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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Apples2

  1. Apples2

    NEED a good sports bra.

    Hey Girls, I put my girls in a Shear Shapewear, Just Google it. I bought two different sizes. They are cute and they hold the boobies in place. I also ordered a couple of lacy ones to wear after my surgery. They are nice and soft and actually keep things fairly perky. Ordered these cuz was afraid my underwires would rub on wounds after surgery.
  2. Apples2

    Starting out

    If I was still working away from home, I would only take a week. My job is a little more physical (jumping in and out of trucks, hauling trailers, etc). My husband is so supportive of this and I know he will make me lay low for as long as I should. I really want to concentrate on eating right and taking care of myself right of the bat. I hope things go smoothly for you.
  3. Apples2

    Starting out

    When mine got sent in the first time, it took 9 bus. days. I would have found out at 5 days but the person working on my case sent my paperwork to her manager for consideration. I bet you can count on your answer within a two week period of time. This sounds silly but I am going to have to try and schedule my surgery around work. We farm and would be nice to have the planting out of the way b/4 surgery. It's not like I'm out toiling in the field but I am the gopher and cook for hired men. It would be far more convenient for me to get banded after June 3. I can then go to my lake home, not worry about things on the farm and relax.
  4. Apples2

    low carbing it? come join me

    I also wonder about the Atkins shakes. Are they super sweet? Can't handle too sweet but would love to have something for a snack. Can they be heated so I feel like I am getting a "coffee treat"?
  5. Apples2

    Starting out

    Hey Brandy, Sounds like you got yourself on the right track. You most likely will lose more than 10lbs if you stick to the pre-op liquid diet. I am also 14 days from seeing the surgeon for the last time. (He did all my monthly appts. with me). I do not have a surgery date and I imagine you do not either. My surgeon's office manager will submit my paperwork again after my next appt. The office submitted everything at 3 months just to see if they would take it. Denied on the basis that I needed to do the next 3 months. I was a little disappointed at first (for about 30 seconds) and just got over it. Not a big deal. I am 46lbs down from the start and feel 10x better. I would do this all over again and am hoping that this all makes a difference after the band. Good luck with your approval, Brandy.
  6. Apples2

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today cuz I have a new plan to stay on. Going to kick up the protein and leave the carbs in my dust
  7. Apples2


    Good luck, Susie. Hope you can get some sleep b/4 surgery. Let us know how things go.
  8. Apples2

    Starting out

    Kristen..Ditto. I have BCBS and six months diet is their requirement also. It's not so bad. I have a month left and actually has given me the time I needed to get my head around what I am in for. My surgeon encourages his patients to lose as much weight as possible in this pre-op period of time. I am happy I jumped on it right away. I now feel that I will have an easier time after banded because I have eaten as if I had the band for the last five months. The way I see this prep time is; the band is for a life time. Why not be ready for that band when the time comes. Good luck and hope your six months goes by quickly for you
  9. Apples2

    low carbing it? come join me

    Tuesday: B: 2 sausage patties L: 4oz hamburger patty with cheddar S: 2 oz Mozarella D: Pan fried pheasant breast small lettuce with Buttermilk ranch
  10. Apples2

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Sorry I jumped in. Was suppose to be a joke. Guess my sense of humor about the PB sucked. :biggrin:
  11. Apples2

    Can't wait for my new life to begin....

    rickyross.. wishing you the best. Hang in there, Bud!
  12. Apples2

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    OK...I know the thread you are talking about and I do admit, I have been hanging back and LMAO today over all of this. OK...so I am new...very few posts. (By the way, I used to be LILO and my neighbor named their new ugly mutt LILO, so I changed my name to APPLES2. Just in case anyone was onto the name change thing). I have not posted on this thread yet because I was truly going to ask what a PB was about three months ago....I am one of those people that needed to know. GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, this thread has provided a little entertainment. Thank you.
  13. Apples2

    low carbing it? come join me

    LJM...I have done so WELL on this entire six month pre-op thing and the last week I have just lost it. I do know that Protein is the thing that works for me (and my spinach for a little energy). I'll kick you in the ass if you kick me in the ass. I don't want to come off as suck-uppy but you are just something. The work you have done. Take a bow!
  14. Apples2

    low carbing it? come join me

    Thanks for starting the thread LJM...was just telling my DH this weekend that I need to get back to the more protein thing...less carbs. I need a little kick in the pants this week. Have been a little lazy the last couple of weeks.
  15. Apples2

    Finally ....

