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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tmcx28

  1. Traveling comfortably. I've always wanted to do a lot of traveling but haven't been able to because of my weight. My hips hurt if I walk too long, airplane seats are uncomfortable, driving long distances makes my back hurt, I'm ALWAYS hungry I had my surgery this Tuesday and I have a trip to the Bahamas booked for May, I can not wait! Bathing suits, shopping for vacation clothes in regular stores, not being too self conscious to talk to men, I'm really looking forward to it
  2. tmcx28

    Hospital stay question

    I had my surgery this past Tuesday morning and was released yesterday. Honestly, I would have loved another day in the hospital. My large incision is pretty painful and I have trouble getting myself up off my couch or bed, I miss the hospital bed that would sit me up! I do understand why people want to get home ASAP, I'm happy to be home, I just miss being taken care of lol.
  3. tmcx28

    Started the liquid diet

    I promise it gets better! My first 2 days everything tastes gross to me. sugar free Jello and sugar free pudding was just bland and I had a hard time choking it down.. But by day 5 it seemed to taste differently. I actually started to like the premier Protein drinks. Now I'm 2 days post op and the Protein Drinks are gross again, hopefully my taste buds will adjust because I'm not throwing these out! The hunger also fades overtime!
  4. I brought baby wipes, Chapstick, my own slipper socks with grips on the bottom cause the ones from the hospital just don't cut it, my phone and charger, a kindle, my own pillow, gas x strips, dry shampoo cause my hair gets icky fast, loose pajama pants, and my toothbrush
  5. Congrats! My pre-op and post-op diet is the same. I'm allowed things like cottage cheese, light Greek yogurt, sugar free Jello and pudding, blenderized low fat Soups, Protein drinks, etc. I went to BJs before my surgery and picked up a case of the premier Protein Drinks and they also had a box of 24 assorted sugar free jellos and puddings. I'm only 2 days out from surgery and still in the hospital so I have no desire to eat anything, we'll see what my taste buds like when I get home.
  6. tmcx28

    Surgery tomorrow 12/3

    You'll do great! I do have Tylenol with codeine but haven't taken it yet cause I'm still in the hospital. I had my surgery yesterday and I am nauseous now but I think it has to do with the fact that I'm not allowed to eat or drink until tomorrow. Just remember to keep pushing that pain med button and don't be afraid to tell them you feel sick! My zofran is scheduled every 6 hours but when it got really bad they gave me a suppository that worked wonders. My pain is minimal aside of my one large incision, but I make sure I'm pressing my pain med button religiously. I never thought I'd be looking forward to sugar free jello! And nurses really are the most wonderful people ever. I've been waited on hand and foot, I feel like I have 5 moms taking care of me!
  7. Thank you! Today I'm pretty nauseous, I think it may have to do with the fact that I haven't eaten or drank anything since Monday night. Really looking forward to sipping some Water in the morning! Pain is pretty minimal, my back hurts more from the hospital bed than anything!
  8. tmcx28

    Any December Sleever's?

    That's what's great about having a site like this, we're all going through a similar process so there's so many people to talk to about it. I was absolutely terrified of going under anesthesia and was expecting the worst but it really couldn't have gone any better. I've barely even had any nausea or pain! Good luck with your journey, your turn will be here before you know it!
  9. tmcx28

    Any December Sleever's?

