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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by reree6898

  1. reree6898

    Rant: Rude people!

    Burks outlet has both stores and online shopping if there's not one in your area. I get really nice brand name jeans there for $20 or less. It's the only way I've been able to get clothes as I've gone down in size so fast.
  2. Wow, amazing job! You continue to inspire me. [emoji4]
  3. reree6898

    BA Calcium chewables flavors

    I love The strawberry and chocolate. I tolerate the Carmel.
  4. My bmi was 53 at surgery and now it's 34.2. I am 7&1/2 months out and have lost 113 pounds since surgery. I am super happy with my results so far.
  5. If I want something frozen I will freeze a Greek yogurt and it fills that want for ice cream.
  6. reree6898

    How about some NSVs!?!?

    Bought a pair of size 14 jeans over the weekend thinking I'd put them up and maybe be able to wear them in a few months. I tried them on for the heck of it and they fit really well now!!! I was a 24/26 at surgery. [emoji4]
  7. reree6898

    Basic questions - Newbie

    i I just get the biotin from Walgreens, it's natures valley or something like that, they are just a few dollars for a few hundred tiny little gel pills. Good luck in your journey!
  8. reree6898

    Basic questions - Newbie

    Hi there, I'm Rachel and I was sleeved 7 months ago. I've been on here since a few months preop. I started on surgery day at 319 and I'm at 208.4 today going from a 24/26 to a 16 so far. Hope my answers below are helpful to you. 1. what is your biggest fear with the surgery and My biggest fear was losing hair and the saggy skin. I started taking all the required Vitamins a few months prior to surgery and I added in Biotein for hair and nails. I have also tried to keep up with a lot of lotion to try to aid in the saggy skin. While I have had some shedding of hair it has not been bad because I have tons of new growth all the time from the Biotein. I do have some saggy skin but not as bad as some I've seen. 2. Who has been your biggest supporter for your surgery so far? And how has that impacted your decision? Probably my oldest daughter. She has been cheering me on every step of the way and never tires of hearing me be amazed at the changes in my body and life. 3. What is your goal weight and why? My goal is to be about 140-150. That is the normal healthy weight for my age and height. My surgeons goal for me is 170. 4. What was the one thing that made you be for sure about the surgery? I needed to get myself in check with my weight before any health issues started. I have many in my family that died young of obesity related health issues and I didn't want that for me. 5. What is one thing you are giving up that you will truly miss having? At this point I don't really miss anything. I have always been a meat and potato girl and for me I still will let myself have just a bite of something I want once a week or so because it keeps me from letting that desire get too bad. But I do limit it to literally a bite and even that still fits within my nutritional goals for the day. 6. If you have had the surgery or are getting ready for it... what is one piece of advise you have for those that are just starting their journey? I was sleeved 7 months ago and I'd say be sure you don't compare your losses or anything else to anyone else here or in person. Everyone's journey is going to be different and so listen to your doctors and nutritionist for what they want you to do.
  9. reree6898

    Down how many dress sizes

    Great job all of you!
  10. reree6898

    What snacks or food to eat on the go

    I too have to have two snacks during the day or I stall out because I eat so little at meal times. I have things like the light baby bell cheese, or Greek yogurt. A lot of people do the turkey sticks or jerky. If your driving all day i would recommend getting a small cooler bag to keep with you each day and pack it the night before. Also the tin packs of tuna and salmon are good as well. The vitamin water zeros are very good and help when you want something more then the plain water.
  11. How long ago was the blood work done? Even though it looked good then extreme fatigue can be a sign of low iron.
  12. Following so I can find this thread later. [emoji6]
  13. In my experience I have been treated differently by people outside my group of friends and family. I think though that in part is due to how I've changed as I've gotten smaller. I find that I am smiling a lot more because I am just happier in general and more energetic and more open to greeting people as I pass them on the sidewalk. I don't walk with my head hung down anymore. As for the kids since they see you every day it will not seem so drastic as it would be if they only saw you once in a while even though you will lose quickly. The kids will adapt just fine. Best of luck to you!
  14. I was on phentermine a few years back and like others have said it is like taking speed. I had no appetite and I lost 14 lbs in like ten days but I felt like I was literally buzzing by the end of the day each day. I couldn't sleep and felt like my heart was racing all the time, I don't think I blinked for days! So after like two weeks I stopped taking it and as soon as it was out of my system the hunger returned and the pounds came back and brought friends. So, fast forward a few years and I got serious about getting myself in order and lost about 57 lbs pre surgery and have lost another 110 since having the sleeve done.
  15. reree6898

    Itchy incisions, bad breath

    Those are both normal. The breath is because your body is in major ketosis (weight loss mode) and the itch is from healing. Lots of water helps the breath issue and check with your dr if you are cleared to use lotion on the incisions. Get a lotion with vitamin E oil in it.
  16. reree6898


    interesting. I find that it a little bit stuffs me and I stay with that full feeling a long time, it is not a slider food for me. but it will not be a regular snack either because of the stuffed feeling after just a little bit. I'm seven months out and still a cup of air popped is pretty filling for me as well. I started eating popcorn at about three months out and honestly eat a cup most every day. But I only eat the smart food delight that is only 35 cals per cup.
  17. I did do a before pic from like the week before surgery and then I do a pic every month because I deal with the whole body dis morphia thing and unless I see side by sides in pictures I don't see the change in me despite losing over 100 lbs now. I make sure to take one straight and on side shot each time. I also stand in front of the same doorway so that I can see the difference in how I fit in front of the door. I will attach my most recent comparison shot for you.
  18. reree6898


    Most NUTs will all have varying guidelines on that. Mine didn't give me a number to follow but I find that for me I do well with real low carbs one day (like less then 20ish) then a bit higher the next (like 30-35). When I do this it seems to help me keep losing. I am seven months out tomorrow and have only had one stall that only lasted a week. I have had some weeks with higher loss and some with lower but just that one time with no loss. I have not heard the 22 carb limit though.
  19. reree6898

    Silly questions

    You're right. Sorry. Maybe you were thinking of the internal stitches? Those do dissolve in time.
  20. reree6898

    Still addicted to carbs!

    I too use my fitness pal. I find it the best for tracking all nutrients that I want to watch. As for the carb issue, it is not easy but as others have said the less you eat them, the less you will want them.
  21. reree6898

    Silly questions

    I personally have never heard of dissolving staples. I have only ever heard of surgical staples that just remain with you forever. The scar line from where the stomach heals basically grows over them. From what my surgeon said it is not possible for them to come loose. Some Drs require blood thinners for a few days as a preventative measure to prevent blood clots. Most Drs send the patient home on pain meds, anti nausea meds, and an acid blocker.
  22. If you ever have to have any type of abdominal X-rays done the staple line and altered stomach would show up for your doctor to see. I personally don't know if I would chance trying to hide it.
  23. reree6898

    Supervised Weight Loss Plan

    I have BCBS TN and when I went through the process last year my surgeon told me to not lose much at all and to just maintain though the process until thugs were submitted to the insurance. Once I was submitted I heard back within a week that I was approved then went for preop visit and surgery within the next few weeks after that.
  24. reree6898


    ⬆️ This. the Vitamin Water Zeros are excellent. I am good with plain water but do get bored with it some. I have had the orange, the pomegranate, and the squeezed lemon aid and they are all good. My kids even like them.
  25. On the left was taken 11 days pre-op and on the right was this week. 105lbs gone in 6.5 months.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
