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Everything posted by tam_mandala

  1. Hi, I'm having VSG surgery on January 13th. One of my big concerns is concerning hair loss. Any Black women with natural hair who have experienced this who can offer tips or suggestions? I'm on the fence of two extremes and just doing another big chop and starting fresh or getting a weave, and seeing what I can salvage from a protective style. Any suggestions would be appreciated....
  2. tam_mandala

    Natural hair and hair loss

    It is a side effect. It can be a combination of not getting enough protein and your body responding to the shock it is going thru. It does happen...
  3. I have the same date!! I'm weighing myself on Wednesday again, but as of Saturday I was 6 lbs down. That was pretty exciting!
  4. We totally should encourage each other. I don't have kids, but I have a husband who relies.on me a lot to cook and plan our meals. The last few days have been a huge shift. We will figure this out, be successful, and have healthier families!
  5. It took less than a week for my approval. I think it really varies by insurance company and process. I had them send everything thru the separate bariatric program of my insurance company that I worked with, instead of the regular insurance process. I think that is what sped it up. I have Oxford/United Healthcare
  6. After last night's trip to the movie and not begging popcorn off my husband and then dinner at a vietnamese restaurant that consisted of the pho broth, I think I got the next 9 days of this liquid diet nailed... C'mon January 13th!
  7. I TOTALLY understand! This is Day 4 for me. I've told my husband he can't eat near me. It's getting easier...but, it is definitely not easy. What keeps me focused is that I know I need to do this for a SAFE surgery and a smaller liver. I didn't get this far, go thru the 6 month wait for insurance approval for NOTHING!
  8. Day 3 of the 2 PreOp Diet is no joke. I'm tired. I'm hungry. I'm realizing how much of the free and fun time I spend with my husband has something to do with food. It is definitely shaking things up. I'm hopeful that I will feel better by the time I go back to work on Monday. At least have gotten over the lethargy and can focus a little better.
  9. Surgery was approved in 2 days by my insurance and my surgery date is January 13!! So excited! 2 week liquid diet starts next Wednesday!
  10. I'm in the final steps of the ones required by my insurance. The last of my 6 month nutritionist appointments is in two weeks, and then the surgeon's office will submit it to my insurance for approval. We are looking at a tentative surgery date of January 27th. I may be getting a new job that totally came out of nowhere and is in many ways a dream. The question is, do I time my leaving my current job, so tha I can get my surgery covered by my current insurance, start the new job the 2nd week of February. It would take a lot of negotiation to get that late of a start date... Is the stress of a new job and the stress of coping with a new stomach too much...? Or, do I take a chance and see what the benefits are under my new insurance and get the surgery later, after I start the new job. I don't want to wait! Ive been working and planning towards January, and this new job is more public and visible and I want to feel confident in the new job... The surgery would help so much with that. HELP!!!
  11. tam_mandala

    What Would You DO?!

    Thanks! I sent a note to my surgeon's office to see if I could move the surgery to early January. I think I could negotiate a start date at the new job in February. I really don't want to delay the surgery. And you are right, there are too many unknown's with the new insurance!
  12. When I first started telling my close friend that I was considering surgery, I had a moment when I realized that getting surgery is, in some ways, and admission of failure. That I've failed every diet that in have tried. That I have failed.in my ability to control.my eating on my own. That I have failed my attempts at weight loss thru fitness... it was a hard pill to swallow. But, it was the truth for me. And once I accepted that and stopped running from that reality, it has become easier to tell people that surgery is actually something I am DOING, not simply THINKING about. That I can't lose weight on my own, and I do need help to get there. It doesn't mean that I am unworthy, or that I am a failure. It means that I am honest and real with myself.
  13. I tootook shooting for January! Just had my 3rd NU appointment and scheduled the rest for the year. My psych evaluation is in a couple weeks. Feel like it's all flying by!
  14. tam_mandala

    Admission of Failure

    Good for you. Again. I am not saying you or anyone else is a failure. I don't think of myself as a failure. Nor, do I feel shame or putting that on anyone else. I'm telling MY story and sharing MY experience.
  15. tam_mandala

    Admission of Failure

    I'm glad that surgery has been a success for you, and it is definitely an encouragement.
  16. tam_mandala

    Admission of Failure

    I never said that surgery is a failure. I said that I have failed at the more conventional ways of staying and being thin. But yes if you wanted to be a doctor, but couldn't pass the MCAT, that does mean you failed in your attempt to become a doctor, if that was your goal. If your goal was to be a success and you found another way to do it, then mission accomplished. I guess the question is, what is your goal.
  17. tam_mandala

    Admission of Failure

    Here's the deal. I know I have a problem with overeating. I use food for comfort. I indulge in amazing food to the point of discomfort and excess. I have finally come to the point where I kinda enjoy working out, but it is a struggle to mentally get past feeling like I have to battle with my body for every mile. I don't see those actions and feelings as a "disease". I do however see surgery as a tool to help me in succeeding. Being successful at not overeating. Being successful at finding other ways to deal with stress and anxiety. Being successful at working out. And, ultimately, being successful at losing weight and keeping it off - something that I have failed at in other attempts. For me, the narrative that obesity is a disease doesn't work. I don't have other conditions that have led to my being fat. I eat too much and don't move enough. So, I see surgery as something that will help me to move past those things and get control in an area of my life that I feel very out of control over. Others don't have to accept that. But, I do wonder if others do and just aren't able to or comfortable enough to admit it. Why are we afraid to admit that maybe we have failed at taking care of ourselves when it comes to our weight. I don't mean it as value judgement of my entire being, just that I have screwed up and gotten out of control in this particular area of my life. I don't hate myself. I love myself enough to be honest with myself. Finally.
  18. tam_mandala

    Admission of Failure

    I get that it will get strong reaction, but it is the truth. For me. I don't think the surgery is a failure but turning to it does make me have to come to terms with why I couldn't lose the weight and keep it off "on my own". And it also makes me stop beating myself up, and feeling like a complete and utter failure in general and every other aspect of my life. My food issues are real and deep, and I have ignored them and I am really having to face those as I prepare for surgery.
  19. I have UHC Oxford. You do need to do 6 months consecutive medically documented weight loss. I am doing mine by meeting with the nutritionist at my surgeon's office weekly. You also need to sign up with the bariatric program thru optum.
  20. tam_mandala


    congrats on the approval and that it was so fast. will keep this in mind come December when I submit my paperwoek!
  21. I am in the first month of my 6 month wait for insurance purposes. I Houghton would start this month right and start changing habits - eating better, getting back into an exerfise routine and instead I've been eating every damn thing in sight! I need to snap out of it... I need to find some discipline.
  22. Has anyone ever heard of an online bariatric psych eval service, bariatricpsychevaluations.com? The nurse coordinator at my surgeon's office sent it to me as an option, since their psychologist doesn't accept my insurance. He also gave me some recommendations for places in town. I'll probably go with the in-town ones, but this seemed interesting...
  23. I was told by both the surgeon's office and my insurance, that they look at your weight at the start of my 6-month diet program, and that they actually encourage some weight loss. I was concerned about this because I have a BMI of 40.9 and no comorbidities. I'm right on the edge...

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