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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by catwoman7

  1. they pumped you full of IV fluids when you were in the hospital, and those fluids contain a lot of sodium to boot (which makes some people retain water). I've heard of people gaining 10+ lbs on those. I stayed off the scale for the first week or ten days just so that extra fluid would work its way out of my system so I wouldn't have a heart attack when I stepped on the scale.
  2. catwoman7

    Meh to the scale now?

    I weigh myself every day but my dietititian would prefer I do it once a week (she said I get too obsessed with the number on the scale). However, in the past the weight always crept back on if I stopped weighing myself. Before I knew it, I'd be up 20 or 30 or 40 lbs. So maybe cut back on the frequency - but I wouldn't stop weighing altogether. But I am me and you are you... with plastic surgery, don't forget that many people have a 10-20 lb bounce back after they hit their lowest weight. Your plastic surgery work can be affected if you gain or lose more than 10 lbs, so many surgeons recommend you be at a stable weight for 6-12 months before doing it. I've gained 12 lbs since I hit bottom (and have come to terms with my higher weight - I'm still within a normal BMI range and admittedly look better at this weight). So I'm glad I waited - although maybe 12 lbs wouldn't have made much difference...
  3. catwoman7

    OLDER peeps (50+) exercise

    there's not much you can do about that short of plastic surgery. I took the plunge and don't have those issues anymore. Before, I did water aerobics, walked, did yoga, did TRX, the recumbent bike. My stomach slapped around with water aerobics and TRX and got in the way sometimes with yoga. I just dealt with it. I'm glad it's gone now, though.
  4. catwoman7

    Drinking strategy

    just be careful - transfer addiction is a risk for bariatric patients. I've seen more than a few people post on various internet forums that they developed alcoholism after bariatric surgery. That's not to say you can't enjoy a drink once in awhile. But...watch it.
  5. catwoman7

    Bypass or Sleeve

    I had GERD pre-surgery. No way would I get the sleeve. GERD doesn't get worse for *everyone* who gets the sleeve, but it does for a sizable minority. There are several people on bariatric internet forums who've revised to bypass because of it. I would definitely get the bypass. I suspect this surgeon is just more familiar with the sleeve - and it's also a quicker, easier surgery, so less complicated for him. I'd be really tempted to get a second opinion. You're the one who'll have to leave with the potential GERD problem, not him.
  6. catwoman7


    I was already post-menopausal when I had surgery, but a lot of people are cold all the time after surgery. Even before they've lost much weight.
  7. catwoman7

    Weight loss post surgery

    yes. You were pumped full of IV fluids in the hospital - and they contain a lot of sodium to boot. I've heard of people gaining 10 lbs or more from them. They'll work their way out in a few days. I just stayed off the scale that first week because I knew chances were good that my weight would be up, esp since I retain water when I get too much sodium!
  8. catwoman7

    Hair loss

    yep - very common. I'm surprised you weren't informed of this. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about it - if it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen. But it'll stop after a few weeks or months and then grow back. For most of us, even though WE notice, it's not enough for other people to notice. And it's a small price to pay in exchange for the weight loss.
  9. catwoman7

    Acid Reflux

    it goes away for some, but not for all. I'm surprised they didn't tell you that that was a possible side effect of the sleeve.
  10. I usually get caramel, coconut, and chocolate peanut butter. The fruit ones are good too, though
  11. catwoman7

    Post Op 1 week-questions

    I was also told I had to be completely healed (scabs off) - that was about four weeks for me.
  12. catwoman7

    The Maintenance Thread

    you're what we call a "lightweight". You're not going to lose as much every month as those of us who started out a lot heavier, and you're probably going to get to your goal way before 12 months is up. So...no worries!
  13. catwoman7

    Am I a sleeve failure?

    You asked about 600-800 calories a day. Yes, that is fine for where you are
  14. catwoman7

    The Maintenance Thread

    the only macro I really pay much attention to at this stage of the game is protein. I malabsorb it, so I need to average 100+ grams a day or else my prealbumin level tanks. I'm not particularly carb sensitive, so I don't really count carbs - although I do stick to healthy, complex ones. A lot of people ARE carb sensitive, though, so if you are, you'll probably still need to continue to limit those. I've never counted fats. I basically just switched over to straight calorie counting once I got to goal - except for the aforementioned protein - I still pay attention to that.
  15. catwoman7

    Glass of wine...

    I had a glass of champagne on my 20th anniversary - three years after surgery!
  16. catwoman7

    Meal Volume

    take full advantage of not being interested in food, because hunger eventually comes back for the vast majority of us, and once it does, this will all become a LOT harder. Now should be the easiest time in your life to stick to a program and lose weight - so rejoice in it and milk it for all it's worth!!!
  17. catwoman7

    Am I a sleeve failure?

    if you're closely following your plan, then it's just a stall. It'll eventually break. If you're not closely following your plan, then do that. Weigh/measure and log everything you eat. also, you started out at a low BMI for a WLS patient. You are definitely not going to lose at the rate that someone starting at 300+ lbs typically does.
  18. catwoman7


    which surgery did you have?
  19. could be. I discovered recently I can no longer eat Reuben sandwiches (I used to LOVE them but had not had one since I had surgery four years ago). I had half of it and thought I was going to DIE. I vomited a couple of times afterward. Not sure if it was the fat in it (corned beef...cheese...Russian dressing) or if it was the sauerkraut (acidic). I'm pretty sure it was the sauerkraut, though...
  20. I would not go as far as to say it's a *pleasant* experience, but on the other hand, it's not as awful as it was pre-surgery. For one thing, your stomach doesn't hold nearly as much as it did before. For another, you don't have a lot of gastric acid anymore, so you don't get that awful taste in your mouth. So no - it's not as bad after you've had surgery.
  21. also, make sure you're looking at lower body lifts on people who've had massive weight loss. Results may be different than those where it's just a simple tummy tuck (like someone who's just a bit stretched out from having children). Although even among massive weight loss patients, plastic surgery results can vary...
  22. catwoman7

    Cold feet

    you really need to be committed to the eating plan - both before surgery and until you reach maintenance. Otherwise, you might not reach your goals. Forgive yourself for this, but get back on the program and stick to it...
  23. catwoman7


    I took them right away, too
  24. catwoman7

    Peanut butter?

    yep. I don't think I ate it at all during the weight loss phase, but I do now during maintenance. Not a ton - maybe a tablespoon here and there.
  25. I was also eating around 800 kcal/day then (some people eat fewer than that). I only eat protein bars occasionally. I usually have one in my purse, but I only eat it if I'm in a bind and don't have any good choices. They're pretty high in calories for when you're in weight loss mode (most are around 200 kcal - if you're only eating 600-800 kcals/day, that's 1/4 - 1/3 of your calories - in one protein bar)

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