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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by catwoman7

  1. catwoman7

    Calories a day

    at 5 weeks out I was eating around 600 kcal per day
  2. catwoman7

    763 day streak.....I guess that is enough

    I've been logging everything I eat since probably the 80's (the first several years on paper - now electronically). I don't trust myself *at all*. I wish I could - it'd be great to be able to be able to eat like a normal person for once!
  3. catwoman7

    Powdered Peanut butter?

    I use it in chocolate Protein shakes and in Thai curries (which I make with unsweetened drinkable coconut milk rather than the high-fat stuff that come in a can). Anyway, PB2 is great. I buy it in volume online - it's usually cheaper that way.
  4. catwoman7

    RNY or DS?

    the above posters are right - no one can really give an opinion from personal experience unless they've had both surgeries. From what I've read, the DS has better stats (i.e., in general, people tend to lose more weight with it and have an easier time keeping it off), but then, it's a more complicated surgery, has more risks associated with it, fewer surgeons do it, and a lot of insurance policies don't cover it. Although I think either would be a good choice - many people have good success with RNY, too. A surgeon may be able to tell you which would be a better option for you.
  5. I would think if it increased one's risk for cancer, it'd be somewhere in the GI tract as opposed to say, skin cancer. But then what do I know. And again, I've never seen any studies on this.
  6. Never heard that. I would think since gastric bypass has been around for a long time, they'd know that.....
  7. catwoman7

    Surprisingly clueless people

    a bit surprising - although I was surprised that my PCP didn't know that RNY often cures GERD, or that there's a risk of bone loss (mostly in people who don't keep up with their calcium).
  8. catwoman7

    Fun with Protein powder....

    yea I think it clumps if the liquid is over 140 degrees. I've never added it to broth (I use their chicken Soup flavored Protein powder, though), but I've added it to things like chili (but not while it's super hot!). Their unflavored protein *does* have a taste, so it's better to add it to really flavorful things (like chili) - then you don't taste it.
  9. catwoman7

    Cards when eating in restaurants?

    No card - I just tell them I had stomach surgery, and I've never been questioned. Although a lot of kids' menus are crap - e.g, chicken nuggets. I often end up getting a bowl of soup/chili or an appetizer
  10. catwoman7


    My "three-week stall" lasted two weeks. There's a woman on another forum I'm on who had one last 3.5 weeks - so yes, it can happen. As long as you're following your program, the stall will break soon...
  11. catwoman7


    Barimelts, Bariatric Advantage, and Calcet Creamy Bites
  12. catwoman7


    it sounds like several folks have had success with them - although some still have to supplement a couple of things. You could give them a shot and see what your labs look like - then supplement on whatever you're a bit a low on
  13. catwoman7


    I'm guessing some docs say to wait a year because of the fear of cross addiction. I'm guessing once your stomach is healed, it's probably not going to have vastly different effects at six months as it does at 18 months.
  14. I like that answer someone gave earlier - "over 100 lbs". Right now, I'm telling them "about 80" (even though it's more than that). At some point it's going to be obvious I've lost more, so I think I'll stop at "over 100 lbs". That sounds like a ton of weight. And i don't want anyone trying to figure out what I must have weighed originally.
  15. catwoman7


    I was told to wait a year. So far, i've been compliant with that
  16. catwoman7

    Vitamin questions....

    you're lucky - I take about 18 pills a day (will drop down to about 14 in a couple of days when I'm finally off ursodiol). I take as many sublinguals, chewables, and chewy ones as I can so it doesn't seem like I'm taking so many pills!
  17. I agree with Inner Surfer Girl. Couldn't have said it better myself. I had my first stall weeks 2 and 3 out - then I dropped like six pounds during week 4. Just hang in there!
  18. catwoman7


    I don't dump (although I've never pushed the envelope), but some fruits sit better with me than others. I can eat half a banana with no problem. Berries are OK, too. I had some fruit salad at Christmas with some Clementine oranges in it, and I immediately threw up. I'd bet it was the oranges - they're acidic. You'll just have to try some different fruits and see what happens. Everyone seems to handle things differently...
  19. not everyone loses hair (I didn't). And it sounds like for the vast majority, they lose enough that *they* notice, but no one else does. That's not to say that there aren't people who lose clumps and clumps of hair - there are. But from what I've read on here and other sites, that sounds like the minority. there are complication risks with any surgery. Most are minor. A lot of people don't have any at all. From what you described, it sounds like it's a lot more risky *not* to have the surgery.
  20. have you checked with your surgeon? Vomiting up everything you eat is a bit unusual. Maybe there's something going on (??). I would let them know.
  21. catwoman7

    When was your weight loss?

    people seem to have biggest drops the first month or two (other than during the infamous "three week stall".
  22. yes - Cervidae is right - I've been reading up on it the last few minutes, and i looks like it's managed through eating small, frequent meals. And low-carb ones to boot.
  23. supposedly it can be managed through diet. Hopefully your nutritionist will know. If it's what I think it is, it's called Reactive Hypoglycemia. I don't think it's super common, but on the other hand, I've seen it come up several times on forums -so I don't think it's necessarily *uncommon*, either...
  24. catwoman7

    Stall in loss?

    I experienced one two *weeks* out! They do happen once in awhile to pretty much everyone. I think your body has to stop and recalibrate every once in awhile. Just stick to the plan and you should start dropping again.
  25. I haven't, but I've heard about it happening to others.

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