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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tmcx28

  1. To shrink my liver and reduce fat in the area. He didn't specifically say to lose weight. I'm just wondering if anyone else had this happen, after reading the site for a while it seemed like others lost a decent amount of weight during their diets and I'm already stuck.
  2. I'm allowed the cottage cheese and cream of wheat but I haven't been eating them. I actually ate it the first couple days and was losing weight. I'm watching my carbs and keeping my sugars as low as possible. I guess I'll try cutting out some soup and up my Water and see what happens.
  3. tmcx28


    I've been crying over everything. The preop diet has been rough! A sudden drop in calories, sugar, and carbs has not been kind. Im hungry and exhausted which apparently makes me incredibly emotional.
  4. I'm on my preop diet for thanksgiving! A little bummed but we did do a thanksgiving dinner 2 weeks ago. I'll be home by myself sipping on my protein shake and watching football.
  5. When is your surgery? & I am sorry that no one is close to help you but live up the 24/7 service lol My surgery is next Tuesday! I do have my parents and siblings about 45 minutes away so they'll be over on the weekend to help me out if I need it but they can't just pop over whenever. I'm sure everything will be just fine though, it seems like a lot of people are recovering quickly!
  6. tmcx28

    Can't drink protein

    I just bought a box of premier protein shakes from BJs and they're not super thick! For 30 grams of protein in a small shake I was pleasantly surprised and they can certainly be watered down a bit if need be.
  7. I have a two night stay. Surgery is Tuesday morning and I'll be discharged Thursday. I'm okay with that because I live alone and don't have family close by. The hospital has wifi so I'll just bring my ipad and headphones and hang out in my comfy pants watching Netflix until they set me free
  8. I'm with you. Mine is one week from today, too! It doesn't feel real yet. I know what I've been working toward these last 6 months but I can't believe it's actually going to happen, I keep thinking they're going to call and take back my approval or something. I'm going to be super nervous for the next week!
  9. I called my insurance at 12:30 to ask if they had received the packet and they said they did have it, and at 1:30 my surgical coordinator emailed me to say that my surgery was approved. I'm guessing that once they had to look at it because I called they just went ahead and approved it. Doesn't hurt to call them and give a little shove!
  10. My last visit with my surgeon was last Wednesday, my surgical coordinator sent in the authorization to my insurance company on Friday, and I just got word that I was approved! I've already been on my pre-op diet for a few days and was tentatively scheduled for December 1st so I was REALLY nervous about not hearing from my insurance or possibly getting denied. Looks like 1 week from today I'll be sleeved!
  11. tmcx28

    Pre op diet opinions

    I started my pre-op diet last Friday, I'm on mostly liquids with the exception of yogurt, Jello, pudding, and cottage cheese. Tomato soup has been my savior, it makes me feel like I'm still allowed food. The only advice I can give is to make sure you have food on your plan prepared and within reach. I'm fine one minute and then feel like I'm starving the next and a couple of times I've almost reached for things I'm not supposed to have. I have a cooler by my desk at work with jello and yogurt, at home I have containers of everything prepared. Popsicles have also been a great distraction, the sugar free tropical ones are super good and help with the head hunger. I'm down 5 lbs already, it's craziness!
  12. I'm only a couple days in and it's definitely a struggle! I'm exhausted physically and mentally, I cried while watching a Food Network show lol. Just one more week. We can do it
  13. That seems expensive! I think I paid around $10 for my chewables from vitacost, I don't think there are as many tablets in the bottle but it's a months worth.
  14. tmcx28


    I'm just one day in to my preop diet and I've said "Im dying" at least 20 times. I know I can make it, and I refuse to cheat, but it is TOUGH! I'm just going to nap for the next 9 days. That's my plan.
  15. tmcx28


    I'm still pre-op and my multi vitamin makes me sick! If I take it on an empty stomach I feel AWFUL about 15 minutes later. I've started taking it at night after I've eaten and it works out better for me. My chewables give me no problems at all
  16. tmcx28

    I found my protein!

    I also love the Syntrax Nectar... i mix them with Water and it taste very good. To me it taste like snapple just a bit watery i did the strawberry kiwi one ...I haven't tried the strawberry kiwi yet! I heard great things about the fuzzy navel so I was excited to try it and so far I've liked it the least! I'm drinking the cherry right now and it's not too bad, I think if I mixed it in to a cherry crystal light it would be something I could drink regularly. I'll be trying the strawberry kiwi tomorrow when I start my pre-op diet
  17. tmcx28

    I found my protein!

    I just got my sample pack of the Syntrax Nectar flavors, I'm hoping I find a winner in one of these! The milky flavors just aren't cutting it for me, if none of these work then I'm going to pick up a few bottles of the Isopure.
  18. tmcx28

    The Last Supper

    I start my 10 day diet tomorrow! Thankfully my doctor allows things like yogurt, cottage cheese, and pureed soups because I think that's the only thing that's going to get me through!
  19. tmcx28

    PCP approval

    You know, I was really worried my primary would be against me having the surgery because we're both the same age and I thought she would judge me for it and she was actually very supportive. She just asked which surgery I was looking in to and she said "Oh that's great I went to a seminar on that this year!" and wrote my letter on the spot. They may surprise you! Even if they're against weight loss surgery in general, their only job in this process (if you're doing your supervised diet, if you have one, through your surgeons office) is to state that you meet the medical necessity guidelines. If they're unwilling to do that then I'm sure your surgeon can point you in the right direction.
  20. I did the entire thing through my surgeons office. My surgical coordinator at my surgeons office basically gave me a timeline of things required by my insurance and set everything up for me. I had 3 (maybe 4?) nutritionist visits, 3 visits with my surgeon, an endoscopy (surgeon requirement, not insurance), blood work, and a psych eval. With the 6 month diet there's nothing really for your primary to do other than make suggestions on losing weight and have you come in regularly for weigh ins to make sure you're actually losing.
  21. I was asked to stop them because some pills carry an increased risk of blood clots. My pills give me high blood pressure so it was best for me to stop them for the time being anyway even without the chance of blood clots.
  22. tmcx28

    HELP! RE: psych eval ????

    Are you going through health insurance for the eval? My insurance provider search options actually let you search for psych familiar with bariatric counseling. Maybe yours has something similar?
  23. tmcx28

    Meeting my Surgeon Monday

    Congrats! My first visit with my surgeon was basically lots of paperwork, going over my medical history, and him discussing the pros and cons of each surgery in depth. I also met with my surgical coordinator who gave me the ins and outs of my insurance requirements and made me a packet with a time line of what I needed done and around when I should do it by. It seemed like a lot to take in and with all of my requirements I thought these 6 months would feel like forever but they've flown by!
  24. I start my pre-op diet this weekend, and since thanksgiving is right in the middle of it my family decided to move thanksgiving to last Saturday so I could enjoy it. That was a good enough last meal for me!
  25. tmcx28


    My nutrition visits were covered in full with no copay. It all depends on your insurance and whether the nutritionist you're seeing takes insurance or not. I did have to pay a good chunk of change for the psych visit because my surgeon sends everyone to the same psych who didn't take my insurance.

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