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Posts posted by Running2theSleeve

  1. I think the real question is why are you being so hateful. Obviously you do not understand her demeanor and she didn't understand your's. She did not mean to offend you I am sure but you Did intend to be rude to her. Every single person who has responded you have had something rude or tacky to say. You need to check your character if you believe that bringing others down will make you feel better. If you need to talk to someone about the hatred you are carrying around with you, I don't mind listening, but seriously enough of the bs you will never find friends to support you on here with attitude like that.

    Get your whole entire life... Chimming in

    Blah blah blah

  2. One wrong thing said "yall" don't like 'and its flipped .. It's u go away .. Read previous post on this thread it's been said... Evil ... I have 3 kids living in one of the best school district in the nation .. U r not worth me being evil too .. Jeopardizing my spot in heaven .... Are you having a stroke?? Lmao

  3. We go stop at your first statement..." Why are you being so hateful. Obviously... Blah blah blah ...how the hell am I bringing others down when she said implied I was having a stroke off my rant.. Lil girl open your eyes

  4. I'm sorry you're frustrated Running2thesleeve. I think the reason you're getting these responses is because what you're trying to get across isn't coming through very clear. It's hard for people to be supportive if they can't understand your message.

    if u don't get it don't reply just view ...what it is you trying to defend...people on this site begging for a reply .. Here go the real trolls

  5. Girl bye... It's plenty of post with 0 replies. Don't reply just view..,To ask me in your initial reply if I was having stroke ... If u don't understand u say that ... Not I beg your pardon" as if I'm wrong in my expression ... This site is not to cater to your needs but all of ours whether it's your right or wrong... Beg your pardon followed by are u having a stroke ... &@#^ u too

  6. @@Sharon1964

    Good god, this is a big bowl of "word salad." I'm going to guess it was made by someone trolling.


    The term word salad refers to a random words or phrases linked together in an often unintelligible manner. Often, a listener is unable to understand the meaning or purpose of the phrase. Mental health issues can often be the cause of disorganized speech such as word salad. ** See: "Beg your pardon?"

    Conditions that Lead to Speaking a Word Salad

    ** Trolling, alcohol and recreational drugs





    Receptive aphasia

    Anoxic brain injury

    Word Salad Examples

    ** the original post by the op and most of the follow-up

    The sheep languished blue trains suffer

    Windows books dogs hands run

    Run desk making dinner sunglasses menu

    Folders pile swimming red clouds

    Sadness cups coffee printer power outage

    Porch steps run come here

    Dogs sleep chicken pencil trees

    E-mail purple orange swims blackened

    Garbage pink composition solely bags speak deodorant

    Take sharpness filling soda cans

    Wetness smooth dancing sheep

    Horse paper handbags skipping forests play together

    In worlds with pencils, schools page drink slime

    Loving living nectar of bees of pollen and butterflies run amok

    Children bikes cars sliding

    Typing while sleeping and running while cat

    Over the hills, cloud blue a shelf lay fuschia

    Labels and rash, files are landing

    Wall speaks windy hot mess

    Brightness foresees the rug

    Dirty slime amidst antiquated hoopla

    Take shirt slam crazy bike tires in afternoon

    Amongst all confused working fly

    Sensibly effort compound bed bubble

    Kings sense jester realize tongues poetry

    Words hard journal describe impossible

    Religious hair coma machine idea hate

    Interesting hospital interpreting description extreme encounter

    Junction one distant fragile mine

    Death wretched addled else finally chant mind sea backgrounds

    Obey space cat disjointed languages swearing admit stranger bit dressing

    Picture cake chocolate rambling UFO solar here fuse barking

    Online signature basic color sleep ideas class

    Dog bike cat sat sit down under sleep jump

    Now later red cat boat ship house girl

    Word Salad on TV

    Word Salad is also sometimes used for comedic reasons on television, in music, movies, and other media. Some examples are:

    The Muppet Show's music often contains words strung together that do not make sense

    The Happy Noodle Boy comics by Jhonen Vasquez

    Hubba Hubba Zoot Zoot, a song by Carumba

    Worm Quartet, a comedy music act

    Drinking Out of Cups, spoken word by Dan Deacon

    Hatsune Miku's song Francium

    Popular website LOLCats

    Rutland Weekend Television's sketch “Gibberish” by Eric Idle

    Monty Python's Flying Circus

    Some of the comics of Calvin And Hobbe's

    A stand-up act by now deceased George Carlin included Word Salads such as “Niz fluk bwarney quando floo!”

    The play Dogg's Hamlet by Tom Stoppard

    Now you have seen a lot of different examples of word salad. Since word salad is just nonsense words or phrases, you can easily create your own examples at any time.

    no trolls here .. Now what.. Eat a salad,,, BOooooooo.., ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  7. I see why it's an African American and an Espanol separate convo ...Beg your Pardon.. Say what you mean .. Who says beg your pardon in 2015 are you having a stroke ?.., then the cheerleaders .. I get other post when they say yall run people away ,

  8. I don't understand your post so I was asking for clarification.

    Are you having a stroke?

    really for 1964 to ask if I was having a stroke and me not take that a certain type of way ... Why would u speak a stroke in my life off my rant. For her cheerleaders.. Your girl started it.Why say are you having a stroke but to f with me. How u go from need clarification to r u having a stroke .. This site for the birds...

  9. I'm not an over eater I'm a grazer! I graze with carbs that's what's my problem. Plus I gained weight over last 2 years because of traumatic life experiences. I feel like no one (WLS) is bigger than the other! We all are playing with God's plan whether it's a band (God didn't create me with a band) or sleeve and even RNY. Just like those that take insulin shots or pills .. Let's not get into the heart or kidney transplants... But we abuse his temple and I just want to live for him and my kids reap his blessings. It matters if I'm physically and spiritually available .., right now I'm not! Stop trying to make it like what I'm doing is the worst.✌✌✌Rant

    Could you please explain what you mean by all of this? It makes no sense. And frankly as a Christian you replies make ALL of us and Christ look bad. So either nicely explain yourself,apologize for your snarky behavior and hang around learn andd share,OR just be quiet and Go A way.
    you go away!
    what Christian would tell a soul to go away ... Wow .. U on Jesus team fighting for souls ... Naw u get in where u fit in ... Miss me

  10. I get that it is a "rant" and that you are "physically and spiritually unavailable".

    I don't understand the "stop trying to make it like what I'm doing is the worst", unless its a general statement referring to people in your life that have said something to you. I don't believe this was directed to someone here, right?

    why would it be to anyone of you that I don't know... Genius

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