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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About rosepose

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  1. rosepose

    Skinny chasers

    RIGHT? I don't know where that attitude that women (and probably men too?) shouldn't think well of themselves comes from in society but it's toxic! If all you ever say/feel is "I'm so ugly/fat/stupid/unacceptable in some way or another" how is your daughter every going to see how to believe in herself? How is she going to know how to stand up for herself if she has never seen it done? How will she know that it's okay to like herself if the most important woman in her life (her mom) doesn't like herself. I say be the woman you want the little girls in your life to have permission to be. Someone strong and deserving of health and love and kindness. Deserving of someone who likes her as a person. Not some douche who cares more about the size of his daughter's thighs than if she's doing something she loves, is thriving as a person, and has friends who are good people. And frankly I have met those guys - hell I'm related to some of them as well as their female counterparts. My grandmother told my mom and her sister that the prettiest between the two of them was the one who was thinnest at the time. I know one woman who told her daughter she'd stop buying her clothes for her if she gained weight - and then did. It's disgusting. And I don't think you were being oversensitive about it. I have to say that online dating is probably no way to meet someone you actually get along with (just based on my experience) because it's ridiculously artificial. I think going and doing things that you enjoy may be the way to go. I know there are some alternatives to online dating that basically just organize outings and you go and join things that sound fun and meet people that also think it sounds fun. It's something I am working my nerve up for. I've been sick and that sounds like far more effort than I want to think about right now. lol!
  2. rosepose

    Skinny chasers

    I'm am an extremely confident woman who knows what she is looking for... I am one of the kindest, warmest, and most positive people I know. If you knew me in person, you would know that. I'm a loyal friend and wonderful mother. People open up to me because of my gentle and welcoming nature. I'm a very sweet and accepting person. I truly care about people and their feelings... I'm extremely down to earth, my favorite thing to make fun of is myself, I am a dorky and friendly gal that people generally really like, and I love being me... And modest. Don't forget modest. So, this is a tangent and I apologize for that. But that line - while I'm sure it was just intended to be a joke - kind of hits that chord where women aren't allowed to be self confident - then they're egotistical. I don't like that. As an aunt to a terrific girl I want her to know those things about herself every minute of every day and to be able to say "Hey! I'm a good, kind, funny, nice person and it's not okay for you to talk to me that way!" and mean it when people are being less than kind to her and I want that for Bellabloom, myself, and every other person on this site. There is a difference between knowing what your strengths are and being happy and comfortable with them (you know, actually LIKING yourself as a person) and being egotistical. There's also a difference between standing up for yourself and being egotistical.
  3. rosepose

    protein bars?

    That's good to know! I don't know what they changed but while I can still eat them they do taste different and not in a good way. I'll have to try Combat Crunch.
  4. rosepose

    protein bars?

    None of the ones I listed are high in fat and sugar. Plus, Quest bars are high in Fiber which will help gallbladder health while you're losing weight which can be really important. I did try a builders bar and frankly it tastes better than any of the ones I mentioned but it also made me queasy for just those reasons - fat and sugar. There are tons of lower fat and sugar Protein bars out there. I promise
  5. rosepose

    protein bars?

    I tend to like Quest bars - but not all the flavors... Also if you leave them in a warm car or in front of a heating vent so they can get soft and warm (for some reason microwave is not the same) they're lovely. Other than that some people like the premier Protein bars but I haven't been a fan of those... basically there are tons of bars out there (including a higher protein granola bar with Peanut Butter and chocolate) that you can chose from. There are even things like epic bars which are protein bars made of meat fruit and nuts... Then of course there is just straight Jerky... The options are really fairly expansive and I recommend just trying several and finding something that works for you.
  6. If you're truly concerned I'd not only speak to the surgeon that performed the surgery but another doctor as well who can assess the situation while not feeling the need to protect themselves in the process..
  7. rosepose

    Any Regrets?

    WLS patients will always have to watch their carb intake, even once they reach their goal. It is a reality. I didn't watch mine and gained almost all of my weight back (with the band). WLS patients will always have to watch their carb intake, even once they reach their goal. It is a reality. I didn't watch mine and gained almost all of my weight back (with the band). Actually even non-wls people who want to stay in control of their weight generally have to watch their carbs. I'm sure there are people for whom this isn't true but my dad dropped most grains and carbs (wheat belly diet) and lost 40 lbs in 6 months - no surgery. My brother who is an athlete and has never been fat is ruthless about never eating carbs after 6 and cutting them down to almost nothing in the off season so he doesn't get out of shape while he doesn't have the same level of training to balance the intake. I am sure there are people who don't need to but I know of none personally that can not control their carb intake and stay fit regardless of whether or not they've had surgery.
  8. rosepose

    Any Regrets?

