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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Slim-Shady

  1. My sister and I did this together. One of the things we've learned is that we learn something new everyday! This journey is exciting, gratifying, and eye opening to say the least. It has highs, lows,and everything between the two! We both agree it is a physical, spiritual, and mental journey as well! In short, weight loss is but one aspect of the surgery! You will most certainly deal with each of these aspects on your journey! My advice, ask yourself why you're choosing this approach. Also ask yourself if once you are the pretty, skinny one, will that satisfy you? Are you choosing this route to prove your friends you can be the pretty skinny one, or for your health and wellness? How will you feel if your friends give you the cold shoulder once you achieve this goal due to WLS (something that is quite likely given their reaction at the mere mention of WLS)? Will that affect you profoundly, or will you be able to shrug it off? Are you seeking their approval simply because they've always been the skinny ones, and not you? Make sure you're doing this for you, and not just to prove a point! WLS is a big lifestyle adjustment, so make sure it's something you really want for you, and not to prove you can be skinny to others! As others have mentioned, your lifestyle will be changed forever! Whatever you decide, you will have to live with the decision; not your friends! Being the pretty skinny one will be a biproduct of WLS; just make sure it is not your driver!

    Good luck with whatever you decide!

  2. My sister and did it together, and we told our mom, and my husband. As another responder said, we are part of the EXTREMELY PRIVATE group. We've always been that way with every aspect of our lives! That has also meant that we don't feel obligated to give explanations to others about anything; least of all our WLS. Be it faimly, friends, or co-workers! We have a huge family where everyone always seems to be in everyone else's business, so we've had plenty of practice handling nosey people. We don't give others' interest a second thought. Heck, we don't give them a first thought, so no chance in getting to a second! I've read many posts where others find that difficult, and honestly, I can't relate!

    My recommendation is to keep it a secret for now. This will give you the opportunity to step back, and determine how you want to proceed. If you determine later that you don't mind others knowing, then you've lost nothing. On the other hand, if you tell others, and decide you don't want them knowing, you can't "un-tell" it! Your decision is just that, YOUR decision! Don't tell others simply out of obligation, or because you are trying to appease them and their comfort level! You may be perfectly ok telling everyone; there are many people here that took (and will take that approach). Whatever you decide, make sure it's what's best for you!

    Good luck on your journey!

  3. First let me say I'm glad to hear your husband is home and healing!!! Thank you so much for sharing your story! It is VERY inspiring! My sister and I had did this together in July, and we are constantly talking about how much we have (and continue to learn) along our journey. We seem to discover something new about ourselves everyday. This journey is not only a physical one, but a spiritual, and mental one. Keep going with your passion of drawing. I'm sure it is not only therapeutic, but sparks your creativity. You should make your drawings your diary/journal (you may already be doing that).

    I'll certainly include you and your family in my prayers! "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much". ~James 5:16

    P. S. Please share some of your drawings; we'd love to see them!

  4. The center who performed my surgery looked for that automatically. I guess I thought they all did. I was told that almost everyone has it, and that the insurance companies have to repair it. If possible, I would use a bariatric center who knows all of the insurance ins and outs to ensure your insurance covers as much as possible. In my case, I went to my initial consultation, and found out that day that my insurance did not cover WLS. They told me what my out of pocket expense would be if I had/didn't have a hiatal hernia. They scheduled an EGD (which the insurance company had to cover as well), and they confirmed the hernia. They provide pictures as proof for the insurance company and that was that! My surgery was scheduled, and I knew what my out of pocket costs would be. They also had a payment plan available no matter your credit. They repair the hernia, and perform the WLS at the same time. That's how they get around non-coverage.

  5. It sounds like your PCP has a personal bias against WLS. It may be time to reevaluate your PCP choice. Having WLS is a personal decision. If you want to have it, and your body is healthy enough, do it! You have to do what's best for you, not your doctor! I didn't have to get approval from my PCP, so have no idea how to get around that issue. However, I'd suggest asking your bariactric center for guidance. Good luck on your journey!

  6. After reading all of the responses, I was very fortunate! My sister and I did it together. We did our initial consult May 13. During our consult, we also had our physicals done. Once we discussed the procedure and how everything would work, we were given the option to have our physicals done and proceed with the process which included getting insurance approval. We had done our own research for quite some time, so we didn't have anything to think over! We were ready to proceed. We knew before we left the office whether our insurances covered the procedure, and there was no waiting period for either of us. We even knew the amount we would need to finance beyond what was covered by insurance, and they automatically financed it.

