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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    MissRobin reacted to tjstark in Pre-op: Two weeks till surgery and already changes are coming!   
    I don't know what is going on with me lately but I feel renewed... the decision to have this surgery feels liberating and even before I go under the knife, already I feel more confident?!
    Today I told all my family and friends about my decision -- and even started a YouTube vlog and a blog tracking my journey. It is SO unlike me to put myself out there so publicly, but already I can feel myself changing, being more outspoken and being the confident person I know I can be.
    I feel like even just making the decision to do this has made me change for the better. Did anyone else feel like this?
    I'm so ready for my surgery -- the date is confirmed for July 30. Bring on even more change!
  2. Like
    MissRobin reacted to Babbs in Serious Question   
    Sure....just watch if it has carbonation. Carbonation can HURT!
    Try to find something lower carb and lower sugar. Skinny Girl makes some good stuff. I had my first drink at 4 months out-a Bloody Mary-and I couldn't finish it and didn't even get a buzz! Since then, I really have no interest, lol. I may pick it back up once I'm to goal.
  3. Like
    MissRobin reacted to lauraellen80 in Need snack/meal ideas for work at 2-6 weeks post op   
    I bought a bunch of the little 1/2 cup Ziplock plastic containers and fill them up the night before my work week starts.
    I've been bringing refried Beans w/ a sprinkle of cheese, a dash of taco sauce, and guacamole (1/3-1/2 of a Wholly Guacamole 100-calorie pack).
    I did mashed cannellini Beans with a teaspoon of pesto sauce, and a sprinkle of mozzarella.
    I made some turkey sloppy joe meat to portion out with a little shredded cheddar, but it hasn't gone down well for me yet.
    I also bring my Blender Bottle to make a Protein shake mid-morning.
  4. Like
    MissRobin reacted to Julie norton in Stomachache after Whey Protein?   
    Please don't feel you are alone getting stomach aches from Protein.< /p>
    I have read many posts about drinking protein and hurting so I asked my Dr.
    He said your stomach detects protein and sends out more stomach acid to digest it. But since there is no dense protein to digest ....it stays there and it can hurt.
    Since I heard that, I try to have a little something light before I eat a bar or especially before I have a Protein Shake.< /p>
    It might be worth a try.
    Good luck and keep posting.????
  5. Like
    MissRobin reacted to LipstickLady in Boyfriend's mom doubts my potential success.   
    Stop caring.
    I know that sounds flip, but in the grand scheme of things, how does HER opinion of your decision and your weight loss journey really affect you unless you allow it to?
    She might hurt your feelings, but she won't change your progress unless you allow her to. I try to cut negativity out of my life -- sounds like I'd not be too anxious to know her, personally.
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    MissRobin reacted to KittyChick in "BFF" Went MIA...Jealousy?   
    I appreciate everyone's advice and thoughtful responses. I spent some time with my friend the day AFTER I posted this and we had a great time together. Her birthday was last week, so I brought her a gift and we laughed and talked with comfort and ease. It was really nice. I didn't want to ruin it by bringing up my "suspicions" so I didn't.
    However, this little meet up happened at her place and not in public which probably helped the dynamic. Instead of the parties & happy hours we used to frequent (which are full of men), maybe more private environments are best for our relationship right now. All we can do is wait & see I guess. I'm hopeful we can get our friendship back to where it was though.
  7. Like
    MissRobin got a reaction from MrsSugarbabe in Funky work out clothes...   
    are you letting them air dry?>
    because it sounds as though the smell is from the fabric taking too long to dry.
    My lululemon pants do that if they are hung in the humid bathroom to dry
  8. Like
    MissRobin reacted to catfish87 in Someone slap me please!   
    pizza isn't what made me fat.....Eating a whole large pizza(s) in the past, was one of the reasons I was over 300 pounds. I'm 6 years post op now and I eat pizza occasionally. Matter of fact we had some this past Saturday evening from a local place that makes them in a wood fired oven, super thin crust...with a nice cold beer. YUM! Things that would make a dieter cringe! But I'm way past all that.... My lapband has helped change my life
    PS. My "skinny" friends eat pizza, they drink a beer, have some wine, eat ice cream, etc. It's all about the VOLUME of calories I used to eat...day in and day out. Many, many more than I was burning.
