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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by catwoman7

  1. catwoman7

    Having gastric bypass reversed

    I've also been told the bypass is technically reversible, but it's a very complicated surgery and they only do it for really serious medical reasons - not because people don't like it.
  2. catwoman7

    No pre-op diet?

    you're right - not all surgeons require it. Consider yourself lucky!
  3. catwoman7

    Starting PreOp Diet Today

    the first three days were tough - then it got *a lot* easier. I think I was supposed to have 5-6 Protein shakes a day. I could have all the Clear liquids I wanted, plus something like a cup of tomato juice or V8 a day. I ate *a lot* of sugar free Jello and sugar free popsicles because they were the only somewhat solid things on my list. I also liked the tomato juice/V8 because it had some substance. But I kept the liquids coming too (Crystal Light, broth, etc). It's tough but it does get a lot easier....
  4. catwoman7

    laparoscopic gastric bypass

    I think they booked 2.5 hours for me as well, but my husband said my surgeon came out to the waiting room after about 90 minutes and said I was done. He was surprised how quick it was. Although it could be the resident, nurses, et al stayed behind to clean things up. And I suppose they book a little extra time in case they run into problems (there were none with me).
  5. catwoman7

    What can you have with bypass

    not everyone dumps - I think I've read that about 30% do. as for eating, most of us are on high Protein, moderately-low to very-low (depends on surgeon) carb diets, but i can eat pretty much anything in moderation.
  6. yes - not me (I was told early on that bypass would be better for me because I had GERD), but lots of people plan on sleeve but then find out that bypass would be more appropriate for them. I went with my surgeon recommended (bypass) - in my case, no way did I want to risk having the GERD get worse (it went away completely with the bypass)
  7. I'm not - although I know it's very common!
  8. catwoman7


    we can - although I never eat more than about 1/3 of a banana on any given day because of the sugar.
  9. catwoman7

    post-op poops!

    it seems like the vast majority of post-op patients have that problem. You'll have to experiment with different remedies and combos of remedies to find one that works for you. For the last three months, I've taken Benefiber twice a day, 800 mg of magnesium citrate every day (400 mg in the morning, 400 mg at dinner), and a cupful of Miralax twice a week whether I need it or not. Haven't had any problems since.
  10. some programs are ultra-low carb, others are moderately low carb. The ultra-low people seem to have a limit - like under 40, for example. My program is in the moderate camp. Like the poster above, they never gave me a specific limit, but between all the other requirements I have (Protein, fluids, etc), my carbs are always below 100 - and usually below 80.
  11. catwoman7


    I'm eating 800-1000 at six months out - although I'm usually at the higher end of that range. I think 800 would have been a challenge for me at seven weeks out.
  12. I didn't have any restrictions on spicy or acidic foods once I was a few months out. But my sense of taste has become more intense, so spicy things taste spicier now (and sweet things sweeter, etc), so I don't eat as many spicy (or sweet...or salty...) things as I did before.
  13. in the morning I mix a scoop of Upcal D powder into my yogurt (it'll supposedly mix into anything, but the filler is kind of sweet - so it works best in sweeter things like yogurt). During the day, I drop two Calcium citrate tablets into my 16 oz two-scoop (fruit-flavored) Protein shake. I mix fruit flavored Protein Powder with Crystal Light lemonade, so the acid in it makes the calcium tablets dissolve (takes awhile, though - but then I sip on the shake all day long, so it doesn't matter). after dinner, I take a Calcet Creamy Bite or a Bariatric Advantage chew. Both taste like dessert. They're also both kind of expensive, but then, I only take them once a day.
  14. I take my shaker bottle, several individual packets of protein powder, and some protein bars with me when I travel.
  15. I can't speak for others, but personally, I didn't need any. Other than very sore abs, I had no pain after surgery. I didn't use my morphine pump, and whatever it was they sent me home with sat unopened. Although I'm guessing if you're in a lot of pain, they'll give you something - they wouldn't let you sit there and suffer (I hope....). But from reading this board and others, it sounds like most people have very little pain with this - if any.
  16. catwoman7


    I was never given a number on calories (just fluids and protein), but it looks like I was averaging 500-600 then
  17. catwoman7

    4 weeks. Solids

    looks like you're about a month out. Call your surgeon's office. Could be a stricture, and if so, you need to get that fixedd. I had one at four weeks and another at eight weeks (haven't had once since...)
  18. catwoman7

    Weightlifting Post Surgery

    I also started lifting about eight weeks out
  19. hi - as you know, I also live in Wisconsin. I looked into this earlier even though I'm only six months out from surgery and have a long way to go. It seems there were a couple of really good ones in the Chicago area, which isn't too, too far....
  20. catwoman7

    Piggin' out ????

    I went out to a few of my favorite places that last week, but I didn't really "pig out". I kept it to "normal" person portions. But like someone said above, I can eat a lot of the foods again - just in (much) smaller amounts
  21. catwoman7

    90 day diet questions....

    I did my six-month supervised diet before I switched insurance plans to one that covered bariatric surgery. My PCP referred me to a general dietitian, as yours did. I had a nutritionist who canceled a couple of times due to a sick parent. Once I started working with the bariatric center (*after* I'd done my six-month diet), they had me meet with *their* nutritionist a couple of times just in case the insurance company balked about my original nutritionist canceling a couple of times. The bariatric center is going to want your business if you qualify - they're pretty good at working with people to get things through. Or at least they were for me
  22. catwoman7

    Possible Stricture?

    you might want to come up with some plan to reduce the chances of this happening again. Constipation is *really* common after surgery. Try some different treatments or combos of treatments and see what works for you. Things I've heard others use (in addition to what's already been mentioned here), a shot of Miralax every day or two, magnesium citrate tablets, stool softeners (such as Colace) - I can't remember what else - but there are several. For the last three months (after having been through a couple of months of constipation hell), I've taken Benefiber twice a day, 800 mg of magnesium citrate (400 mg in the morning and 400 mg in the evening), and a dose of Miralax twice a week whether I need it or not. I haven't had a problem in three months. But my routine may not work for others - you have to experiment and see what does the trick for you.
  23. you might want to let your surgeon's office know. I had something like that start up the 3rd or 4th week (was having discomfort and nausea after I ate or drank anything - and occasionally vomited) and finally called the a week or 10 days later when the nausea and vomiting kept increasing. They sent me to the hospital for an upper endoscopy, and it turned out I had a stricture - which they "fixed" while they had me under. I felt a million times better afterward, and the nausea and vomiting was completely gone
  24. catwoman7

    3weeks Post-Op Help!

    p.s You can order sample packs of Syntrax Protein powder from several sources - that way you can try them and see which ones you like. Then you're not stuck with a 2 lb tub of something you hate. They also make standard ones (chocolate, vanilla, etc) in addition to the fruit-flavored and Iced Tea ones
  25. catwoman7

    3weeks Post-Op Help!

    I'm not sure how great unflavored Protein powder would be with Crystal Light (and you've indicated it was NOT great), but I mix some of the Syntrax protein powders with Crystal Light all the time. They have a lot of fruity ones - plus a Lemon Ice Tea flavored one that I mix with Crystal Light Lemonade. A lot of people mix the fruity ones with either CL lemonade or a matching flavored CL (e.g., cherry Protein Powder with cherry CL). My favorite Syntrax Proteins are the Lemon Tea, Fuzzy Navel (peach flavored), and Pink Grapefruit. I mix them all with CL lemonade (Pink Grapefruit + CL lemonade tastes kind of like Fresca or Squirt)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
