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Posts posted by nataliearias

  1. @@theother_onefoot I was told no straws and if your doctor gave you a packet it should also state that on there as well. I feel the exact same way that you do! I too sometimes feel just so thirsty and wish I could chug Water like I used to before the surgery. I basically just listen to my bodys needs and drink water. I've gotten kind of sick of my Proteins but I think that slowly I'll get back into drinking them. I would definitely recommend against using a straw. I was told its bad because you're basically adding more air into your new pouch which can be harmful to you.

  2. I had my surgery on August 4th, everything went well, I've lost a total of about 15-20 pounds since then. I do however have a problem, though there is nothing that can be done, I've been getting cravings for certain foods that lets face it, I won't be able to enjoy until several months from now. I also work night shifts and returned to work just this week 08/27 was my first day back. I've felt cravings as well but of course ignore them and just drink Water or go have some pudding.

    So my question is this, has anyone since surgery felt cravings too? What did you do to avoid it and ignore it and do any of you work night shifts too? If you work night shifts what kind of foods did you bring during your 3-4 week post op? I know starting Tuesday 09/01 I'll be able to incorporate thin slices of deli meat and fish, which makes me very excited!

    Thanks in adanced!!




    in case anyone would like to follow my progress!

  3. Try whatever brand vanilla Protein and use that as your "base." Add fruit and almond milk or fruit juice and blend. Here are a few of my faves:

    banana walnut- Protein Powder, frozen banana, almond milk, walnuts and one stevia packet- optional.

    Peanut butter/banana- Protein powder, frozen banana, PB2 powder, almond milk, and one stevia packet-optional.

    Tropical fruity: Protein powder, frozen mango, frozen pineapple, frozen Strawberries, orange or pineapple juice. *One stevia packet if the fruit is not sweet.*

    My doctor was a little disappointed that I added fruits to mine. I still lost weight and now I'm having a hard time as it gets closer to August 4th!! He told me that I can only do Protein drinks, broths, and thats pretty much it lol

  4. At least you were able to do it all the way through almost, I feel terrible because I've cheated here and there and really wished I didn't I've still lost weight and since seeing my doctor I've lost about 38 pounds and apparently I did my liquid diet wrong too! I incorporated fruits into it so that my Protein meals didn't taste so bland and was told that I wasn't allowed to do that. I know one time I did a liquid diet for 10 days straight and I guess just the thought that I'm being told to do this as opposed to just doing it myself is a little hard I guess. My surgery is on August 4th so I'm right around the corner too!

  5. @@Dub I was told about taking it easy for 6 weeks, I decided to not take the Pilates for obvious reason haha, I ended up switching to indoor cycling. I also decided to keep the weight training class, I think that as long as I explain my situation to my instructor she/he will be understanding and allow me to use smaller weights instead of jumping head on to larger ones. Right now I'm currently using a 15 lb kettlebell and don't feel as sore anymore. I definitely plan to take it easy but also don't want to just sit around.

    @@Babbs yea I've never had surgery before. I'm actually a little nervous now haha

  6. I haven't had surgery yet but I thought it would be a bad idea to ask those who have had surgery about your activity levels after surgery. I signed up for a women's weight training class and Pilates, my surgery is August 4th. I will have about two weeks to recover before going back to work and then a week later I start school and those gym classes. Does anyone know if it would be a good idea to do a weight training class and Pilates? Anyone try these classes before, after their surgery? How was your experience! I would appreciate any responses!


  7. I haven't had surgery yet but I thought it would be a bad idea to ask those who have had surgery about your activity levels after surgery. I signed up for a women's weight training class and Pilates, my surgery is August 4th. I will have about two weeks to recover before going back to work and then a week later I start school and those gym classes. Does anyone know if it would be a good idea to do a weight training class and Pilates? Anyone try these classes before, after their surgery? How was your experience! I would appreciate any responses!