  9. Like
    MissRobin reacted to Alex Brecher in What's on Today's Menu?   
    Hey, BariatricPal Members,
    You know how important it is to stay accountable with your weight loss surgery diet. Why not post your daily menu here? It'll help you stay aware of what you eat, and it'll motivate you to hold yourself accountable for making good choices. Plus, you can give others ideas on what to eat...and maybe get one or two ideas from other members.
    So, looking forward to seeing what you're eating!
  10. Like
    MissRobin reacted to Bufflehead in Am I really that vain?   
    Don't feel bad, it's nice when people notice and compliment us! I have always found when losing weight in the past that no one noticed until I lost about 20% of my starting weight.
    Also, if you are still wearing your same clothes, they are going to start to get baggy on you -- wearing clothes that fit really well helps people notice, at least in my experience.
  11. Like
    MissRobin reacted to Elode in So I've noticed...   
    So this is my latest update, I know I haven't done one in a long time. The picture of me overweight sadly is not even me at my highest (301lbs) , the other one is last night. Sorry classic mirror picture but that's all I can do when I'm by myself and my aunts want updates.

  12. Like
    MissRobin reacted to SleevePerry in How much did you guys lose in the first month?   
    And, honestly? Who didn't want to lose a substantial amount of weight in their first month post-op? Perhaps in hindsight, that loss was inconsequential but, after weeks of pre-op dieting and post-op food stages, it's natural to hope for a nice weight loss.
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    MissRobin reacted to SleevePerry in How much did you guys lose in the first month?   
    Ask a question, get a lecture.
    I lost 25 pounds. Good luck.
  14. Like
    MissRobin reacted to hopefulmom76 in How much did you guys lose in the first month?   
    I see nothing wrong with your question. Although, what others lose does not predict what you will. I lost 20lbs this first month (and 19 preop). Some lose more, some lose less.
  15. Like
    MissRobin reacted to emtscott54 in How much did you guys lose in the first month?   
    While I can appreciate and understand your desire to lose your excess weight as fast as possible, there are some things to consider.
    We didn't get to be obese overnight. We won't get skinny fast either.
    Weight loss can happen too quickly and that can have other nasty complications requiring surgery.
    While people often see weight loss surgery as a quick fix, nothing could be farther from the truth. Attaining a healthy body weight and then maintaining it are lifelong processes.
    Patience and acceptance are key. I had to learn to accept who I am today so that I could work towards who I will become tomorrow in a healthy way.
    Good luck on your journey and school!
  16. Like
    MissRobin reacted to kathy0529 in Mashed potatoes!   
    I'm a very picky eater and Mashed Potatoes is a definite for me! I usually don't finish them cause I get full on the 2-3 oz of either chicken or turkey that I have.
    I don't think I'm doing too bad since I'm down 97lbs since my surgery on Jan. 21, 2015. :-) (that's from my preop weight, fyi - from surgery day it's 80lbs).
  17. Like
    MissRobin reacted to NCTRNL in Mashed potatoes!   
    I really can't imagine a situation where mashed potatoes would EVER be a good idea. They're pure carbohydrates. Can you have fat free refried Beans? I really like the refried black beans...they were the best during that part of the diet.
  18. Like
    MissRobin got a reaction from LovinSoul in I Walk Alone!   
    @@Bandista this was excellent to read !
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    MissRobin got a reaction from nicolewilliams in Dumping Syndrome?   
    I have suffered from dumping syndrome for 5+ years.
    It sucks.
    For me personally it is caused by too much sugar, caffeine in coffee (but not red bull .... go figure) too much lactose.