    The only waiting we had to do was due to openings on the calendar for our EGD (which was May 29, and the procedure itself, which was July 14). After our EGD on Friday, our insurances approved us by Tuesday. From consult to surgery was 2 months. Had there been openings on the calendar, the process might have taken us only 3 (maybe 4) weeks; and that would have only been to get a 2 week pre-op diet in.

  7. You are not alone in the way you are feeling! My sister and I did this together, and we have faced many of the same struggles. We were tired of Soups, broth, and Protein shakes; I detest the unflavored Protein powders! We are nearly 4 weeks post op, and Water still tastes funny to us (and we both used to love it). Oh, and Vitamins, "forget about it"! We tried Flintstone chewables, and they were horrible! I couldn't handle the taste, and though my sister doesn't like them, she can deal with them. We got samples of Bariatric Advantage Vitamins at our one-week check-up, and I could deal with those, but my sister couldn't. Manageable or not though, we both wanted over-the-counter vitamins so we could get them whenever we wanted, rather than have to wait for them to be delivered. As of today, we both still struggle with getting enough liquids, and protein. Basically, we've had those "I just want to cry moments" as well.

    Here's what we settled on. I take Centrum Chewables Adult (orange flavor). My sister takes flinstone Chewables. We both take two per day. We also use the New Whey Protein Shots which are 42 grams of protein. We both drink only half of it in one setting since your body can't process more than 20-25 or so grams of protein at a time anyway. I mix mine with juice, and my sister mixes hers with Water because the flavor is so bold. I've also tried the Proteinex shots. They will send you free samples of that one, so that will give you a chance to try it before you buy it. There are also some protein waters out there you can try.

    I also try different drink mixes to mix things up a bit from regular water and crystal lite. There are numerous sugar free options; from Hawaiian Punch, to Crush, to store brands. They are usually only a dollar or so per box in my area. If you're into tea, try drinking some in the morning, or sipping on iced tea throughout the day to get your liquids (use and zero calorie sweetener to sweeten). One of our FAVE treats is the blackberry slush from Sonic. It's sugar free, and really nice on a hot summer day. A small or medium can last a while since we can't drink much of if at once. We put it in the freezer after the first time, and eat it with a spoon (like a sno cone). They also have other sugar free flavors to choose from.

    Last week, I even made a gumbo with chicken, sausage, shrimp, lump crab meat and green peppers, to add something with spice and kick to our diet. I use boneless skinless thighs because they remain moist, and taste great. I cook the chicken with the green peppers first, and add the other ingredients once that's done. Once the chicken is tender, I break it up with a potato masher (while its still cooking). That makes the chicken take on a shredded texture (very easy going down). I add the sausage next, and once it's cooked a while, I add the seafood, and let it all cook even longer. The flavor is sealed in, and everything is very soft. I peeled the skin off of the sausage prior to cutting it up and cooking. I don't know if it would've been a problem for our systems, but I didn't want to take any chances. You can add/omit ingredients based on your own preferences.

    I know it's cliché, but things will get better. It's a matter of determining what works for you. It's basic trial and error (as difficult as that can be sometimes).

    Good luck on your journey!

  8. I've been reading the back and forth about truth, deception, etc. Here's the issue from my view. Some may see her telling others her weight is a result of different eating habits and exercise as dishonest because she did not mention her WLS. Others may say, she didn't tell a lie. Her weight loss is a result of those things; even if it was made possible through WLS. You may/may not see it as dishonest. However, I think the problem with the coworker telling it is that it wasn't her truth to tell! She was out of line to mention it. It simply wasn't the coworker's right to share it; whether it was the truth or not, whether it was dishonest or not, or whether she thought it was wrong to omit it or not! If you think helping others with your story is the thing to do, then by al means, tell it! Nonetheless, it's not up anyone except the individual to tell it. This is why it is important to be careful who you share information with. It's obvious from the comments here that everyone does not view info sharing th same way, and you can't un-tell it. I think it would be a good idea for doctors to address this issue during the process (some might already). It was not something I needed to address, but based on posts I've seen, it might be beneficial to some.

  9. Sorry for the long post...

    Yes it was rude, and it sounds like she was intentionally being that way. Some people don't respect WLS. They believe weight loss is as simple as cutting back on junk food. You may not ever change their minds, and honestly, I wouldn't even try to. It's your life, and your decision. Whether others respect or agree with it is their problem, not yours!

