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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tmcx28

  1. tmcx28

    Protein shakes

    Unflavored for me. I like having more options of what to mix it in and milk just doesn't sit right after surgery.
  2. tmcx28

    Post-Op Meatballs

    I'm on all foods now but meatballs are still a favorite! So easy to make small portions and get in my protein. I make a huge batch with homemade sauce and freeze them two portions at a time. I don't even miss the pasta I used to eat with them
  3. tmcx28

    Water Help!

    Water doesn't sit well with me either, I'm almost 6 weeks out. Crystal light is much better going down but it took a few tries to find a flavor I could tolerate. Fruit punch and strawberry lemonade have been good to me!
  4. If you do everything required by your insurance there's no reason they should deny you! Really embrace those 6 months, use it to kick some bad habits and make small changes while you have your doctors and nutritionists as your support system. It went by so fast for me but it was great to have an entire team of people to help me along the way. You'll do great! Good luck!
  5. I recommend trying Fairlife milk! Regular milk made me feel terrible (yet I tolerate cheese just fine), I saw small bottles of this as Target for $1.79ish and noticed it was lactose free so I figured it was worth a shot. It's awesome! It has almost twice the protein per serving, much less sugar, more calcium, and it tastes creamy. I was amazed. It's a little pricey at over $3 for a half gallon but it's worth it. My stomach had absolutely no reaction.
  6. Today was this: Breakfast: Egg with cheese and a slice of bacon Snack: light babybel cheese Lunch: zucchini noodles (very little) with 2 oz chicken baked with a roasted red pepper and basil Snack: Birthday cake muscle butter with 1/4th if an apple Dinner: teeny tiny burger with cheese, no bun Babybel cheese and pepperoni have been favorite Snacks, I've also been eating turkey meatballs and shepherds pie made with ground turkey and cauliflower mash. Pinterest has been my best friend. I have so many low carb/keto recipes saved. I feel like I'm still able to eat amazing food just much much less of it.
  7. tmcx28

    Unflavored protein powder

    https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0013OWAB4?vs=1 This is what I buy. Mixes really well in Crystal Light, I have a 32 oz Water bottle and I put a scoop at a time. So 2 bottles in and I get all of my fluids and almost all of my Protein. And it's inexpensive!!
  8. tmcx28

    Fluid intake

    I had a LOT of gurgling and burping at first! I'm a month out now and can drink pretty normally, it was so hard for me at first because I was super uncomfortable. The more you do it the easier it gets. Every day is a little better.
  9. tmcx28

    Protein Problems

    http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0015AQL1Q/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?qid=1451476224&sr=8-1π=SY200_QL40&keywords=now+unflavored+isolate&dpPl=1&dpID=51hFosgM8SL&ref=plSrch&th=0 I can't recommend this stuff enough (needs to be the isolate! The concentrate is awful!). I had a hard time getting my Protein in until I bought this. My body just doesn't like dairy right now and there's NO way I can do regular Protein shakes. I bought this stuff and I mix a scoop in to 32 oz of crystal lite and it's great! Barely changes the flavor, just sort of makes it taste like Jello. Now I'm able to get both my protein and my fluids in all in one shot. I also mixed it in to puréed foods to get a little extra in for the day.
  10. Are you watching the size of the bites you're taking and taking a little break in between them? I find it feels like food gets stuck in my esophagus if I don't chew well enough or my bites are too big. If it still feels like things are getting stuck talk to your surgeon to make sure things are alright.
  11. tmcx28


    I was the exact same weight for close to two weeks, then i lost the 2 lbs. I didn't mean I gradually dropped down 2 lbs over those 2 weeks.
  12. tmcx28


    I stalled at 2 weeks! My first week I lost 11 lbs, I was so excited. Then from December 10th to the 22nd I only lost 2 lbs. It finally moved once I was able to get in my protein and fluids, it seems to be pretty steady again. I'm trying to weigh myself less to be able to ignore the stalls, I'm only 3.5 weeks out and my body is doing crazy stuff and I get a little obsessed with stepping on the scale!
  13. tmcx28


    I was allowed any medication smaller than an M&M right after surgery, but I know others who had to crush theirs or open the capsules.
  14. As of yesterday in 3 weeks out, 17 lbs down, and 21 lbs down since my preop diet. I think I'm off to a good start!
  15. It's super exciting! The excitement didn't really hit me until I sat with my surgical coordinator and she handed me a timeline of appointments I was going to have. It goes by super fast!
  16. I'm 3 weeks out as of yesterday, I feel awesome! I seem to be one of those people who didn't lose the hunger. That's totally fine with me, I have a couple tablespoons of chicken salad and I'm full. It's amazing. I do, however, have a ton of pain at my large incision. At 2 weeks out I felt awesome and had very little pain. Now I can barely bend over. I called my surgeon and he said it seems like I started getting more active after I felt better and started doing more than I should. I guess it's more time on the couch with some movies until I'm feeling better again. I'm down 17 lbs since surgery, 21 since my pre-op diet, and 31 overall. My weigh loss stalled for 12 days!! I was hoping to lose a bit more than I have but I have to put in to perspective that 17 lbs is more than I lost on my entire 6 month diet. Trying to be a bit more patient.
  17. I'm three weeks out today. My FAVORITE thing is finely shredded chicken (that I pulsed in a food processor so it's super small), with Frank's buffalo sauce and fat free ranch. I'm also eating a lot of chicken salad with light mayo, egg salad, and shredded chicken with sugar free BBQ sauce. Almost everything I'm eating is Protein, although I did have shredded chicken on top of a little mashed potatoes with gravy and it was amazing. I'm also mixing unflavored protein in with my crystal light and I'm finally able to get my protein and fluids in.
  18. I felt that way too. I definitely do get hungry (real hunger, not head hunger), despite people saying it's impossible. Once I switched to pureed food and was able to eat something with substance I finally felt satisfied. You'll get there!
  19. http://lilluna.com/cream-cheese-bean-dip/ I've been making this bean dip during my puréed stage and it's delicious! I've used MUCH less sour cream and cream cheese though, it really doesn't need it. The light sour cream and cream cheese work just fine. When I make it for myself I even mix some unflavored Protein in for a little added bonus.
  20. I haven't purchased any cookbooks, but I do have a Pinterest and if you search for bariatric recipes you'll get a ton of great options! I've also saved a lot of low carb recipes for when I'm finally able to eat all foods again. Oh! And skinnytaste.com has great recipes! She takes a lot of great meals and makes them healthier, her portions are usually smaller too!
  21. tmcx28

    I'm scared

    Take tiny bites and let it sit for a couple before taking another, especially when trying something new. Sometimes I accidentally eat a bit too fast and it tries to come back up. I haven't thrown up at all but I'm always afraid to!
  22. Every day for the first week. In the hospital wasn't so bad, I just hated dragging my IV around and I felt so helpless. But once I got home I felt like crap, I couldn't get down my pain meds cause they tasted awful, everything I ate made my stomach gurgle, I couldn't get my fluids in.. But every day has gotten a little better! I feel good!
  23. My friend that had the sleeve threw up a lot in the hospital. So much that she had to stay 2 extra days because she couldn't keep anything down. I was lucky not to, but I had read so many stories of people getting sick that I was afraid I would. It seems to be a regular thing.
  24. tmcx28

    Watching others eat. Revulsion.

    I've had the same feelings, but it wasn't because of how much food others were eating it was simply seeing the food itself. My stomach is pretty sensitive and even the sight of food is pretty off putting right now! I've been eating the same things every day.

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