    I have done an elimination diet to find my trigger foods. After 30 days of bland, basic foods and 2 months of re introduction I have found that almost everything I eat is a negative trigger food (for my body personally)
    I'd rather eat amazing food and limit my sugar intake and $h!t it out in 20 minutes than eat bland cardboard food, fake dairy and seafood all the time.
    D.S is a constant battle for me and I am hoping with the surgery, 85% less of a stomach, less food intake the dumping syndrome will cease for me. This is partially why I am getting the surgery. Not that my BMI is super high (33-34 depending on the week) or that some website says I am severely obese (which is crap!) but because I want to HAVE to hold less food in my body. I don't want my body to say good bye food, hello toilet and stomach cramping ANYMORE !
  20. Like
    MissRobin got a reaction from The Candidate in Telling your employer about surgery   
    I first told HR who then gave me the go ahead to talk to my boss.
    I told him the truth between the lines.
    I told him that I have been having digestive issues for a long time (5+ years) so I am having corrective surgery.
    For all he knows I am getting my colon or my gall badder removed.... but I did personally tell him that I am having the fundus of my stomach removed due to digestive complications. I did not tell him I am having a WLS

    He is going to know something is up when I come back to work 3 weeks later and I am thinner (fingers crossed).
  21. Like
    MissRobin got a reaction from soonsleeved in I am going to have is the (SILS) which is the gastric sleeve with one incision   
    @@soonsleeved after we chatted the other day I called our clinic to inquire about "upgrading" my surgery to the single incision and my case worker said that you would still have a 2nd incision for the drain. And even then the single incision is all up to the doctor discretion if they can do the surgery successfully with one incision. My case worker actually talked me OUT of going with single incision and the scars are smaller than your pinky nail.... with Vitamin E oil, scaring wont appear nearly as much. Price difference (for me) wasn't worth it for 3 less scars 1/2" in length.
    I couldn't imagine having 85% of my stomach pulled out through my belly button ....
  22. Like
    MissRobin got a reaction from The Candidate in Telling your employer about surgery   
    I first told HR who then gave me the go ahead to talk to my boss.
    I told him the truth between the lines.
    I told him that I have been having digestive issues for a long time (5+ years) so I am having corrective surgery.
    For all he knows I am getting my colon or my gall badder removed.... but I did personally tell him that I am having the fundus of my stomach removed due to digestive complications. I did not tell him I am having a WLS

    He is going to know something is up when I come back to work 3 weeks later and I am thinner (fingers crossed).
  23. Like
    MissRobin got a reaction from Edavidson in A patient died after surgery with Dr. Elias Ortiz at A Lighter Me!   
    We have to all keep in mind that some people can die during surgery not from complications of the surgery but for other reasons.
    There is one doctor mentioned on this site who has had a single death while in his operating room.
    The patient died due to heart failure as he forged documents from this family doctor stating he was healthy enough to withstand the surgery and anesthetic. That had nothing to do with the surgical team.
    Women die during childbirth every day. People die during root canals at the dentists office.
    The surgeon is not always to blame for accidental death. I had complications when I was having my tonsils removed, simple surgery. My heart rate sky rocketed and I would not wake up from the anesthetic. This had nothing to do with my surgeon's experience it had to do with my body.
    We have to be careful when blaming people for death. A surgeon can perform a surgery flawlessly, but a patient can be unknowingly allergic to antibiotics, or surgical tape. Their kidneys may not agree with the IV Fluid or their body rejects staples. Nature is Nature.
  24. Like
    MissRobin got a reaction from BackToBeautiful in Anyone seeing Dr. Mario Almanza?   
    IT is extremely unfortunate there are doctors like this in Mexico (but I am sure they are everywhere) who are tarnishing the reputation of ALL foreign doctors. Mexico has earned their spot on the map for Medical Tourism and have their industry drug through the mud because of one selfish surgeon is unacceptable.
  25. Like
    MissRobin reacted to capricec in Woman question!   
    Ladies after surgery did you loose your boobs? Sorry if this is TMI. I'm just new to this and started my pre op doctors appointment.

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