I see the word surgery, I keep changing it to sugary instead in my head! Gosh, am I that addicted to the white grains that I even think about them while reading!
  15. Sajijoma

    Why Am I So Tired?

    Are you getting enough sunlight? I have a D deficiency and if I don't take supplements and get enough actual sunlight on my skin I feel tired- like my butt is dragging the ground tired. I also wonder if you are getting enough overall calories or if your body is perceiving a starvation period and trying to conserve energy to make up for the famine it feels it's in. Have you looked at your food diary(assuming you have one) to see if you are tracking enough overall or if you maybe need to punch it up or bit with some good sources to see if it helps.
  16. I hear ya on this one! My dad had a stroke last month and for awhile we didn't know if he was going to make it through or not and I haven't seen him in the past 13yrs because of my weight and cost of travelling with 9 of us. It was down to me having to take a plane to see him by myself, and I knew I couldn't fit in one seat, so I was literally going to have to drive 2 days by car to see him. If I had been a regular sized person I could have bought 1 seat and gone with no problems, but I couldn't afford 2 and there's no way I could comfortably fit in just 1. So I just sat here bawling because I was afraid I wasn't going to ever get to see my dad again. Luckily, he's recovered(mostly) and is home now, but I still haven't made it to see him. I'm hoping to go next spring with the kids in my new slimmer form.
  17. @@Sajijoma glad it didn't "kill you" if it had, i'd be writing to myself walking a block is a good start next you'll be walking 2, 3 blocks etc eventually running them too!! phone ALWAYS rings when your sitting, resting, recuperating back when, i would "run" for the phone, answer it - i would also be out of breathe mom, or daughter would say"where are you running from"? would always say something like "i was upstairs, had to run all the way to phone" truth is i would/could be in next room, just exhausted breathing hard to get to the phone good luck with surgery healthy, speedy recovery kathy @@The Candidate ROFLMAO i'm not laughing at you, well actually............. i'm laughing with you having problems putting your shoes on??? those days are gone for me but i remember them well you are still pre-op this "physical chore" will be gone for you too really would i lie to you ?? kathy Oh it's definitely open for a good laugh! It was hilarious in review kind of like watching a bad comedy. I was pretty upset at how fat I've slipped down, because I used to be able to run the block 5x even at 300lbs and be all cool afterwards and just energized and here I am trudging and gasping like a fish after a fought for walk around once. Oh well though, It's a start! I mean, 2 days ago the farthest I had walked prior to that was to the van at the bottom of the driveway to go grocery shopping or the length of Super Target and back and that was my upper most tolerance, so I AM improving, even if it isn't as much as I'd like.
  18. Thanks! Hopefully by the time we have our appt in 2wks he'll have forgotten the whole thing! God I hope! hahaha
  19. Sajijoma

    To tell or not to tell...

    @@caligul So you didn't tell them afterwards either? Hmmmm, just let them try to decide on their own what you did or didn't do? I kind of like that. Just keep them guessing. LOL
  20. I think maybe it's just something he thought was doable for me. Maybe if he wrote 145 he could sense me freaking the hell out! LOL I'm starting at 410 so that's a 50% drop so even IF that was all I lost, I'd be happy. I'm firmly packed so when I did weigh 200, I was wearing a regular XL in most clothes. Of course it would be pretty cool to reach my ideal weight since I've been overweight all my life.
  21. Sajijoma

    Night Eating Syndrome

    Those are night terrors. I have a couple of kids who suffer from those and sleep walking. My husband's side of the family is plagued with terrors and animated dreams. My husband even had one once where he thought he was fighting for his life but really was beating me pretty bad. After that night I forced him to get help it I was leaving and our de put him on some anxiety meds that helped. Apparently high stress and anxiety makes the terrors or animated dreams more likely to happen. Maybe you had stress and anxiety over the weight and by losing it, that was lifted from you and they stopped.
  22. Sajijoma

    To tell or not to tell...

    @@India928 thank you. You make a very valid point and actually reminded of how they have butted into our lives telling my husband who later told me, that they declared we shouldn't have more children because they declared it and because it's unfair to them to have to buy birthday/Christmas presents for all our kids. Yeah, that's definitely the kind of crap I can do without...I think I'm back solidly behind the "none of their damn business" thought again. Thanks for reminding me of what I blissfully knocked out of my mind! That would have been a disaster!
  23. Sajijoma

    To tell or not to tell...

    They have always been very controlling and shall I say "strong personalities" I guess if I'm not telling my own side of the family, I could use that as my reason for not telling them too(when it comes up in the future). Definitely feeling they are going down in the hernia repair column.
  24. Sajijoma

    To tell or not to tell...

    Good advice. I just really don't know if I should tell them or not. I mean, on one hand they will find out or figure it out one day when I go from this huge down to a relatively normal size and am eating like 2oz of food and all, and I'm sure they'll be happy for me(more for my hubby and kids than me myself) but they will get their feelings hurt that I didn't include them in my decision or tell them anything. It's the lead up to surgery that I'm anticipating will be very frustrating and hard, because I remember how incredibly "well meaning" yet insensitive they were when our oldest son had a brain tumor and needed surgery to save his life. They did everything I mentioned above and stopped just short of saying that we earned it by not believing exactly the way they do and that they could heal him without surgery. Just kinda stressful.
  25. I'd like to reach about 145 as my ultimate goal. I think that's what the doctors would say would be my ideal weight for my current height of 5'9.(apparently have lost over an inch with my back issues)

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