  8. I was supposed to start on July 19, the liquid diet since my surgery is on August 4th and I officially started on July 22nd. I definitely cheated, but this is how I did it. I have my Protein Drink (liquid) then I craved Pasta so I only have one small bowl of pasta, then the following day I had once again my liquid beverage and sadly my mom ordered pizza and yes I had two slices! I'm terrible every bite I kept saying my doctors name aloud and apologizing! I have no officially cut the crap and been on pure liquids. If anyone is having trouble I would totally recommend seeing your nutritionist and asking them to prescribe Diethylproprion to help suppress your appetite. I finally got back on it and let me tell you its a lot easier for me to follow the liquid diet because of it. The only reason I cheated was because of that, because I ran out and the nutritionist gave me just enough until surgery because of course I won't need it after that. I hope a week and 5 days of liquids are okay. =( lol

  9. Protein shakes upset my stomach. Does anyone have any ideas.

    Something that I've done @@trim200 is take my Premier Protein and mix it with a cup of low-fat milk or low-fat chocolate milk (fairlife milk or whatever its called) and add in fruits like strawberries, banana's, peaches and even some veggies and blend them all together it definitely covers up the thickness of the Protein shake. Let me know if this works for you.

    Another thing I do is prep my fruits into zip-lock bags and freeze them so it's nice and cold when I blend them.

  10. So I decided to start my liquid diet little by little, I'm still in the pre-op phase but due to some issues with submitting my paperwork to the insurance, I have no choice but to begin the liquid diet phase because I cannot afford to wait two weeks and then move my PTO any futher than what it is. I sadly have been cheating because just the thought of me not eating my favorite foods (well in this case snacks) is kind of sad because its sinking in. Anyways, I'm definitely looking forward for the next two weeks to fly by because I want to get the surgery over and done with! I seriously cannot wait to start my new life!

  11. I work in the NICU dept as a CNA and I work nights too! I don't eat at night whatsoever! I know it was hard at first and takes a lot of motivation but trust me its possible! What I've been doing is bringing with me a 24oz bottle that came with my nutribullet and filling it with my Protein meal drink. When I get hungry I just reach for my drink and take small sips or drink half of it so that I have enough for lunch. I'm not sure how far you are into this process but this would be the best thing I could recommend for you. This has honestly helped me a lot and I no longer eat at night even when I'm not working. Let me know if you try this and how you liked or didn't like it.

  12. I absolutely love this post!

    Things that I'm looking forward to:


    -shopping in the smaller section of any store as well as fitting in the "one size fits all"

    -thighs not clapping or even touching!!

    -feeling comfortable when I run/work out

    -waking around campus without getting tired

    -parking anywhere without dreading the walk!

    -being able to wear a lot of the PINK items at VS

    -being able to wear a smaller size undies (no more L) in the VS and PINK line and look good wearing them!

    -wear heels for the first time and feel comfortable!

    -cross my legs under a table or even in general without my legs getting tired or falling asleep or my knees hurting after trying to!

    -feel confident that when I'm on a dating site such as POF or Tinder that maybe just maybe the hot (in my opinion) looking guys will swipe right for me too!

    -take full body pictures and selfies without my fat chin coming to join! As well as group pictures with family and friends!

    -being able to wrap the whole towel around my body with no gap!

    -be able to go to a Water park in a bathing suit weather its a two piece or something cute instead of wearing shorts with either a shirt or bathing suit under it.

    Career wise:

    -buy smaller scrubs!! as well as being able to use the petite size (because I'm 5'1) for grey's anatomy brand!

    -get into the nursing program and being able to pull off tan color scrubs and be comfortable wearing them!

    -be a healthy nurse who can keep up!

    Finally I just want to be healthy and be comfortable in my own skin as well as gaining a confidence that I know is in there somewhere!

  13. You guys will get a kick out of this story: I met this guy about 5 years ago, we started off as friends which turned to friends with benefits, while all this was going on..he kept telling me we were just friends....well we did EVERYTHING together including 1.5 yrs later moving in with each other but it only lasted about a year when problems arose with his adult kids (that's another story) but I moved out...we didn't talk to each other for about 6 months I actually was so mad at him for the way things went down, but anyway.. from what I heard, he was miserable after I left but didn't hesitate to have sex with every female he could find, including with the 2 most hated women in my life.

