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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by her1981

  1. It's crazy how some days I can eat a lot and then others (like today) I can barely get anything down. Guess I'll just have a shake.

    1. Elled2


      On days like that I will have a hot tea (or beverage) and then have an advil. It helps reduce any possible stomach swelling and makes eating soft foods easier.

      But shakes are always a great option! :)

    2. her1981


      I thought we couldn't take ibuprofen... I'm so nervous about everything, lol

  2. My surgery weight was 402 and I'm down 38. I'm 10 weeks out.
  3. her1981


    I went in the pool around 4 weeks, but I didn't actually swim because swimming is hard on stomach muscles
  4. I was the same. I have been a low carber for the last 10 years and somehow my weight managed to creep up to 400+ pounds no matter how low carb I stayed. So when I opted for the surgery, I was concerned that it wouldn't work for me, but it has, so far. I'm a slow loser, but I am consistently losing 2-3 pounds a week and that's good for me. I'm eating the exact same things I was eating before, but the quantity is far less. I found that even though I was low carb, I was still getting about 2000+ calories per day. Now I'm getting about 850-1000 and having success. Be encouraged.
  5. This post op acne is killing me!!! I didn't have this many pimples in puberty! Jeez!

    1. Paige Dukes

      Paige Dukes

      I had a breakout right before surgery. I think the complete overhaul of our diets is part of the issue. I will say though after getting through the flare up I now have the best skin I have ever had in my life. I hope yours clears up soon :).

    2. Elled2


      Try taking make-up off (if you wear it) with coconut oil. The oil naturally cleans pores and with weight loss a lot of your bodies natural toxins want out of your body because you are becoming healthier. So make sure you wash your face extra during your weight loss journey. Losing 70 lbs made a huge difference in how healthy my skin looks/feels because I eat healthier and produce way less natural toxins - sorry for the kind of gross science lesson! Oh, ps. a good face scrub will help clean out pores too! Congrats on the start of your journey!

    3. her1981


      I'm down 70 pounds pre/post op and my skin is SUPER oily. I don't wear makeup, but I do exfoliate a couple times a week. I might night to try some new products.

  6. Went on vacation last week and still managed to lose 2 pounds, then yesterday I ate like 2000 calories. Idk how that happened. :-/

    1. her1981


      a little of both, actually.

    2. ShrinkingPeach


      Gotcha, then that is how it happened...no surprise there I guess

    3. her1981


      Not really, I was just surprised I could fit that much food... but then oddly I couldn't eat at all on Sunday, lol.

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  7. her1981

    Sex after weight loss

    I feel like my desire is returning, but I think it's because I have more energy and am less tired and I feel better about myself and my body overall. I feel sexy again. My husband has never cared about my weight, thankfully.
  8. her1981

    Share your profession

    Investment manager
  9. her1981

    chips for salsa?

    Maybe you can make your own? Take a corn tortilla and spray it with a little oil, cut into triangles and bake it.
  10. We are very similar. I'm 5'5 and I started at 435 and was 402 when I had surgery 7 weeks ago. I also have sleep apnea. I have one daughter. The sleeve was the best choice for me as I struggled with portion control more than poor food choices. I think the major benefit of bypass is dumping syndrome, so if you have an addiction to sweets, it might be better for you. Do some research on obesityhelp.com. It may help you make a more informed decision. There's also a quiz here: http://obesitycoverage.com/bariatric-surgery-selector-tool/ Good luck!
  11. My back fat is finally going down!!! There is a God!

    1. her1981


      Thanks! My back fat is a major issue for me. It causes my clothes not to fit right because I carry so much weight there, but I'm starting to see that it's gone down. I'm literally beside myself, lol.

    2. Pinkgirl1234
    3. lealor


      Yae..good bye back fat!!

    4. Show next comments  30 more
  12. This is the guide I follow.
  13. I lost 6 pounds this week!!! 30 since surgery 7 weeks ago. :-)

    1. Mountaingal


      Congratulations..good job.

    2. lealor
  14. I see. I do all lean meats, but my fat is higher due to my cheese intake. I get reduced fat, but sometimes I still end up with 40 grams of fat per day.
  15. Well idk about all that mental stuff, but I needed the physical reminder to stop eating. I just never felt full (unless I ate a ton) and now I do.
  16. I'm low carb for life... how low do you keep your fat? @@Elode
  17. her1981

    5 weeks out.

    My macros look like that. Are you getting any exercise?
  18. her1981


    Well you should be able to have sex before 6 weeks, but won't he notice the scars? What kind of relationship do you have if you can't tell him truth?
  19. I'm taking the Optisource bariatric vitamin. They are a chalky orange flavored chewable, but I can tolerate them fine
  20. This darn sleeve is working overtime today! It won't let me eat. Hmph!

    1. mykdzmom


      Hope you have been able to get something in :)

    2. her1981


      I have, thanks for asking. My sleeve has days when it just doesn't want food.

  21. I'm 7 weeks post op and I'm finding that I don't really need the protein shakes anymore. Anyone else?
  22. her1981

    Protein shakes

    I thought for some reason I would need them forever, so I have a ton in my pantry.
  23. I just noticed my BMI has dropped 10 points since I started this process!!

    1. jane13



    2. Djmohr


      Woot woot!

    3. mykdzmom


      Just noticed! Shout it from the roof tops! Congratulations :)

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