    I don't mind. I developed a heart arrythmia (atrial fibrillation) around 18 months post op. The band surrounds the vagus nerve which controls, among other things, heart rhythm. I ended up in ER with my heart completely out of rhythm, beating at a rate that was close to having me have a stroke, and blood pressure also sky high. It took seven hours to bring everything around using medication, and now I'm on medication for life. I had my band's restriction loosened so as not to touch on the vagus nerve and just went back in last month to get a bit of fill as I'm gaining weight and hungry all the time. Immediately following the small fill, I went back into atrial fibrillation. That's pretty conclusive evidence that there is a correlation, at least with my particular anatomy. If you google gastric band, or lap band + atrial fibrillation, you will see a lot of people who have now experienced this. There are several on this forum right here. So yes, I regret what I did. Living with a-fib is no picnic, and the side effects of the three medicines I now have to take have greatly compromised my quality of life: extreme fatigue, memory loss, inability to do any sports that might raise my heartrate...wish I had chosen a different path. Would a sleeve revision correct the afib? Unfortunately, no. Once you have afib, you have afib. In fact, afib begets afib. In other words, once the electricity in your heart becomes chaotic (which is basically what afib is), it will constantly create new "bad" pathways in your heart. According to my cardiologist, it is unlikely that even removing the band will make the afib disappear, as the band has already done its damage. All I can do is keep it loose and off the vagus nerve, and continue with my meds (or, in the future, ablation or pacemaker if the afib worsens). I would not do another WLS in any case. I'm out of the game. For me, these are "Flowers for Algernon" situations. When I was doing my research, I was convinced WLS was the gold standard for permanent weight loss. Now my thoughts are different, especially concerning the lapband (since I had a bad experience with it) but also with other surgeries. There really is no tinkering with major body parts that is going to come out ok in the longterm, imho. We are seeing wonderful transformations in the short term, yes...but my sense is longterm we are going to see some health-complications from all WLS that have yet to reveal themselves. I would not even consider going under the knife again. I'm sorry it's been such a bad experience. One of the reasons I went with the sleeve is, while it's newly used in WLS, it actually has a huge amount of long term info as it's the same surgery used for stomach cancer and perforated ulcers and has been for probably over half a century at this point so long term effects are well and truly known. I agree that this is not a decision to make lightly. I hope you have a really good cardiologist. My dad has afib and my brother (an MD) did a bunch of research into meds to control it and found one that has stopped it completely - though this drug has serious complications potentially itself and should only be used for about a year as side effects become more prevalent at that point - should it come back it will require that they zap the heart tissues to stop it... PM me if you'd like me to share the names of the meds he researched so you can ask your cardiologist about them. I'm really glad you shared this. Most of the people on this site are very enthusiastic about their experience and I think it's important to have a balanced view. The numbers do support surgery as being the gold standard, but I also think it should be the last resort because if you can do it without then that is infinitely better health-wise. I've had a harder experience than many but nothing to yours and I am still glad I made this decision. I'm currently struggling with serious Iron absorption and anemia problems probably made worse if not caused by the omeprozole which can inhibit iron absorption but I've been a little anemic for years so it's not the sole issue and can't be laid at the feet of the surgery etc entirely. However all my iron stats have dropped 40-50% in less than 2 months and I will be seeing a hematologist to discuss IV iron transfusions next week. I do hope that this is going to be a non-issue once I can go without the omeprozole but in the meantime I am lucky to be able to work from home as I need to be lying down most of the time or my heart starts racing and I get dizzy. I'm also lucky as this is a manageable issue even if it does require long term IV iron transfusions instead of just a couple to get me back to the normal range until I can get off of the antacids. Further I'm intensely grateful that I went with a program that includes 2 years of follow up with nutrition, fitness and psych as this wouldn't have been caught for another 2 months without the nutritionist pushing me to follow up with my PCP as my numbers hadn't gone up even though I'd been on high levels of iron for over six months starting long before my surgery. It was at that visit that the drop was caught and while they would have found it at my next post surgery follow up that isn't for another 2.5 months and I could have landed in the hospital in serious trouble long before then if it continued to progress at the pace it has been going. Worth every flipping penny of the extra money staying here and going with that program instead of heading to Mexico imo.
  9. rosepose