    Pix...congrats and hope you get your surgery date soon. Can I borrow that bullhorn when I find out I'm approved???????????????
  16. Apples2

    Surgery Tomorrow AAAHHH

    Hey Shannon...are you waiting for ins. approval? Or, a surgery date?
  17. I know that I will probably want to have a tummy tuck. I have always had very crepe like skin...and even after losing only 46lbs, my tummy already hangs. I dread the thought of going through a tummy tuck but I am tough. I am one of those people that get violently sick from narcotics by mouth so will need to have a second plan. Had a repair on a HUGE hernia a couple of years ago and came home without pain meds. After following the stories and photos of the girls on the PS threads, I am thinking the pain meds should be in the plan. I also wonder that if I decide on PS, if my hernia repair will be a problem with them getting around with muscle repair? Anyone know?
  18. Apples2

    Surgery Tomorrow AAAHHH

    CM...I have yet to be banded but just want to wish you luck and will be thinking of you tomorrow. Calm down and try to relax. The procedure will go just fine. I have had many surgeries and I always try to take myself to another place the day and evening b/4 by reading a good book, watching a movie, taking a long bath with a book. Take care.
  19. Apples2

    This will make you chuckle!

    Rharriet...your weight loss is amazing. Your story (kinda) reminds me of something that happened to me a few years ago. My oldest son was about 7. I was getting ready to go out on a date with my husband and my 7 yr. old came around the corner in the bedroom and caught me in my bra and panties. He ran back out of the room saying (YUK). I got dressed and as I was putting my shoes on I asked my son "Does mommy look too fat?" His response "Not with your clothes on". My point in sharing this story...What did you have to do after a 75lb. loss for someone to notice? Walk around town naked??????????????????
  20. Apples2

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    JBFlorida...Thanks for responding. My friend and I have almost a "family" connection. Her daughter is our God Child. My relationship with this certain friend is somewhat a complicated one. I am not angry with her. I guess I am more disappointed than anything. After all the support from me through her finding that she had uncontrollable diabetes for the last 12 years, encouraging her to take care of her self (she eats and drinks alcohol and IMHO is out of control) I just wish once she could have found it in herself to make one little gesture of support. I do realize that she must not have that within herself. All you guys are so sweet with your support of me. Just what I needed. Things will just remain the same in my relationship with my friend. I love her too much to blow her off.....I will just accept that she does not have the capability of support at this time.
  21. Apples2


    chclvr...welcome. Looks like you have a good start on things. Continued good luck to you
  22. Apples2

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks,everyone, for the input. I knew as I was typing my original post this morning that I would get support from this site. I guess with this friend I have given and given and given support through everything for her. This lap band journey is a huge thing for me and I just feel like she does not even want to acknowledge it. But, I guess that's why I was guided to this forum by my surgeon. He knew I would find the support I needed with my friends here. Also, thanks to all of you for the compliments on my weight loss (whew...not lose). This morning I was really upset by this. This afternoon I am calm and accepting of my friend's reaction. I guess I don't know how I can expect my friends to understand what I am going through if they have never had exposure to someone going through the lap bad procedure. Thanks, guys!!!!!
  23. TRN. I am in my fifth month of a six month medically supervised diet. I was told by my surgeon that he would like to see me lose weight during this time period along with exercising regularly. At first I was a little disappointed and thought that the six months seemed so looooooooooooong. I just decided to jump in with and eat like I would if I were already banded. I still do drink with meals once in awhile but other than that, I am eating about 800-1000 calories a day and exercising at least 3 days per week. That's all I want to do and seem to be able to lose. I have dropped 46lbs and feel so much better. I was a little concerned a couple of months into it and wanted my surgeon to verify that it would not screw up things with my insurance. He said that my insurance company would take my beginning BMI of 40. He also stated that he sees his most successful banded patients as the ones that prepare and change their diets way b/4 being banded and lose weight.
  24. Apples2

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    DARN...did it again!
  25. Apples2

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks for you input. I didn't add to my first post that this is a friend that is self-centered to the extreme. She has gained back the 17lbs she lost last summer so I am just thinking she cannot deal with me losing. I have been through a lot with her and always stuck by her. I was just feeling bad cuz I guess I was feeling that my weight lose just wasn't noticeable. Oh well...if she is jealous she'll have to get over it cuz she will have a thinner me to deal with over the next year. I have a few weeks left and then can send in for ins. approval to get my band. Looking forward to getting on with this process.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
