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Posts posted by goblue9280

  1. Turkey Meatballs with Zucchini

    So I kind of came up with this recipe and I've made it a few times this week. I plan on making it tomorrow in a bigger batch for the family as an appetizer/side dish. I like it because it takes me under 10 mins to prep and cook, and uses very few ingredients... hard to mess up.


    • 3 small frozen turkey meatballs (I have a couple bags of kroger brand in the freezer)
    • fresh garlic - 1 clove (remove skin, cut in half longways)
    • olive oil - 1-2 tsp
    • half a medium zucchini (I core it with a spoon and cut it into small pieces about 1/2" long and 1/4" wide)
    • 2-3 tablespoons of tomato/spaghetti sauce (I'm using light smart by prego)
    • grated or shredded Parmesan (2 tsp or so)
    • salt to taste


    1. Heat olive oil in small saucepan over medium heat
    2. Saute garlic for a minute or so... remove before it browns/burns
    3. Add zucchini to the pan of oil and toss to coat
    4. Heat meatballs 30 seconds or so in the microwave to defrost, then cut them in half
    5. Add meatballs to pan cooking them on both sides to desired crust
    6. Cook zucchini to desired doneness (I like mine nicely brown and super soft)
    7. Remove pan from heat and let cool for a minute or so
    8. Add Tomato sauce and quickly toss to coat meatballs and zucchini (could also be done in a mixing bowl, as you want to do this fast so the tomato sauce doesn't burn in the pan)
    9. Plate and top with Parmesan and salt to taste. I bought a can of kraft grated Parmesan with Italian seasoning that I like, but fresh would probably be even better.

    Anyhow, I love how it comes out... very filling. MyFitnessPal calculates it around 160 calories, 10g Protein, 10g of fat, 8g carbs for the above serving.

  2. Here's how it went for me. I was diagnosed as pre-diabetic right before I moved to Texas almost 9 years ago. I didn't go see a doctor down here until about a year or so later, at which point I was diagnosed as type 2. Started on Metformin and glimipiride. Ended up switching off of Metformin and going with 2 doses of glimipiride due to diarrhea issues. Had been on that up until last year when my blood sugar kept getting up between 250-350. Was started on lantus daily insulin injection... kept increasing dose, but never was able to bring my blood sugar down as I was eating like crap. I was usually in the 300-350 range right up until I started the 2-week pre-op diet in September.

    After starting the 2 week pre-op (all liquid) diet, my numbers started dropping drastically within a day or so, so I stopped taking the Lantus and have not taken it since. I also cut my glimipiride in half leading up to surgery. Since surgery, I'm taking 1/4 of the glimipiride dose I was taking before. Honestly, I haven't been checking my sugar levels, because I probably don't even need that anymore. I'll wait until December to see what my A1c says. Additionally, I'm off my cholesterol meds and only taking one of my blood pressure meds (will likely taper off that soon as well.)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving BG, you look great! I'll likewise be making your crustless pumpkin pie for tomorrow.

    First thing I notice about a lot of these progress pictures is how much healthier everyone looks in the eyes/face. It's like taking a decade or more of years off in just a matter of months. You're around 3/4 of the way to your goal, can't wait to see the pics when you finish off that final 1/4!

  4. Found an interesting review of this surgeon on another site... sounds very familiar.

    "My first post op visit I had lost 14 lbs. My 3 month post op visit I had lost a total of 35 lbs. At my 6 month visit I had only lost an additional 3 lbs. I never lost anything after that. Dr. Lucktong told me I wasn't eating right and needed to exercise more. I had a physical demanding job and was doing Water aerobics 4 days per week. When I went back to him 3 years post op I was 25 lbs heavier than my pre surgery weight. He told me that I had stretched my pouch out and insurance would not cover a revision. I asked if I needed to come back anymore and he said no. I am now seeing another surgeon who found gastro gastric fistula and said that my stomach was never completely stapled from my pouc h in the original surgery. Dr. Lucktong wouldn't listen to me and would not even consider the fact that maybe there was something wrong.

    March 31, 2011"

  5. I'm taking the following (linked), all are Bariatric Advantage brand:

    1. Multi w/iron - 3 times per day
    2. Chewable Probiotic - Once per day, take in the morning with my first multivitamin
    3. Vitamin D - Once per day, take a lunch with my 2nd multivitamin
    4. Calcium Citrate (500mg) - 3 times per day, spaced two hours after taking multivitamins

    My surgeon also has me on 40mg of Nexium and Ursodiol twice a day, but those shouldn't be permanent.

  6. Anyone have issues with evening/night hunger or tips on controlling it? Typically I have zero hunger in the morning and it builds through out the day. I'm working hard to try and get myself on schedule where I eat 3 small meals a day plus a mid morning Protein Shake and an afternoon snack. However, I'm finding I routinely have hunger before bed, and sometimes will have a small meal/snack which I know isn't good right before bed.

