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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Apples2

  1. Similar to the hoops I have jumped through....is your insurance BCBS?
  2. Apples2

    Funny Fat Stories

    Mine doesn't have to do with the butt...it has to do with the boobs in the grocery store. I am pushing my cart (my carb cart) and was rounding a corner. As I get around the corner, I had to quickly get out of the way of another person's cart. Well, my boobs get places long before I do. My right underwire caught on one of those metal price tag holders on the shelf. I am still on the go and didn't realize I was caught. It pulled so hard that it ripped a hole in my shirt and flipped my bra up over my boob. After an adjustment, things were fine but everyone around my stopped what they were doing and watched. I had a white T shirt on and when I got to check out noticed that the front of my shirt was bright red....had a one inch gash where the metal thingy had caught me. Not one of my prouder moments:blushing:
  3. Yep...know what you are feeling. I started the process Oct. 2 with my first surgeon sponsored seminar. Started my 6 mo. diet in Nov. Really trying to be patient but not easy. I find myself whining about it and I don't think I have whined about anything since I was 4 yrs old. Just such a long process and I don't have a clue if my ins. company will approve me or not and the end of this long process. Did you get approval? I had a surgery date of Feb 19 but had to give it up cuz ins. company wanted to see my A$$ jump through a few more hoops. It will be worth it in the end. Good luck to you
  4. Apples2

    low carbing it? come join me

    Thanks,LJM...I'm having one of those weeks where I think anytime I'm going to pig out..for some reason staying low carb really does taper those feelings with each day getting a little better. Now just to loss some weight b/4 Tuesday, my last weigh in with surgeon b/4 submitting to ins.
  5. Apples2

    low carbing it? come join me

    I got that weak "I want carbs" feeling earlier in the day but overcame it. Today: B: 1/2 cup cottage cheese, HB egg L: 3 oz. deli turkey/1/2 c. spinach D: 3 oz roast beef, 1/2 c. strawberries
  6. Apples2

    This thread is going to be sooo inappropriate!

    Should also include that "honk and blow" thing they do in the shower
  7. Apples2

    All you people do is complain...

    Ever have pickled beet juice come out of your nose? Good one, FF
  8. Apples2

    Surgery Cancelled!

    What a bummer! I feel for you. Hope you recover from you cough and cold soon.
  9. Apples2

    All you people do is complain...

    I hear that getting hosed by a fairy is a good thing
  10. Apples2

    Protein Troubles

    Thanks for the info....will give it a try
  11. Apples2

    weight loss comments good and bad

    Sorry for the comment from your CAO. Pretty rude...I would have wanted to smack her. I was with a friend a week ago that has not seen me since I lost 48lbs. Spent six hours with her and not once did she mention my weight loss. (She knows I am close to getting banded and she knows what I have lost) I let it ride for a few days and then emailed her and asked if she had noticed at all that I had lost. Her answer was the strangest thing..she said "I would have said you looked like you lost but I would have also had to tell you that your stomach still looks big". WTF??????????????
  12. Apples2

    weird body shape

    Hey, I have the same problem. Just try to be patient the next few months. I have skinny legs but a big waist (I'm and apple). I've lost close to 50lbs and notice my double chin is gone, my legs are skinnier and I have lost off of my boobs. Still a big old waist. When I have lost weight b/4, that's the way it always went. Eventually it will come off around the middle. I just ordered some yoga pants from Champion and Victorias Secret. VS has them on sale right now for 2/$40. I got them the other day and they are great. I ordered the XL or now and L or later. I love them. Was able to dress them up with a sweater, etc. (Cannot tell when you cover the elastic waist that either of them are yoga pants). The VS pants came in talls (yeh) and in lots of colors. Good luck...looks like you are going great with your weight loss.
  13. Apples2

    Protein Troubles

    I have a Protein question. Are there any powders out there that can be mixed with hot substances such as coffee, Soups, etc.? I seem to get warm things down better than cold. I will have to say though that LJM suggested the Atkins caramel latte canned drinks. I ordered them from Amazon.com. I love the taste and know that when I am in my liquid stages, they will do the job for me. I throw them in the freezer for about 1/2 hour. I also ordered the flavored sugar free/calorie free DaVinci syrups to give my Protein Drinks more flavor. They also work in a cup of coffee for extra flavor. Another thing I ordered and am waiting to try are the Protica protein "shots" in two different flavors. I was in the panic mode about a week ago thinking about how I was going to choke down enough protein when I start my pre-op diet and post-op. I think I have it covered and feel totally prepared.
  14. Apples2

    low carbing it? come join me

    I need some focus today also, Birdie. I am feeling fat and have that "what's the difference if I don't stay on the plan" attitude today. I have to really make a difference this week. I weigh in with my surgeon on Tuesday and I HAVE to have lost at least two pounds. After Tues, I will be in my last weeks of pre-op program. Good luck, everyone, with the low carbs today. I know I need an extra kick in the ass for a few days.
  15. Apples2

    low carbing it? come join me

    Today was another good day B: 2 scrambled eggs L: 3 sausage links & 1 wedge skinny cow cheese S: Atkins caramel latte drink D: 4 oz talapia 1/2 cup brocolli
  16. Apples2

    Your Ah-ha Moment?

    My Aha moment was taking a short 50 yard walk to my neighbors cabin at the lake. I wasn't even half way there and I was winded...my knee and both hips hurt so bad. A simple walk across flat ground. I knew at that point something had to be done and knew that I wanted a solution for a lifetime cuz I had tried everything else. I am happy I had that moment
  17. Apples2

    This will make you chuckle!

    The problem with living in a small town (pop.156) is that people get this attitude that what is your business is their business. I DON"T THINK SO!!!!!! It's their right to know what you had for breakfast and the last time you made love to your DH.
  18. Congrats...sounds like things are going great.
  19. Apples2

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I am staying on plan today because I did yesterday and I feel rejuvenated.
  20. Apples2

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Janet...thanks for the info. Just want to be ready and have things on hand when I finally get my surgery date. I ordered a few different protein drinks and bought a few different powders. I believe getting the protein in the liquid stages will be the toughest for me. I am not a milk drinker and never have been. Don't like ice cream even. Nothing milky. But, I will make the most of it. Like you said above....you gotta do what you gotta do. I also ordered the sugar free/calorie free Davinci flavoring to add to my protein shakes, coffee, etc. I bought my broth paste, flax oil and flax seed. I think I should be set once I get my vitamins. Thanks everyone for your info. Karen
  21. We live in a rural community. There's an old farmer a few miles from here that always talks about how he likes his wife to look "perfect". For her 70th birthday he bought her a tummy tuck. I will never forget her coming into my office a few months after her TT and showed me her new belly. Her shirt was tucked into a pair of knit pants. She was so proud. I figure if she could do it at 80, I can do it at 52 or 53.
  22. Good luck to you also, Silver.
  23. Good luck Moonshadow. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. Let us know how things go when you get back home.
  24. Apples2

    Hey 50 & over gang We have a new spot

    Thanks for the info. I will pick up some Centrum. I am unable to take calcium (I get kidney stones and was told to not supplement the calcium). I picked up some liquid B-12 for after the surgery. Thanks for your tips.
  25. Good luck, Julie, and may your recovery be quick. Will be following your progress. Hoping to do PS next spring. Hope you guys on the plastics threads don't think you have stalkers. We are just learning from the ones that walked b/4 us. And for that, I want to thank you.

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