    Stress/Emotional eating

    This is mostly head hunger and stress eating - but the thing is that the habit is so ingrained I really only notice I'm doing it when I'm standing in front of the pantry or fridge.
  10. rosepose

    Stress/Emotional eating

    These are awesome ideas!
  11. rosepose

    Stress/Emotional eating

    Lol! So what I'm picking up from the subtext is no Cookies in the house. Yes - controlling my environment and my meal plans seems to be really important. I have had a lot of people around recently so I haven't been able to control the food that's around as much but I can start doing that now that it's just me again. Exercise also sounds critical. I'm finally starting to be able to build exercise into my day regularly - and I'm excited by this as it's always been such a boost emotionally and energy wise. And I am now definitely going to keep a "fat" outfit to put on now! That is a brilliant idea! What I'm concerned about is that even if I am paying attention to what I'm eating and how much etc, that food is still my first thought when I'm stressed or upset... or bored for that matter. I know that I need to get in front of that behavior before I get to the point where I actually can eat enough that will undermine my ability to keep losing. Taking a walk is an awesome idea. I kind of feel I need to build an arsenal of ideas and possibly also put a couple of signs on the pantry and fridge along the lines of "take a breath and take a walk."
  12. Okay - so I'm sure this has been discussed but when I did a search I didn't find a specific topic on it... so hopefully this isn't too repetitive. I'm only about 7 weeks out at this point and only recently have I started to be able to eat "real" food consistently rather than living on Protein drinks. There is a lot going on for me right now, and for the first time since the surgery I'm finding myself stress eating. Mind you it's a few bites of stress eating rather than any significant volume and my choices tend to be healthier because unhealthy stuff still doesn't sit well, but the behavior is still there and some day I will be able to handle Cookies again! I'd like to head off the behavior now. I am curious about strategies to deal with it that have worked for others. When I'm home (which is where I'm most susceptible anyway) I have started to try and catch myself and get onto my elliptical and spend a few moments moving rather than eating. It seems to help for a moment or two (until the next trigger) and maybe with practice it will solve the problem, but I'm wondering what works for others - If people could share their strategies I'd really appreciate the input. Thanks!
  13. Just for the record - the link between glucose resistance and artificial sweeteners I referred to was in no way correlative. It was an experimental study done in mice. Cause and effect. http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v514/n7521/abs/nature13793.html However as I said before sugar and natural sweeteners such as agave (which can be 90% fructose) are very directly tied to metabolic disorder in a large way and not just glucose resistance but fatty liver and every other symptom of it so I'm not feeling much like artificial sweeteners are evil in comparison (though I don't love the flavor for the most part)
  14. @@Stevehud While I totally agree that the vilifying of artificial sweeteners without data is absurd, and I find much of the correlative data used in these arguments to be ridiculous, there is actually data to suggest that some artificial sweeteners change the intestinal flora in a non beneficial way that can release chemicals that can cause symptoms of metabolic disorder (specifically glucose intolerance) in mice. I believe it was saccharine that was specifically looked at in this study. That said, the studies that show how incredibly bad sugar and super high fructose substances such as agave and all those natural sweeteners are for you in terms of development of liver disease and metabolic disorder are fairly incontrovertible at this point so I'm not feeling that much more at risk with artificial stuff frankly.
  15. I think some nutritionists do assume that we're idiots because we're fat and don't know anything because clearly if we knew anything we wouldn't be. Fortunately my nutritionist did her learning curve before I got to her. She did admit that when she first started working at bariatric clinic (exclusively with WLS patients) she did think that WLS was the easy way out and that working there she'd really learned that it wasn't. She is also super available through e-mail and phone if I have concerns or questions and sometimes will even check with the medical staff before responding. On the whole I'm very pleased. And yes like most nutritionists she recommended the artificial sugar Protein drinks, but as it turns out that's a normal medical recommendation for surgery on the digestive tract of any kind (even in pets) because you can get really sensitive to sugar and fat. I still can't really handle them even in an effort to increase my calories because I'm not getting enough in for normal energy levels. However hearing my surgeon suggest eating ice cream to get the calories up was highly amusing.

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