    My surgery is Tuesday, I'm feeling the exact same way. I've been having crazy panic attacks all weekend. I spent hours googling the risks of the surgery and anesthesia cause I'm terrified of not waking up. I'm only 28, I have no comorbidities, and I've gotten my BMI down to 40 throughout the process, but I'm still so scared something could go wrong. I'm trying to be in good spirits for the sake of my family (who is panicking just as much!) but jeez it's hard. I don't think I'll be getting much sleep for the next couple of days! I didn't sleep at all last night either. Good luck on Tuesday. Let's reconnect later in the week so we can share our actual experiences! Good luck today! Everything went really well on my end and I felt so silly for driving myself crazy about it. Let me know how yours goes!
  10. My stomach and neck/collar bone area goes first.. Which I'm totally okay with but my butt and hips are dead last!
  11. The only people I told were my mom, step dad, a cousin and aunt, and my best friend. I'm not ashamed of having the surgery, I just didn't want people to try to talk me out of it. I didn't even tell my dad because he lives across the country and I didn't want to worry him. I'm currently laying in my hospital bed after having the surgery just this morning and I've told a few more friends and they've been wonderful. As time goes on I'll reveal it a bit more, this is the best thing I've ever done for myself.
  12. Glad to hear that! I was VERY scared the last few days and had to do everything in my power not to back out. This morning I was anxious but once they brought me in to get prepped and got to talk to all of the nurses I felt much more at ease. As long as I keep pressing my button for my pain meds I feel pretty great! Good luck to you, it'll be here before you know it
  13. Thank you! The endoscopy is a piece of cake! Good luck on your journey, it goes by fast
  14. I'm out of surgery and everything went really well! The gas pain is nooooo joke, but the pain from the surgery itself is minimal. Not up and walking around just yet but they said they'd get me up and moving a little later. I can't believe I did it!!
  15. Just arrived at the hospital! Thank you everyone!
  16. Thank you everyone! I'm definitely not going to be able to sleep tonight, but I'm not having a panic attack anymore so that's a plus. Just ready to to be on the other side of it now!
  17. tmcx28


    I'm with you, 12 hours until I check in! So so anxious!
  18. tmcx28

    Protein Powder

    I tried their sample pack and the only one I liked was the cappuccino! My coworker ordered the Now unflavored 100% pure isolate from Amazon and just tried it in her Crystal Lite and it had no flavor at all, so I think that's what I'm going to try next!
  19. Yup! My mom is coming with me.
  20. tmcx28

    2 weeks

    Absolutely. My surgery is Tuesday and I keep thinking "I've done the preop diet just fine, there's no reason I can't lose weight on my own", but I've done it a hundred times and it never stuck. I'm super scared. I'm afraid of the surgery and the possibility of something happening, and I'm afraid because I can't imagine a life where I'm not overweight even though I desperately want it.
  21. I saw my nutritionist once a month and we set a goal to accomplish for that month. The first was to give up coffee. Not everyone has to do that but the way that I like my coffee comes close to 300 calories! That was a tough one since I was drinking 2 a day. I switched to tea instead. Others were to switch to low fat cheese (2% American cheese tastes better than the regular kind!), cut way down on starchy foods, go for walks on my days off, and practicing chewing well and waiting to drink after eating. I'm pretty proud of myself, really!
  22. tmcx28

    Fun thread !

    Not having my hips squished when I'm on a plane! Being able to keep up with my fit friends when we're walking around the city, participating in fun 5k races, shopping in the same stores as my friends, not waking up with crazy lower back pain every day.. I think I could go on forever!
  23. tmcx28

    Any December Sleever's?

    My surgery is Tuesday, I'm feeling the exact same way. I've been having crazy panic attacks all weekend. I spent hours googling the risks of the surgery and anesthesia cause I'm terrified of not waking up. I'm only 28, I have no comorbidities, and I've gotten my BMI down to 40 throughout the process, but I'm still so scared something could go wrong. I'm trying to be in good spirits for the sake of my family (who is panicking just as much!) but jeez it's hard. I don't think I'll be getting much sleep for the next couple of days!
  24. Is there anyone that had a stall or didn't lose much during their pre-op diet? I've been on mine for 6 days now, I lost 4 lbs within the first 3 days and I've been stuck at the same exact weight down to the ounce for the rest of the time. My pre-op diet isn't as strict as some since I'm allowed puréed Soups, cottage cheese, yogurt, and cream of wheat but I've been sticking mostly to my shakes, sugar free Jello, sugar free Popsicles, and a cup of Soup at lunch and dinner (which is only 100 calories a piece!) I feel like I'm going to go in for surgery on Tuesday and my doctor is going to think I didn't follow the plan!
  25. I went to BJs and found packs of 24 mixed sugar free jello and puddings, sugar free Popsicles, chicken broth, and premier protein. I also have some yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, and puréed soups since those are allowed on my pre and post op diet. My surgery is Tuesday, I THINK I'm ready.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
