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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by her1981

  1. her1981

    Concerned about memory loss

    @@thisfathasgot2go I'm 33. Will be 34 next month. @JamieLogical I just had bloodwork done. Everything was in the normal range.
  2. I'm back under 350 for the first time in over 4 years! Finally!

    1. ProudGrammy


      good for you!! you are on your way to a healthier, happier, longer life - who deserves it more?? congrats - kathy


    2. jane13


      Yeah! I am trying to break a milestone number too....been stalled for about three weeks.

    3. her1981


      Thanks everyone! I was in a funk last week, but I decided to recommit to myself, get back to basics, and start thinking positive thoughts. So far, so good.

    4. Show next comments  27 more
  3. Thank God for new beginnings!

  4. her1981

    I need to vent/complain....

    #1: I never thought I would struggle this hard to lose weight. I am sticking to the plan by the letter and I'm losing, but ever so SLOWLY! It's frustrating. My surgeon wants me to lose 50 more pounds by New Years and it has taken me 4 months to lose the first 50 (post op). Coming from 400+, I expected better results. #2: I have a friend with similar stats and she has lost almost as much as I have in one month. Crazy part is that she has lost all this weight while eating chips, white castle, and other crap... yes, in the first month post op! #3: This week, despite doing everything "right", I have gained 3 pounds. No I'm not pregnant or on my cycle. This is maddening. Should I go back on the liquid diet?!?!?! Ugh!!!!!!!
  5. her1981

    I need to vent/complain....

    @@Inner Surfer Girl I'm sticking to the calorie goal provided by the doctor. He didn't like the nutritionists plan. Which to some degree, I didn't either. She recommended 80 grams of carbs a day and I wasn't losing with that. I get all of my Protein daily. See my intake in the post above.
  6. her1981

    I need to vent/complain....

    @@BLERDgirl I have a gym membership, so I'm going to start using the elliptical. I figure I'll start there. In terms of calories, I take in 700-900 but could easily eat more. I swear my restriction is minimal some days. If I do increase to 1000 calories, it will only be on the days I exercise. @@CowgirlJane My intake is almost the same every day. Typical day looks like this: B: Protein shake 160 cals and 30g protein S: turkey lunchmeat or string cheese about 80-100 calories and 8-10 protein L: lean meat with veggies and light dressing. Usually 3-4oz chicken breast. 250-300 calories 25 protein D: Same as lunch
  7. her1981

    I need to vent/complain....

    Thanks @Babbs. Sometimes it's hard to see the big picture when you're in the throws of daily life.
  8. her1981

    I need to vent/complain....

    I just walk, but I definitely need to increase my intensity. In the meantime, I might try some calorie cycling to see if that helps. Maybe I'll go up to 1000 next week and back down to 800 the week after. Something's gotta give. I usually try not to compare myself to others, but when she's telling me she ate crap and I'm eating chicken, fish, and Protein shakes every day, it's hard not to get a little discouraged.
  9. Surgery was exactly 100 days ago and I've lost exactly 50 pounds!

    1. Djmohr


      Nicely done! Congratulations!

    2. her1981
  10. her1981


    I am 11 weeks post op and things are going ok, but I'm having a hard time dealing with my physical hunger. I'm getting about 900 calories a day and feel like that's just not enough! The doctor said I should be getting 750-850 calories per day, but I'm struggling to stick to that. Here's a typical day: Breakfast: Protein shake 160 calories Lunch: salad with chicken, tomato, mushroom, goat cheese, and vinaigrette 325 Dinner: Turkey meatballs and a stuffed Portobello mushroom cap 410 Total calories: 895 I'm also having a stall right now, which is maddening. Any suggestions on what I can do to manage my hunger?
  11. Old habits die hard. I was all the way off the wagon over the weekend. Somehow I was within a reasonable calorie range, but my food choices were awful. Back on today!

    1. dhrguru


      It happens, but we have to get right back at it. Remember, the sources of our nutrients are far more important than the calories. Protein, protein, protein!

  12. her1981

    Feeling annoyed

    My husband has been very supportive of my surgery and weight loss efforts, and I appreciate it. However, he still expects me to cook to foods he likes - which I don't mind, but he is not mindful of the time and energy it takes for me to cook them, and when I make enough to last him a couple days, he eats it all at one time. There are days when I end up cooking 2-3 different dinners to accommodate everyone's wants and needs... If I say anything about him eating so much, he gets an attitude. What do I do???? Rant over........
  13. Lovenox shots in the stomach... for 14 days after surgery! It was awful!
  14. her1981

    Feeling annoyed

    Mine has to clean too!!! He will wash a million dishes if I cook what he wants. He just loves to eat!
  15. her1981

    Feeling annoyed

    I'm still trying to find a balance to it all. I'm 3 months out. My daughter is 3, very picky and pretty much does not eat meat. @@pink dahlia Sometimes it won't be in one sitting, but rather than eat it for dinner the next night, he'll eat it for Breakfast and lunch and then I have to cook again at dinner. Last night, I told him that I didn't care if he ate it all, but I wasn't cooking again.
  16. her1981


    Be careful not to overcook it. Dry salmon goes down rough! Lol
  17. her1981

    Relationship problems

    I am so glad to see this topic posted... I'll try to be brief. My husband and I have been together for 13 years, married for 10. When we met, I was about 380 (I'm 5'5''). When we got married I was 330 and then after having my daughter gained all the way up to 435. He loves me and never cared much about my weight as long as I was healthy. He is 6'4'' and when we met he was 215, now 290. He was very supportive of my decision to have wls and continues to support and compliment me all the time. I've always been larger than him, so I think he feels "safe" in his weight gain. Odd as it seems, I find myself increasingly frustrated with his food choices even though mine obviously weren't the best if I was 400+ pounds! He eats A LOT and when I'm not around makes terrible food choices. I feel like I have no room to talk because I'm still much heavier than he is, but I wonder if that will change as I continue to lose. Once I weigh less than he does, I'm not sure how I'll feel because in some ways, I feel like I SHOULD weight less than my husband, but at the same time I don't want him to be as large as he his (it's all belly). Plus I'm always worried about his health because he keeps having minor issues that I keep telling him are the warnings before the big stuff comes (like diabetes and high blood pressure), but he keeps on eating crap. Ok I'm rambling... I guess my point is that at some point, I feel like I will become super judgmental of his size and eating habits, and I feel bad about it because he NEVER judged me.
  18. her1981

    $37,500 for sleeve!

    @KarenLoh What did you end up doing? Just curious.
  19. Portion control is forever... regardless of diet plan.
  20. I wish people would stop using the word "only" in relation to how much they've lost. I can't stand it!

  21. I'm 12 weeks post and having the same problem. I swear I didn't have this many pimples in puberty!
  22. her1981


    Thanks! I may try that.
  23. Food does not (have to) = love

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      Agreed...a new relationship has to be forged. I am learning not to lean on food.

    2. Michaelene


      Ive found love in cooking for my family! food is not my enemy but I refuse to put anything in my body that wont fuel it....empty calories= empty feelings

  24. her1981


    I was initially doing 3 meals and 2 Snacks or 5 mini-meals, and at my last check up, they told me 2 meals per day and a shake. I guess I want to know if there is any point that you stop following their direction and do what you think is best for you?
  25. Every time I lose 70 pounds, I hit a stall. However, I will not give up this time!

    1. ShrinkingPeach


      Good for you! Stick to it and it will happen!

    2. Stevehud
    3. her1981


      I swear my body just LOVES to be fat!

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