    My sister and I did it together, and we only told our mom and my husband. This is no different than every other aspect of our lives. We are very private people, so our decision not to tell others was in line with everything else we do. Nonetheless, you can't un-tell your co-worker(s). You can however, keep things with them professional only. There is no need to hang out after hours, or even be buddies in the office. You can have a friendly conversation (in passing) from time to time if you like. However, she's shown her true colors, so there is no need to have any type of relationship with her other than professional. Some people find it difficult to not make friends a work, so I understand this approach might be a struggle. It can be done though. I don't (and have not in the past) been overly friendly with coworkers. Nor have I allowed co-workers into my private life, and that approach works great for me.

    I don't know that I'd push to get her in trouble or worse; given a person's job is their livelihood. I would however, ensure her behavior is documented. You have no reason to be loyal to someone who isn't loyal to you! Not to mention, she breached confidentiality. I don't know why she was required to know your personal medical information. It's been my experience that you are required to inform your superior(s) that you will be out on leave, but not required to tell them the specific reason. Once you return, if you are on limited duty, they need only know that your duties are limited; i.e. no heavy lifting, no extensive standing or sitting, etc. If for whatever reason you had to tell her, she was not allowed to reveal it.

    Good luck on your journey! Let the hates fall where they may!

  10. My sister and I were both sleeved on July 14. We are indeed happy with our decision to live a happier, healthier life. Nonetheless, we are both experiencing stalls (and have been for two weeks). I know it's only been 3 weeks since the surgery, but it's still frustrating. We are beginning to incorporate more foods in our diet, so it's understandable that we sometimes second guess what we consume and/or wonder if we are doing something wrong. {My sister even joked that our sleeve was broken -- we know it's not really broken...wink wink}. My question to you, my fellow sleevers, what is/was your daily calorie intake at this stage, and moving forward. We are limiting our carb intake and getting Protein wherever we can, but we also want to ensure we are consuming the correct number of calories.

  11. There are quite a few Protein Shots out there to try. I have tried New Whey, and Proteinex. You can mix it with Water or juice if you can't drink it straight. I got the New whey from Walmart. They sell it by the half case in the stores. The flavor is very bold, so I mix half the bottle with diet cranberry juice. It also lasts longer that way. I did a google search for Protein shots, and there are quite a few to choose from, so you might find others you prefer. Good luck on your journey!

  12. My sister and I got sleeved together on July 14. We tried the Pacific Bone Broth, and we both hated it. Although ALL of the liquid phases are pretty boring, our mom made us homemad chicken broth, and that was much better than anything we bought. Also, not sure if they have Salata restaurants where you live, but we also love their tortilla Soup. It was flavorful, and not creamy or heavy. They don't put tortillas in it, only a few veggies. We just ask them to give us more of the juice rather than the stuff in it. Or, you can drain it yourself. Either way, you're getting your clear liquid and it's not the traditional broth. Good luck!

  13. Mine took about 45 min, and I had a hiatal hernia done too. My sister had the same thing on the same day, and hers took about the same amount of time. They came and got my mother for my sister after 1 1/2 hr, and the same with my husband for me. After we left recovery, we were in another area for a few hours where they had us walking every so often, and they had us drinking fluids before we were discharged.

  14. So sorry to hear of the struggle with your family. This journey can be a struggle within itself, so you don't need any added pressure! The good news is, you do have some people in your corner, and you are one step closer to a healthier you! Lean on those who are supportive of you, and do what you can not to focus on those who aren't. I realize that's easier said than done, but I'm sure you are stronger than you realize. You've already made a big step and exhibited enormous courage! Each step will get easier (both mentally and physically). As hard as it my be to do, you might have to place some distance between you and the "unsupportive" individuals and focus solely on you. Sometimes people who display unsupportive behaviors do so because they want you to remain in a unhappy place. They want you there because they take pleasure in seeing you there. Hard to believe, but it happens. Wishing you continued success on your journey!

  15. WLS is a personal decision; emphasis on "personal"! You don't have to tell anyone if you don't want to, nor do you have to justify your decision to anyone (wether it's for medical reasons or not). My sister and I are doing this together, and we always knew we weren't telling anyone other than our mom and my husband. We are very private about every aspect of our lives (which isn't easy to be in a large Southern family). This is no different. We expect the questions , whispers, and speculation. However, we don't give it any weight in our lives.

    Don't feel guilty about your decision to be healthier. If anything, those people who are trying to make you feel bad should be the ones feeling guilty! Surround yourself with people who support you; even if it that means you have to re-position a few people. If others have a problem with your weight loss, it's just that; their problem!

    Continued luck on your journey!

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