    I'm sticking to my portion limit of 1/2 cup of food. Here's my typical day: I pretty much force myself to eat something around 9-10am (like a pouch of tuna, or 1.5 veggie Breakfast patties) then I'll have a Premier Protein shake around noon, small meal around 2pm, if I need it a snack around 4-5pm (2/3's of a yogurt or cheese stick) and then finally a small meal around 7-8pm (usually 1/2 cup of refried black Beans or turkey chili or another tuna pouch.) Then I may have something around 10-11pm... I'll do something like a bit of sauteed zucchini, or a no sugar added fruit cup... but occasionally it may be 1/2 cup portion of beans/chili/etc.

    I've read quite a bit elsewhere that it is likely due to buildup of stomach acid. Eating causes the stomach acid to empty, thus relieving the hunger. Anyone else find ways to deal with the acid buildup without resorting to eating?

  7. I think it would be an interesting study to compare WLS patients that frequently engage here versus those that attend support groups versus those that don't seek outside support. This site has been has been absolutely vital to my WLS journey, and I know will play a huge role in my long term success.

  8. My wife is overweight and when I had my surgery, she went on a diet. She has been extremely frustrated, as she hasn't been losing much weight. I'm 6 weeks out and I haven't told her how much I've lost since week 2 as it just depresses her. She works nights, and I think that's one of the biggest contributors to why she is struggling to lose weight. She told me the other night that she wants me to lose weight, but only to a point... and that point is she doesn't want me to weigh less than her. I know she supports me, loves me and wants me to succeed, but I recognize this is an emotional journey for her as well. I can be tough at times, because I feel I've become closed off to her with regards to the weight loss... with that, I'm thankful to have this forum where I can open up to the BP community.

  9. I'm not disagreeing with your point, but I have to ask, what are the expectations of someone when posting to a public Internet forum? I know personally when I put up a post, I want unfiltered responses, I don't need there to be a pitchfork limit if a mob forms. I'll weed through the replies to find the useful information, and if the thread has run its course, I'll simply stop coming back to read more.

  10. Most people don't get bone skinny after RNY... I believe average weight loss is around 70% of your excess weight. For me, WLS was all about my commorbidities... Diabetes, HBP, cholesterol... I knew I couldn't continue with the yo-yo dieting. Honestly, if I was under 100 lbs overweight, and did not have the other issues, I probably wouldn't have done it. However, I know would have ended up down this road eventually as I could never sustain weight loss.

  11. I'm 35, had surgery on a Thursday and was discharged around noon the next day. Pain was very manageable in the hospital. They sent me home with pain pills which I took a couple of the first two days home, after that I didn't need them. I slept a lot the first three days, by day 4 I felt good. I went back to my desk job on day 6. Pain was not too bad. I had a lot of gas pain across my back between my shoulders. A bit of pain at the incision sites but not too bad. My abdominal muscles were very sore for the first 4 days or so... felt like I was kicked in the stomach a bunch. Again though, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and was very manageable. Your experience may be different, but I bet at your age you'll do great! Good luck!

  12. Don't do this. When your local specialty store goes out of business because everyone uses them as a fitting store only... where will you get fitted?

    My middle school daughter started cross country last year, so we went to the local, well-recommended running store. They analyzed her arch, stride etc and set her up with a pair of shoes. Prices were in-step (pun intended) with what online stores charged. Additionally they had a 30 day return policy if there was any discomfort with the shoes, and they give you a punch card so that after you buy 6 pairs from them, your 7th is free.

    The best idea is to go to a shoe store and have them fit you. Then go buy the shoes online and save like $30 because specialty running stores are expensive, lol.

  13. Went to Chicago last weekend (never been) with my sons hockey team. We went to Portillo's where I saw char grilled polish sausages and dipped italian beef sandwiches... also went to Giorodano's for some Chicago pizza. I was good, I ate 1/2 cup of chili at Portillo's and one meatball at Giorodano's... but the entire time I'm thinking of how good the other food looks. I too wish I had your problem, lol.

  14. Great topic as I just bought a spiralizer attachment for my kitchenaid mixer last week. I made some squash and zucchini noodles last week and did not have a problem with them. I've also been sauteing some cut up zucchini this week and eating that. I like it nicely browned and a little soft, but I'm still getting the hang of cooking it. There's two things I found that can make it tricky to cook it the way you want: 1. Zucchini holds a ton of Water, 2. when it releases that Water it tends to suck up the oil. First batch of noodles I did last week I used too much olive oil (you don't need much) and let it cook too long. It lost its noddle-ness and was too soggy and oily. I'm hoping this weekend to cook some turkey or chicken meatballs in the crock pot and make some more zucchini noodles. Let me know if you come across any good zucchini recipes as I'm loving the flavor right now.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
