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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by catwoman7

  1. catwoman7

    3 months post op restriction ?

    I'm not sure what you're allowed on your plan at this point, but after I was a couple months out, I could eat more than I was supposed to. That's when I had to be really careful to weigh and measure things to be sure I was only eating what I was supposed to be eating.
  2. it's been awhile - but maybe at around six months out (??). I still have days when raw vegetables irritate my stomach, though (not always - but occasionally)
  3. catwoman7


    I've taken a capful of Miralax every morning since shortly after I had surgery. I still get backed up maybe twice a month - when I do, I take Milk of Magnesia for a night or two to clear it out.
  4. catwoman7

    Doubting my decision

    I agree with everyone else. That kind of thing is really rare. The vast majority of us have no...or very minor (like a stricture - easily fixable) complications.
  5. There has only been one day since my surgery over four years ago that I haven't gotten all my protein in. I take vitamins two or three times throughout the day. I'm sure there's been a time or two when I've forgotten at some point during the day to take the vitamins I was supposed to take at that time, but the whole day? No. those other things you mentioned - no. I'm really disciplined with myself because I want to continue being healthy and successful.
  6. I did that every month on my surgery date until I hit maintenance. I found it EXTREMELY helpful and encourage everyone to do so (I've been working with pre-op groups for the last two years). I love having all this data as it documents my journey. It's also great to have when you hit those periods when you're not feeling successful. You can look back at where you came from and realize yes, you were/are hugely successful!!
  7. catwoman7


    that's WAY above average. Unless you're talking "My 600 lb Life" contestants, who start out at much higher BMI's than the average bariatric patient, an average range of loss for the first month is more like 15-25 lbs. I lost 16 lbs the first month, and I started out at over 300 lbs.
  8. catwoman7


    yep - part of your ultimate success is due to the surgery, and part of it is due to you. People who rely on the surgery alone are rarely successful. This takes work! So....now you know!
  9. catwoman7

    How soon after sugery

    I took three weeks off (I had a desk job - I'm now retired), but I could have gone back after two.
  10. catwoman7

    Pre op diet

    No solid food. Just 4-5 protein shakes a day, all the zero (or near zero) calorie beverages I wanted, unlimited sugar free popsicles and sugar free Jello, a limited amount of tomato juice/V8 and broth.
  11. catwoman7

    medication after surgery

    the only tablets it took me awhile to swallow whole (maybe three weeks?) were ursodiol and those big calcium tablets. Everything else I could manage as soon as I got home from the hospital.
  12. catwoman7


    I used to be a Diet Cocaholic. I have taken exactly two sips of Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi since surgery (at at least three years out), and I thought I was going to DIE. It tasted like chemicals. Absolutely disgusting!
  13. catwoman7

    heart burn after eating

    I'm surprised they don't have you on something. A lot of us are prescribed PPI's or something similar for the first few months post-surgery. You might want to ask if the heartburn keeps up and Tums (or something similar) doesn't do the trick for you.
  14. catwoman7


    I couldn't have either one immediately after surgery (decaf still has acid in it, even though it doesn't have caffeine - and acid can also be hard on healing stomachs), but I was allowed decaf fairly soon afterward - maybe at about a month out? I can't remember. I had to wait six months before I could have regular again. some surgeons allow decaf right away - and some even allow regular right away. They seem to be all across the board on this.
  15. catwoman7


    I weaned myself gradually off it. 1/4 decaf, 3/4 caffeinated for a week or two, then 1/2 decaf, 1/2 caffeinated for another week or two, and so on until I was just drinking decaf.
  16. I wasn't allowed to have any food at all (just zero (or nearly zero) calorie fluids, 4-5 protein shakes, a limited amount of broth and tomato juice/V8, sugar free popsicles, and sugar free Jello. So....consider yourself lucky your surgeon allows a little food! I would think crab would be OK, but check if you're not sure.
  17. catwoman7

    Weight gain

    I doubt it. You could be retaining water from sodium - or you could just have a more than usual amount of "intestinal contents" today. It happens. Give it a couple of days and see if your weight goes back down again.
  18. catwoman7

    Best exercise routines -100+ lbs weight loss?

    I had (and still have) arthritis, so anything high impact like Zumba would have been out of the question for me when I was over 300 lbs. I mostly did water-based activities for cardio (swimming, water aerobics, Aqua Zumba) - and walking. I also took gentle yoga classes (I could do some of the poses, but not all), and occasionally used the strength-training machines (I hate those, but I forced myself to do it sometimes) just so you know, they say 80% of weight loss is due to diet and only 20% to exercise. Both are important, of course, but be sure you're paying a lot of attention to your food intake, since that will have a greater effect on your loss.
  19. I rebounded 12 lbs from my lowest weight (people who started out where I did (373) typically rebound more than 5-10 lbs, so that 5-10% of weight lost that you quoted is probably more accurate). I guess it kind of went all over. It's hard to say because I'm still within a normal BMI range, and I've also had plastic surgery with liposuction, so I really don't have any extra fat anywhere..
  20. catwoman7

    Is this normal?

    the first few weeks can be rough, but you'll get through it and then be really glad you did this!! re: food dreams - I still have smoking dreams even though I quit smoking 25 years ago. I think some addictions just become such a big part of your self-identit that they stick with you in some aspect even years after you've kicked them to the curb
  21. catwoman7

    Post op blood tests - high RDW

    mine (RDW) was about there and they didn't seem to care. It's really not high enough to be of concern. as for B12, they really don't worry about high levels. Until recently, mine was always around 2000 or more. I did cut back on my supplements a bit because it was clear my body didn't need that much, so I was wasting money by continuing to take as much as I was. Even prior to surgery and prior to taking B12 supplements, my level was always high. No one ever said "boo" about it.
  22. catwoman7

    Kumbucha anyone?

    depends on your plan - and your stomach. I don't think you'll find any surgeon who'll approve of carbonated beverages during the first few months post-op since it'd be too hard on your healing insides. After that, some surgeons seem to be OK with it, others ban it for life. I tried drinking carbonated drinks when I was a couple of years post-op, but it's too hard on my stomach, so I stopped. Some people's stomachs seem to be OK with it, though. Regardless, you'll have to give it up for at minimum the first several months after surgery - and maybe for life if your surgeon and/or stomach say so.
  23. catwoman7

    Teeth hurt

    there are a few different companies that make it - Prevident (by Colgate) is one. The one I get through Walgreens is made by Cypress. They're all prescription-only -- so you'll have to go through your dentist regardless. He/she should know what you're talking about - it's a pretty commonly prescribed type of toothpaste. It's just a toothpaste with a mega amount of fluoride in it.
  24. catwoman7

    Teeth hurt

    you may be OK with just the special toothpaste - but I'd ask anyway. I kinda wonder if mine did both (the prescription + the fluoride varnish) just to placate me because I was so freaked out about the possibility of tooth problems. But I'd ask just in case.
  25. catwoman7

    Teeth hurt

    my dentist said he's never personally seen dental issues in his patients who've had WLS, although he'd read about issues in the professional literature. Also, I've been on these internet forums for at the last five years or so, and I only see posts about tooth problems maybe twice a year, so my assumption is, although it can happen, it's pretty uncommon. My dentist gave me a prescription for some super-high fluoride toothpaste to use before I go to bed, though, and he puts a fluoride varnish on my teeth twice a year at my appts. He said that should go a long way toward preventing any potential issues.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
