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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tmcx28

  1. Sleeved 12/1, was 250 day of surgery and weighed 219 two days ago I assumed the weight would come off faster, but I'm still thrilled. I don't really know what I expected but I'm steadily losing 2-3 lbs a week. I notice a huge difference when I REALLY focus on my Water and Protein. Looking forward to getting out of the 200s soon!
  2. tmcx28

    What have I done?

    It gets better! I went through the same thing. In reality, there really isn't much you CANT have in the long run. I had a little bit of Pasta but made sure I ate the chicken first. I certainly won't make a habit out of it but it's nice to know that if I want a small portion I can have it and it's not the end of the world. I still get repulsed by some foods at 9 weeks out. Yogurt is absolutely disgusting and I can't get it down even though I try. Right after surgery Protein shakes in all forms made me gag. It's much more pleasant once you get moved to real food.
  3. When I started I told two people. A coworker who had also had the surgery, and one of my close friends. I didn't even tell my mother until I left my laptop open and she saw this site lol. That was about 3 months in to the process. I'm 28, so I figured most of my friends would try to talk me out of it. I'm the only one with weight issues. Once I had the surgery I finally told them and they were actually super supportive. I've told most of my family and a lot of my friends but I don't say anything about it unless they notice I'm losing weight and ask what I'm doing. I didn't want any negativity, I didn't want them to spend time telling me how to lose weight without it, so I just did it and didn't tell anyone.
  4. tmcx28

    Back at it again.

    The 6 months will go by so fast! I felt like I had just started when my surgical coordinator called and gave me a surgery date, I couldn't believe it.
  5. tmcx28


    I had staples, I do have a bunch of little dots all around my tummy. It's a bit frustrating because the lines from the incisions themselves are pretty minimal it's the scars from the stupid staples that are worse! I just keep a bottle of Vitamin e oil (that I got from Walmart in the vitamin section) around and I rub it on my scars every time I walk by it. They're still pretty fresh so I can't expect miracles. After I was in recovery I asked one of the nurses if I had staples or the strips and she said "Nope you're glued!" So imagine my surprise when my bandages started falling off...
  6. Starting weight: 267 First pictures - surgery day 12/1: 250 Second pictures - 8 weeks out: 220 Slowly but surely!
  7. For Vitamins I just got Centrum chewable Multivitamins as well as the dissolvable b12 and Biotin from Walmart. Inexpensive but does what it's meant to! I ordered powdered calcium citrate from vitacost, I mix it in to my Crystal Light. It's tasteless just a little chalky. I also bought Now Foods unflavored Protein isolate (the isolate part is important, the unflavored concentrate is disgusting) from Amazon for only $20 and I mix it in to Crystal Light and I drink it all day! It has a slight flavor, it kind of makes the Crystal Light taste like Jello, but I found I couldn't tolerate any milky Protein drinks after surgery. The Syntrax Nextars were okay, but I still didn't LIKE them like I hoped I would. The Cappuccino flavor was delicious before I had surgery but now I don't tolerate it well. It's certainly been trial and error figuring out what my sleeve likes. If I liked it before surgery I might not like it now
  8. I'm only 8 weeks out, but once I was cleared for solid foods at 4 weeks I just couldn't keep myself isolated anymore. I hadn't seen my friends since I started my pre-op diet. I'm young, I have a large group of friends, sitting at home and being a hermit wasn't doing me any good. I went to a bar with friends and ordered a burger without the bun, I also had a cheese stick and a Quest bar in my purse that I munched on when I got hungry. I was totally fine with being the designated driver and I got out of there spending only $20. I was on puréed/soft food during Christmas and still found things I could eat. I have yet to go anywhere that I couldn't find SOMETHING that fit in to my plan. I can't say I haven't made mistakes, but I've certainly learned lessons from them. 2 pieces of chocolate made me extremely sick. No throwing up, but I swore I was going to pass out. Sugar is a no-no now and since then my stomach is just repulsed by the thought of sweets. I actually feel really proud of myself when I make the decision not to have certain foods. I live alone, I could totally be stuffing myself with Pasta and bread (the foods I used to binge on before), but I've avoided it entirely and I don't even miss it. I thought it would get harder to stay away from certain foods once I was cleared for solids but it really does get easier the more you resist the temptation.
  9. I have a very obese father who raised me on his own and never taught me about portion sizes and healthy meals. I'm a fat kid turned fat adult. Then I finally started working out and eating healthy and I discovered alcohol. I gained about 70 lbs over the course of 2 years because I was going out 2-3 times a week. I started working out again, got down to 198 lbs from 255 and then I got dumped and I ate everything I could get my hands on and barely left my house. Ballooned back up to 267 pretty quickly. I've had two drinks since October, which is a HUGE deal for me. Those were post-surgery and I felt immediately sick so I have no desire to drink at all. I've also learned how to control my emotional eating and have been sticking to a super low carb diet. For once I feel like I can actually beat this obesity thing.
  10. tmcx28