    We started talking again, and became "weekend" friends with benefits AGAIN, eventually I was asked to move back in...I hesitated but since I fell so head over heals for him the first time..I couldn't let go. Little did I know, when I moved in..the sex stopped...no kissing, no hugging...nada...so I asked him...um..whats up? He said living together is one thing...he didn't want things to get complicated by having sex since we are just friends. I was like in shock..now that I had given up my apartment to come to this?..I told him, had I known you were going to do this..I wouldn't have moved in...no response from that.

    Anyway...I let it go..but we have been living together now a little over 2 years...we do EVERYTHING together, we sleep in the same bed..we go to family outings (both sides) together..he goes to the store and actually thinks of me...he buys me some of my favorite goodies I like....we actually have a friendship that is 100% similar to a marriage, everyone we know...introduces us as boyfriend & girlfriend and he doesn't correct them. .but yet to him..we are just best friends.

    He is so supportive of my surgery....and knows that I am so excited about this...being thinner and healthier that I am afraid that when I do lose weight he might start getting closer to me..would I like that? sure since I love him so much..but why wont he admit that we actually have a relationship? Was it my weight preventing him from announcing to everyone he was in a relationship with a fat girl?...is he just a commitment phobe? Or will this be my chance to actually find someone else...who knows.

    Kinda weird huh? would love to hear your thoughts on that icky situation!! :blink:

    I personally don't know you but it seems to me like you deserve someone so much more than what you have right now! If he does become closer to your when you become thinner why should you let him have you when he has made you suffer all of this time?! It's not fair to you! I would love to hear an update on this!

  14. I had my weight loss surgery 4 months ago and am down 84lbs, and my husband is driving me nuts, he is convinced I am cheating on him, he said it has nothing to do with the weight loss but that's BS!!! 84 lbs ago he could care less what I did, were I went or if I even came home after a night out with the girls, now he blows up my phone the entire time Im out and I have never given him a reason to believe that I was. I am how ever going out more than I was, I no longer feel like the big pink elephant in the room and I can actually find cute clothes that fit me. Its really an insult that he felt like no one would bother with me before but now I might have a shot. He's even looked at my phone records and was calling numbers!!! I know 2 other people that have had surgeries and they to are now divorced which is were I feel like I want to be, not because I want to find better but because he thought so little of me. Just remember everyones different, Im just telling of my experience. Good luck!!!

    I have the same problem right now and I haven't even had surgery! My boyfriend of five years has always been jealous, constantly thinks I'm cheating on him, he too has gone through my phone to see if I was cheating!! I decided after that incident to change my passcode and now after reading everyone's input it makes me feel that his behavior will get worse after my surgery! I know our relationship is already going downhill so I'll just have to see how the next following months go!

  15. Trying to not gain 100 lbs..not even kidding. This time between sucks

    ha ha that's classic.. Anyone doing any food funerals??

    I still haven't set a date but I will be sending my info to the insurance sometime next week and trust me, I'm hitting up Texas De Brazil as well as sushi as my funeral meal! I'm definitely going to make my "last meal" count!

  16. I'm hoping to get my surgery during the week of the 20th of July! I only have enough PTO and EIB for two weeks, I would have preferred to have taken at least a month off because I know I have to take care of me! I work as a CNA/Front desk HUC. I know my job doesn't require a whole lot of me, however I'm worried that some heavy lifting of baby formula is going to take a tole on me. I'll definitely keep you all posted on how my two weeks off go!

    Did anyone apply for FMLA?

  17. Hey everyone!

    My name is Natalie! I just joined this amazing group! I'm definitely looking forward to my surgery, I finished everything on my list except the psych eval which will happen this Wednesday, after that I'm really hoping to get my surgery during the week of July 19! I'll definitely post more after all my paperwork is submitted!!

    Best of luck to everyone!!

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