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Posts posted by AnA92212

  1. I weigh daily. I had an almost 3 week stall and it was so frustrating. This week I lost 9 pounds though. No clue how it happened, but it did. Be patient and keep up the hard work. Eventually your body will stop struggling against you and it will fall off.

  2. I eat 3-4 crackers with a piece of turkey for lunch a day or two a week. I absolutely cannot tolerate sugar right now. I had some "diet" juice drink (15 calories) and it gave me a headache and gave me stomach pains. My nutritionist actually told me to add in some carbs. I work out 6 days a week and she said I am just not getting enough in (eat about 300 to 500 calories a day). I sometimes have a teaspoon of instant mashed potatoes with some chicken for dinner.

  3. Wow, that is excessive. I think that is definitely one thing that has changed since my hubby and I got sleeved. We used to give food as gifts. I think a lot of people do. Instead of going out to dinner on my birthday and having cake he is getting me an electric guitar.

  4. A week after I had myI surgery my family went out to eat. The restaurant we went to didn't even have Soup. I had to sit there and sip Water while everyone ate. I cried the entire meal. They were all chatting about how good their food was and I just sat there holding my daughter close to me. It was hard. A week after that I went to lunch with co-workers and just sat there. I was OK for that one. Now, (I am 7 weeks out from surgery) I just get a little sad about not being able to eat certain foods. Or, when we go out for dinner my husband and I will share a plate (he had surgery 3 weeks before me) and we can't finish it...at all. I get full so fast.

  5. Sugarbabe...who knows? You would have to try it. Look at all the other crap we eat that is no sugar. No telling what is in that. I personally try to stay away from most things with soy since I have pcos. I don't need any more estrogen. The great thing about having the surgery is that no matter what you can eat you can't eat much! I also have a little half cup bowl to measure my food so I know I am not stretching my stomach. You aready dreaming about Pasta but I miss cheeseburgers, soda, and popcorn.

  6. Rsb0807 hoping you get your approval soon. I think I am doing pretty good. I already had more enervy than before. I actually work out 6 days a week. Haven't done that since high school. I didn't get hungry until about 3 weeks after surgery. Now I get hungry but I cannot eat very much. It is wonderful.

  7. I was so excited when I got the call for my approval. Surgery was nothing compared to my c section (had my baby 7 weeks before suegery). The pre op.diet was awful me because I was so hungry. It was over quickly though. After surgery I was so tired and they would not let me rest. Finally took a 30 minute nap and then started walking the halls...got in 22 laps before I had the swallow test to check for leaks then I got my popsicle. Went home the next morning. I am about 6 weeks out and my biggest challenge is getting in my liquids.

  8. I saw my nutritionist on Wednesday. Told her my issues. She did advise that my body has underwent so many changes so quickly (delivering a baby and then weight loss surgery) that it has to have time to catch up. Advised that stalls were very real and that this will not be the last one. Advised me to track my measurements as well as weight but not to focus on the pounds. I was going to try to not weigh for 2 weeks but every day the scale beckons me so I can't stay away from it. I have decided that I cannot let it dictate my mood. That is easier some days than others but I am trying. I am just going to keep up my workouts and eating right.

  9. Amoreno,

    I do consider myself lucky. I had a very easy pregnancy especially being so overweight and old. I worked with an amazing Reproductive Endo and OBGYN and their staff. We ended up conceiving naturally so that was another blessing. I was 3 weeks PP when I had my psych evaluation for the surgery. I was holding my daughter in my arms and the psychologist asked me how having a child would affect the way my husband and I eat. I said that I was going to ensure she had a healthy relationship with food unlike me. I wanted to teach her about how to treat her body. I made many mistakes in my life due to low self esteem and with each mistake I felt worse about myself. I don't want her to have to go through that. It does hurt my heart that she might have PCOS like me but I will be proactive about her health.

    With that being said, your daughter has a wonderful mother that is taking charge of her health. I will tell you that you have to be a bit selfish when it comes to your healthy which is hard for a mom to do. You have to take the time out to shop for the right foods, take your time when eating, and take time to work out. I struggle with this, but this is an investment in your future with her. Good luck on your journey! She will be so thankful you did this when she is walking across the stage to graduate, or walking down the aisle, or looking down at her own child, or just when she needs to talk to mom.

  10. I hit my 1st stall as well. Was sleeved on 4/27 down 26 pounds. No loss in 2 weeks. This is also when I upped my exercise regimen. Doctor says I am not getting enough calories but no clue on how to fit more into my day. A lady that came into my office lost 63 pounds in 7 weeks. I am so jealous! It is hard not to be. My husband has lost 50 in 2 months. I work out twice as much as he does and eat fewer calories. I had my baby 7 weeks before surgery so I am hoping that some of it is just hormonal and will go away. I actually cry everyday that I weigh and the scale hasn't moved. It is seriously affecting my moods. I am going to not weigh for 2 weeks to hopefully alleviate that.

  11. I was sleeved on 4/27 and down 26 pounds from surgery date. I haven't lost any the past 2 weeks. In fact I gained a pound last week and it took me a week to re-lose it. I am eating 400 to 500 calories a day and for the past 2 weeks have been working out 6 days a week. Most days I do not get anywhere near my Protein goal or Water goal. Doc said to eat 800 to 1000 calories but there is just no way right now. I get hungry, really hungry even but sometimes I can't get when I am hungry and buy the time I get to eat I am no longer hungry. Or I can only eat 5 bites. I want the food I used to eat but I know it is a bad idea. I also think of my sore muscles and know how hard I am working so it really is not much of a struggle. I do really miss soda though.

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