    Incision pain

    My large incision was extremely painful for about a month. I think it had something to do with my internal stitches because it felt great when laying flat or when I held it tight, but sitting up and walking was a nightmare. One day I woke up and the pain was gone.
  11. I wish I knew! She had no pain at all. She was tired but we work in an office and there's nothing physical about our job. I felt a lot better than I expected to but I still had some pain and did a lot of sleeping.
  12. Two weeks, but I needed two and a half before I felt human again. My coworker that also had the sleeve was back to work after 5 days, I was super jealous.
  13. I was 27 and 265 lbs. Even though I wore my weight really well (my profile picture is actually a before picture) I just knew it was going to catch up to me and I was going to end up with serious health problems. I already had serious joint pain. What made me call a surgeon is when my dad came to visit. He's about 500 lbs and can barely make it up the 2 steps in to my house. He needs joint replacements, has serious heart problems, sleep apnea.. I felt like I was looking at my future. I'm 8 weeks out from surgery and 50 lbs down from when I started and I'm SO glad I called my surgeon when I did.
  14. tmcx28

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    Taco beef with low fat cheddar, avocado, salsa, and cottage cheese. Oh goodness it's so good! I used to eat this before with lettuce as a salad, so glad it's something I can eat without problems and it's loaded with Protein. Shepherds pie made with cauliflower mash A burger patty with cheese and avocado chicken scampi, without the Pasta I'm avoiding bread and pasta but for the most part I'm still eating foods I loved before, the recipes just have to be tweaked a little bit here and there!
  15. tmcx28

    Post Op Treat

    The day I got my surgery date I booked a trip to the Bahamas with a friend. I'm SO excited to be able to enjoy my vacation for once. May can't come soon enough!
  16. tmcx28


    At 4 weeks I think I finally felt normal drinking again. I'm 7 weeks out now and drinking like I was before surgery
  17. tmcx28

    Post op 6 weeks...

    I was cleared for solid foods at 4 weeks, so at 6 weeks out I usually make chicken in a sauce of some kind, a cheeseburger patty without the bun and some avocado, chili, I made some "unstuffed" cabbage the other night. I'm still leaning towards softer foods like the ground beef and chicken that can be shredded.
  18. Those snacks sound ok but none have Protein. How are you doing getting in all of your protein? If you aren't getting enough protein you will be hungry. I'm getting around 70-80 grams of protein a day. I'm not loading up in peppers and Popsicles, there's plenty of room for my protein.
  19. I do get REALLY hungry and the hunger pains are worse than before surgery. I'm taking Prilosec, I'm constantly drinking, so it's not acid or thirst. I keep super low calorie snacks around for when the hunger strikes in between meals. Pepper slices, sugar free Popsicles, cucumber.. Something just to make the hunger diminish but still healthy so I don't fall in to old habits.
  20. Yep, my arms and thighs are quite squishy now! Seems to me it's just because there's less fat in my skin and my skin needs a chance to catch up. I'm just trying to take my vitamins, hydrate, and lotion myself up like crazy person and hope for the best!
  21. tmcx28

    Why the Slime?

    I had it for the first time Monday. I started feeling like I was going to throw up and then saliva was practically pouring out of my mouth. I had no idea what to do! It was so strange, I've never experienced anything like that before.
  22. At 2 weeks out the scale at my doctors office showed that I was down 12 lbs since surgery, my doctor seemed thrilled with that. You've lost a great amount of weight so far. Just stay on your plan and it'll come off when it's ready.
  23. I'm only 6 weeks out, but the pros for me: Less back and hip pain! It's amazing!, I booked a Bahamas vacation for May and I'm not worried about having to wear a bathing suit, I fit in to my old clothes again, I have more energy, I can no longer binge eat, I actually have a chance at being healthy, knowing that I'm going to live a nice long life. Cons: Sometimes I forget I need to change the way I eat. Yesterday I didn't chew a piece of chicken well enough and had my first case of the slimes, oops! I REALLY have to plan going out with friends, I have to check menus of restaurants before we can pick a place. Thankfully my friends have been super accommodating. Even though my stomach is smaller I feel like I have to work so much harder, it's not just counting calories anymore. I'm counting my Protein, sugars, and carbs. Aside of Soup here and there literally everything I've eaten has been protein. There is no more eating something just because I want it, if it doesn't have nutritional value there's just no point for me to eat it. Compared to some, my recovery has been quite easy. I'd do it all over again in a heart beat. I'm looking forward to what's to come.
  24. I have a centrum adult chewable multi that is around $10 at Walmart for 100 pills, my b12 (also from Walmart) was around $5 for 200 pills. I wasn't about to spend a ton of money on my vitamins from bariatric websites, these work just fine for me!
  25. tmcx28

    Stall again!

    I feel like I'm stalled more often than not. I'm 6 weeks post op and down 23 lbs from day of surgery, which by most people's standards would be great! But I had such a huge weight loss my first two weeks that now I'm like "Well, this is my life now, I'm stuck here forever". I've been trying to be really active this week and everything that has gone in my mouth has been some form of protein so we'll see what the scale says when I weigh in with my doctor tomorrow!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
