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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by AnA92212

  1. My husband started coffee about a month out. To be fair, we had a newborn at the time so he was really sleep deprived. It took me about six month before I had caffeine. Our surgeon said a year, but I had a tiny baby, was working full time, and in grad school. I needed something. Only one cup a day and only 1 mini-moo of half and half (it's 10 calories).

  2. I have gained 20 pounds so far (about 8 weeks from delivery) baby girl is perfect and so am I. Baby is about 3 pounds right now. So, I would say yes it is sufficient. My doctor does think my constant tracking of food and exercise is funny, but says I am a model patient. I tell him, "hey, doc, I am 40 years old and I have a half marathon to run 14 weeks after delivery. You won't let me run for 8 weeks after. I can't have extra weight weighing me down when I cross that finish line!"

  3. Prior to becoming pregnant, I was running 35+ miles a week, weight lighting 2 times a week, and other exercise as well. On weekends we ran half marathons or other races. After baby is born I will be training for my first marathon and triathlon. There are typically no restrictions once you are able to work out.

  4. I had to have one about a year after surgery. I've been slightly anemic most of my adult life so that wasn't new. The supplements hadn't helped for a year so my surgeon sent me to a hematologist. Had the infusion and then got put on another supplement. I haven't had to have another infusion since. I go to my hematologist every 6 months though.

  5. Love these nsv! Prior to becoming pregnant, I was in a size 2 jeans. Before surgery: a size 28! Being able to wear a belt was amazing as well. Being able to tuck in a shirt is amazing. Also, being able to go to the doctor with no shame. Stepping on the scales confidently.

  6. I am female so that is different, but I didn't have 1000 calories until I was almost a year out. My husband didn't have 1000 until probably around 8 months or so. Even when he was training for a half marathon he was only eating about 1800 to 2000 a day. (This was at 2 years out from surgery). He's been at goal weight for over a year and a half and eats about 1800 a day sometimes more sometimes less. Currently I am 7 months pregnant so I can't work out nearly as much or at the same level I was prior. Prior to pregnancy I was running 3 to 10 miles 5 days a week, zumba for one hour a week, yoga for 1 hour a week, and weight training for 2 hours a week and eating 1600 calories a day. Now, I do cardio walking 6 days a week and eat about 1300 to 1500 a day.

  7. Congratulations! I love 5Ks. The atmosphere is always fun and they are usually for a good cause. I started with the couch to 5K app and then progressed. I ran 4 half marathons in 4 months (before I got pregnant). I never thought I would like running, but I love it.

  8. I am so worried about this. I am currently almost 26 weeks pregnant and up almost 15 pounds. I don't think you should beat yourself up over it. Sometimes, worrying about it makes it so we can't lose the weight. I have been stressing about my weight gain so much because I have gained so much just in the past 6 weeks. So, you know the basics and it sounds like you have tried it. Are you drinking enough Water? What is your exercise program? Do you do cardio and weights? That was the magic combo for me. Before pregnancy, I was doing zumba once a week, running 5 days a week (anywhere from 3 to 12 miles), yoga once a week, and weight training 2 to 3 times a week. I lost 180 pounds my first year after surgery. The 2nd year, I lost NOTHING, I actually gained 10 pounds of muscle, but I went down 3 dress sizes. Make sure you are getting enough carbs to handle what your body is doing. When I first started training for a half marathon, I was not eating enough food so my body was holding on to everything. I had to up my calories and carbs. I actually did a metabolic test to see how many calories my body needs. My body burns 1350 calories just breathing and basic functioning. Before I had the test done, I was only eating about 1000 to 1200 calories a day. I upped it to 1600 to 1800 (over 2000 on long race days) and boom! weight adjusted.

  9. Stomachs stretch. That's how I was able to eat so much before. After surgery, it isn't quite the same. My surgeon said that the greatest likelihood of "stretching" is during the first year. This is people who force food. We know the stomach can accommodate more now than it did right after surgery. I could literally eat 1 bite of egg and be full. Now I can eat about a half cup of food to a cup (depending on what it is). We all know people who lost a ton of weight and then gained it all back plus more. It can happen to some degree.

  10. I wasn't chubby until around age 8 or 9. I used food as a coping mechanism. I have been on a diet since I was 10 years old (until I had surgery). Part of it is genetic predisposition and PCOS. However, I ate too much. I used food to cope. I ate when I was happy, sad, excited, anxious, mad. I didn't exercise very much. I used excuses to justify my eating. I also didn't really have insight as to how much I was eating. I could literally eat so much and not ever feel full. I cannot believe I spent so much of my life being morbidly obese. I was on the edge of so many health issues.

