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Everything posted by libby43

  1. libby43


    My surgeon office just called me. The labs show my bad cholesterol is high 195 and the good cholesterol is also high 230. The labs also show my vitamin B is low. The nurse didn't think I needed to see the Dr again to go over the labs. I was told to up my B12 and stay off the eggs. This doesn't not seem right , I feel like more should be done. Any advise is welcome. Plan on calling my regular Dr for appointment, so he can go over these labs with me.
  2. libby43


    all my test was normal before my surgery.
  3. libby43

    Alcohol... ????

    I drink the vodka mixed with the 5 calorie oceans cranberry drink. I was just cleared to drink and really enjoyed this mix drink.
  4. libby43


    I'm on many supplement as well.
  5. libby43


    This is making more sense to me than just stop eating eggs. I'll just drink more protein shakes to up my calories and protein. I can do really good some days and other days the food really makes me sick. The eggs alway went down very easy for me.
  6. libby43


    I'm getting in 70 and some days more, if I drink a protein shake.
  7. libby43


    I'm only getting around 600 calories in a day. I'm having trouble eating more. Could my low calories be causing this problem. I talked with my nut and she said it tKes time to continue working toward 800 calories a day.
  8. libby43


    I track my food but never keep a record of the fat , but going to start doing that now. Only traced protein, water and calories.
  9. libby43


    Yes almost 7 months post op. I agree with you that high and need to see my regular Dr. Many different studies has been on eggs and different finding back and forth, so not sure about eggs. My labs before surgery was great and cholesterol was good . This has all change since my surgery.
  10. Can't eat anything fried or any type of pork. If I eat anything fried will cause me to dump and pork will just come back up, also for some reason cold beverages really bother me but warm is ok.
  11. libby43

    Stretched Sleeve

    A little joke.... People need to quit wearing their heart on their sleeve. ????
  12. libby43

    Stretched Sleeve

    I don't worry to much about if my sleeve will stretch over the years. This is just my opinion but really shouldn't matter if my sleeve can hold 3 oz or 8 oz but what matters is what I put in my sleeve. I could very easily gain weight with only being able to eat 3 oz of food , if I eat the wrong foods all day long and graze. This is the main reason I personally get offended , when someone says we took the easy way out. No! It's a choice to eat right and fuel my body with the proper foods. Yes! My sleeve has help me lose weight and fight some of those craving but that's only temporary. The rest is up to us.. I asked my surgeon before my surgery the chances of regain. He told me " I'm operating on your stomach not your brain" the rest is up to you.
  13. libby43

    Hair loss?

    I was about four months and only loss a little hair. The hair loss stop just as quick as it started, but it's still to early in the game for me to rule out any more hair loss. I'm 6 1/2 months out now. I did up my protein a lot , but not sure if that really helped are not.
  14. libby43

    Dental problems

    Welcome , my dentist told me to come in twice a year for a cleaning , so he could keep a eye on my teeth. Don't want to lose my pearly white teeth. There are thing a few things your dentist can do if caught early enough. Good luck...
  15. libby43

    Dental problems

    I was told could be do to acid from the small tummy.
  16. I've always was a slow loser , after my surgery. Well after hitting a stall at the end of November and beginning of December . I decided to only focus on my program and not the number. Well today at the office I weighted in with a 82 lb lost at six months. All I can say it was the best gift could've ever given to myself. Plus I'm under 200 lbs now. I'm so excited !!!????????????????????
  17. libby43

    6 months check up

    Yes! This making it much more enjoyable. I've been looking up low carb receipts and learning how to cook in a healthier way .
  18. Can't eat spicy food because they make me want to drink with my meal . But I never ate spicy much before surgery for the same reason. Everyone sleeve can handle different things , we are not one fits all. Good luck
  19. libby43


    That's my biggest fear of being a slow loser . It's how the doctor will treat me. I'm so sorry you where treated that way. Your not a failure keep up the good work.
  20. I'm six months out and starting to get hungry often. I'm drinking more in between my meals to keep me full until my next meal time. I understand it's hard but this is part of retraining our bodies in a healthy way. Most often drinking always take the hunger away and I'm ok. Plan all meals and stick to it and drink in between. Remember not to drink with meals that will wash your food out of stomach fast and you will get hungry a lot faster. I wait 45 minutes after eating and stay full a lot longer. These rules apply to me more now than ever before since surgery. I just went back to my book and refresh up on everything to make sure still was doing everything right. You can do this , we just need to encourage and lift each other up. You got this !
  21. Very normal!!!! This happen to me a week before the big day. I almost changed my mind as they where wheeling me in for surgery and putting me on the table. All I could do was pray and went off to sleep. I was not living before surgery but now feel great. I'm so glad didn't let fear change me and rob me of my new life. Do what's best for you and feel the peace about doing. You will be great!!
  22. Went to my first Christmas party on Monday night. Wow! I stayed on trace but was very very hard to resist. As soon as the cake was cut and gifts exchange was done. I was out that door so fast. Now here my problem. The big two days with family. I can't run out that door and get away with it. This is going to be much harder than I first thought it would be. I do have a plan to eat mostly protein and drinking water to stay full at all times. Now at this party I kept a bottle water in my hand at all times, so I would follow the main rule no eat and drinking. By doing this I couldn't snack on anything in between. Now that being said that worked for a short evening but worried about long hours around all these foods with family. All we can do is our best and get through it the best we can and if we fail get right back on trace . That same day. Well that's my plan. Hope that helps some. Good luck.
  23. Never had any regrets at all.
  24. libby43

    So Hungry!

    Prevacid didn't work on my stomach. My Dr put me on nexium and still had to increase it twice. I take 40 mg in the morning and 20mg at night. Really thought I was hungry and now must remind myself to eat. Talk to your Dr about increasing medication or changing medication. I know the feeling of thinking you are hungry, but it's really stomach acid.

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