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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AnA92212

  1. Youth is on your side, my friend. You are not vain. This is a life changing journey and to me, surgery is the sprinkles on the cupcake! I was obese/morbidly obese for the past 15 years. I have what my doctor calls "very minimal excess skin". You cannot tell I have excess skin unless I am naked. This is a good thing, but still.... I work really hard and I want a body that completely reflects that. A lot of things play into how much skin you will have: where you fat is now, how much muscle you have now, your age, etc. Don't be tempted to just do cardio after surgery. You need to do weights as well. I have been doing Body Pump twice a week since a month out from surgery. Even the weeks I didn't lose weight I would lose inches. From December to January I lost 6 pounds, but lost 12 inches. 5 of those were on my waist!

  2. Some of my milestones were:

    • no longer being morbidly obese according to BMI chart
    • no longer being obese according to BMI chart
    • no longer being overweight according to BMI chart
    • no longer shopping in plus size department
    • shopping in Junior's department
    • wearing a belt
    • shopping in Victoria's Secret
    • getting clothes from my skinny friends that are too small for them
    • riding a roller coaster
    • people not recognizing me
    • being called "in shape"
    • being able to do push ups
    • being able to run 3 miles without stopping
    • being able to do tricep dips

  3. I never had the burning. I was just nervous about eating and drinking. I took a zofran a day for about 2 months for the nausea. I have never regretted my surgery. I've had my ups and then my downs with the stalls but I am so happy I did it. I am nine months out. Just had my 9 month check up today. I have lost 91% of my excess body weight. Doctor is extremely pleased with the loss and considers me at a goal weight. My absorption tests are normal. My lipid panel blood pressure, and insulin are all normal.

  4. Hey, I have PCOS as well. I had my baby 6 weeks prior to surgery (after a year and a half of trying) I had to quit Metformin 2 weeks before surgery. I forgot why now. I was never put back on it. I had to do a 2 month testing of my insulin (3 times a day). It has been normal since surgery. I've lost over half my body weight and everything is normal...insulin, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. My 6 month absorption labs were good too. I was deficient in Iron which I was prior to surgery so nothing new.

    I have to be about 18 months out from surgery to begin trying again. I plan on getting some labs ran at the end of the year to see where my levels are (hormonally speaking). Some doctors require 2 years after surgery, but my doctor is ok with 18 months since I am older and I got to goal before a year.

    So, most likely it will be discontinued for good. Talk to your Primary care doctor about it. They will probably have you test for awhile without it and see where you are.

  5. I had the sleeve and I can pretty much eat anything I want. There are things I choose to stay away from because they are trigger foods. I don't eat bread much because it fills me up so quickly and then I am hungry again in an hour. It's just not worth it. I do eat in moderation. My NUT taught us to always eat your Protein source first. Well, I hit a 5 week long stall so I met with her again. She told me I needed to add some carbs! She actually told me to eat a potato. I almost fell in the floor. I added some carbs in and low and behold I started losing weight again. Now, if I get a baked potato I have maybe 3 or 4 bites with spray butter only. I used to be a big Pasta fan. Well, Pasta is not all that great for you. Now I use zucchini noodles and it is amazing! You adapt. On my birthday, I had a cupcake from the bakery. It took both my husband and I 3 nights to finish one cupcake between us, but I ate it. I have 1/2 cup homemade ice cream on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. I don't feel guilty for it either. Life is about balance. You cannot out exercise a horrible diet. You just can't. I stay away from things like Cheez Its because I love them, but I will eat them until I am sick. I pre-portion my foods so I know what I am getting.

  6. Only so much can be done. A lot depends on how you were "made up" pre-surgery. I started working out 3 weeks after surgery. I have consistently worked out 5 to 6 days a week since then. I have some excess skin on my stomach, arms, and thighs. Mine has been called "minimal" by my doctor though. I would suggest working out with weights twice a week along with cardio, hydration, making sure you get your Protein (otherwise you will just lose muscle), and moisturizer.

  7. Oh man, I felt full so quick in the beginning. But it is different than the "full" feeling before surgery so I know what you mean. I am 9 months out and still use measuring cups on a regular basis. I can eat about a half cup of "normal" food or about a cup of Soup (if it is mostly liquid).

  8. I have a fitbit Charge HR. A study was conducted on these devices and the Garmin VivoFit was the most accurate. It is also good because you can get it wet. I like my Charge HR. I wanted the heart rate aspect of it and it is accurate enough for me. It syncs to My Fitness Pal and is easy to use.

  9. I have not gotten that comment. I have been extremely open and honest with everyone about getting surgery. I also educate them on how this is a step in right direction, but it is not a cure. I share with them how people can and do gain weight. I share with them that the surgery only gives me a level playing field. That it is a "reset" for my body after all the years of diets, malnutrition, and poor choices. I let them know that I have to be even more careful than the most cautious dieter. I have to make sure I am getting nutrients and not junk or the adverse effects it can have. I also then share that I run 3 days a week, walk 3 days a week, do zumba once a week, lift at body pump 2 times a week, and never get fewer than 12,000 steps a day. I then ask what their work out regime is. I ask how much Protein they get a day. I ask if they are lacking any Vitamins or minerals. You can better believe that I am NOT!

  10. My surgery center has a free support group every month. Is that a possibility? I would say to keep tracking your food and exercise. Do you have an accountability partner? My husband and I keep each other honest and motivated to eat right and work out. I've also gotten my office involved in eating healthy and working out. We do weekly/monthly challenges.

  11. Spare time? I don't even know what that is. LOL. I work full time, I am in grad school, and have a 10 month old baby. I also work out 6 days a week. I would LOVE some spare time. I now spend any free time planning my daughter's 1st birthday. I do spend my free time at work on Pinterest though!

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