  11. This was me! I was sleeved on 4/27/15. I got down to goal and kept that weight for over a year. I am currently pregnant and still within goal weight range. Anyway, I found that food was really no longer a comfort for me. Yes, food is great. yes, I still crave certain foods sometimes. But, it is not what I run for now. I cannot eat like I used to. I practice a diet of moderation. I eat chips, Cookies, cake, ice cream, Chinese, Mexican, Pasta, you name it. Just not everyday, and just not very much. I actually take the time to listen to my body and realize that most of the time I am not really hungry. I also am committed to exercise. Before getting pregnant I was running 5 days a week, going to weight lifting class 2 times a week, and zumba once a week. I also picked up some other hobbies like sewing, scrapbooking, soap-making, etc. I find that when I am idle, I think about food more. I am almost always in motion...from working, to chasing my toddler, to doing school work, to training our puppy, planting flowers, etc. I just have so much more energy now (even pregnant) and an object in motion tends to stay in motion. If I try to lie around all day, I feel disgusting. Before, I used to spend all of my time on the couch watching TV or reading a book.

    I think you are doing well by seeking counseling. It helps.

  12. I had heard some nightmare stories about IUD and I wanted another baby after surgery. I did the pill for almost 2 years. For the 6 weeks after surgery period was kind of strange. Then once I started pill it was normal. I went off pill and it was pretty regular for the 3 months before I got pregnant. Hope you get some relief.

  13. Good luck. I really can't eat a lot before races. I always have some combination of Protein and carbs before a race. I never ate anything during a race until I started running half marathons. For the half marathons, I have raisins. I also use the GU gel at mile 5 and mile 10. I hate the watered down Gatorade you get during races, so I typically opt for the Water, but usually need some Gatorade by mile 12. It will take you a few races to decide how your body works best. The GU gel works so well for me. My glucose levels tend to fall quickly so that is why I need the sugar from the raisins. My husband needs protein so he packs a banana mush-peanut butter creation when he runs long distances. It really is just a matter of what YOUR body needs. I also LOVE the protein balls (almond butter, tiny chocolate chips, oats, honey, banana). Those things taste AMAZING and really do pack in some protein.

    I plan to start training for a full marathon and triathlon after my baby is born.

  14. First of all, congrats! I got pregnant with my first at 270 pounds, went up to 294 pounds. Had surgery 6 weeks after baby, and lost over 170 pounds. I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with baby number 2. This pregnancy is so much better. Of course, I did have the advantage of letting my body settle (since we waited 2 years to get pregnant - it was literally almost 2 years to the day from surgery that I found out I was pregnant). The cravings are hard, but I can eat so little, it isn't bad. I've gained about 10 pounds so far. I am still able to exercise 6 days a week - although not at my pre-pregnancy intensity. I just keep reminding myself that I don't need more food. I will drink some Water or get busy chasing my 2 year old or our new puppy.

  15. We are not able to control what happens to us in life. So, I always try to start with what I can control. I can control what I put into my body. I can control my activities. So, go back to the basics with the food. See a nutritionist and have them help. Start walking or continue your exercise program. Therapy isn't out of the question. I was an emotional eater before. Luckily, I have found that since surgery food really isn't a comfort for me. I still enjoy it, but not the soul comfort it once was. If you think you can be helped by therapy, then by all means, do it.

    Losing loved ones, a job, etc. is extremely tough. You sometimes can only take one day at a time, or even one moment at a time.

  16. The doctor gave me the goal range of 135 to 145. I kept losing after I reached 135. I was training for my first half marathon and I still had some fat on me. I lost down to 116 but gained back to right around 121 to 125 while training for 2 half marathons and upping my weight during weight lifting class. My body just pretty much settled for 121 to 125. I may dip down below for a bit, but then come right back up....my routines did not change. I think your body will just naturally have a sweet spot. My husbands is right about 185 to 190. He occasionally goes up or sometimes a bit below, but that's about it. I'm pregnant right now so I'm up to 135 (24 weeks along was 125 when I got pregnant) so hoping my diligence in eating right and exercising during pregnancy will help me afterwards. I have a half-marathon to run 15 weeks after delivery!

  17. I had several bouts of this as well during the last 2 and a half years. Many times, I actually needed to up my caloric intake. I was using so many calories and not feeding myself. There were times, my nutritionist made me eat MORE carbs. You cannot just look at one aspect, it's all connected. I had MONTHS where I would stall and then bam the next month I would loose a ton of weight. I am a logical person so my thought was, I am doing A, B, C so D should be the result. Nope.

  18. We are leftover people. We eat the same thing for dinner Monday through Thursday. I have different lunches everyday though although my husband usually eats the leftovers from the previous week for lunch the next week. It is a budget thing for us and we don't mind. We get enough variety in our diet with breakfasts, lunches, and Snacks. The dinner isn't that bad. Plus, it solves the question, "what's for dinner?" I plan out our meals months in advance.

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