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Everything posted by catwoman7

  1. catwoman7

    3weeks Post-Op Help!

    I'm not sure how great unflavored Protein powder would be with Crystal Light (and you've indicated it was NOT great), but I mix some of the Syntrax protein powders with Crystal Light all the time. They have a lot of fruity ones - plus a Lemon Ice Tea flavored one that I mix with Crystal Light Lemonade. A lot of people mix the fruity ones with either CL lemonade or a matching flavored CL (e.g., cherry Protein Powder with cherry CL). My favorite Syntrax Proteins are the Lemon Tea, Fuzzy Navel (peach flavored), and Pink Grapefruit. I mix them all with CL lemonade (Pink Grapefruit + CL lemonade tastes kind of like Fresca or Squirt)
  2. catwoman7


    unjury has a chicken Soup flavored one. A few companies (like Unjury) make flavorless, but the ones I've tried do have some flavor. You can't really detect them in something like chili, but in mild things like plain broth, you can tell they're there.
  3. I've had it. I don't think it's necessarily *bad* for us, but there's not much (if any) Protein in it. When that's pretty much all you can handle for a meal, it's probably not the best choice.
  4. I was allowed one cup a day at six months out.
  5. catwoman7

    Torani vs extracts

    back when I was doing a lot of shakes, I added orange extract to vanilla shakes and mint extract to chocolate shakes. Loved them both. Especially when I mixed them in the blender with some ice. Add just a drop or two at a time, though, and then taste it before adding more. Extracts can be really strong. The first time I added mint extract to my chocolate shake, I added way too much - it tasted like strong toothpaste. Ugh!
  6. catwoman7

    Liquid diet preop ?

    the first three days are bad - it gets much better after that. Hang in there!
  7. catwoman7

    Planet fitness vs YMCA

    I guess it depends on what you're looking for. If it's mostly strength-training machines, treadmills, etc, it's cheaper to go with Planet Fitness. But if you're interested in pool-based activities, yoga classes, etc, then you'd be better off with a comprehensive place like the Y. I like our Y. They seem mostly focused on seniors and families, so you don't get the spandex crowd there. I've always felt really comfortable there.
  8. catwoman7

    Liquid diet preop ?

    not all surgeons require it
  9. top down for sure - which I found weird because when I was just-above-normal weight as a young adult, I always carried any excess weight I had high (I had a flat butt, no hips, and chicken legs). As someone above said, now my hips (and gut) are hanging on for dear life!
  10. I also heard somewhere that a lot of high BMI people end up at around 200 - although I know from this and other boards that there are those who make it to their ideal weight, so don't give up hope. I'm hoping for the best - but even if I settle at 200, it was still worth it.
  11. catwoman7

    Stool softener

    I had to experiment with different treatments and combos of treatments to find something that worked for me. Currently I take a dose of Benefiber twice a day, 800 mg of magnesium citrate daily, and a dose of Miralax twice a week whether I need it or not. Haven't had a problem in quite awhile.
  12. catwoman7

    Preop bowel prep?

    I had to drink a bottle of magnesium citrate as well
  13. my family and close friends know. My boss and the HR person also know (because they approved my leave of absence from work). Other people didn't really start noticing I'd lost weight until I'd already lost about 60 lbs, and by then, I was only losing about 2 lbs a week, so they believed me when I told them that I'd been working with a dietitian and exercising like crazy (which is actually true....). I doubt any of them would be unsupportive, but I just didn't want people to know.
  14. catwoman7

    Gallbladder pills post op

    I started taking mine whole when I was about 2 or 3 weeks post-op.
  15. catwoman7

    In need of Stage 2 recipes

    check out the blog "The World According to Eggface". She has a ton of recipes on there.
  16. catwoman7


    I'm supposed to limit fruit to one serving a day because of the sugar in it - but I *do* eat a serving almost every day.
  17. I use sparkpeople.com as well.
  18. catwoman7

    Feel sick all the time

    if it's mostly right after you eat, it could be a stricture. Otherwise, maybe dehydration? Lactose intolerance? Hard to tell. I'd call my surgeon's office and let them know.
  19. catwoman7

    Wasting food mental issue

    I have the same issue. I have depression-era parents, so that may be part of it. But then, waste in general really bothers me. Like when I'm at a restaurant and someone takes enough napkins for an army when they just need one. ARRRGGGHHH!!!
  20. I've been doing Water aerobics & Aqua Zumba since about my fourth week out (when my surgeon cleared me for swimming). I've had no problems at all.
  21. catwoman7

    RNY vs. Sleeve

    Goblue9280 - my sense of taste intensified as well - sweet things tasted sweeter, salty things tasted saltier - and everything seemed more complex than before
  22. catwoman7

    RNY vs. Sleeve

    I was in the hospital for two nights as well (RNY). I think that's pretty standard unless you have complications.
  23. catwoman7

    RNY vs. Sleeve

    no - not at all. I had almost no pain and never even used the pain medication they sent me home from the hospital with. I slept a lot the first few days and my abs were pretty sore, making it a challenge to sit up and get out of bed, but after the first week (if that) I felt pretty normal. I took three weeks off work, but probably could have gone back after two (or even sooner - other than the fact that I was napping a lot the first couple of weeks - I was still exhausted from the surgery!). But no - it was a surprisingly easy and quick recovery
  24. catwoman7

    RNY vs. Sleeve

    btw - sleevers also have to take vitamins for life, but not as many
  25. catwoman7

    RNY vs. Sleeve

    most people can have an occasional sweet, but too much and some people dump. I don't dump, but more than a bite or two bothers my stomach.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
