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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Apples2

  1. What a bummer, Lisa! Hopefully you will get a call and you are on the schedule for a time close to when you should have been on. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  2. Apples2

    Freaking apple!

    Happy to hear the frickin apples is now unstuck. Have a friend who had bypass surgery about six years ago. Got an apple stuck a few weeks ago. Ended up in the emergency room and dr. had to retrieve it. Not a happy day for her. Off subject....she has now gained over half of her weight back. She is just beside herself after going through everything that she did. She's at the point where she is very sorry she had it done.
  3. Happy to hear you got your date, Pix and good for you with sticking to what you believe in and not letting your dr. intimidate you into a procedure you did not want. You are lucky to have a mom that is willing to come and help you. Will give you some time to bond. Good luck and keep us posted
  4. Apples2

    Freaking apple!

    Hell, I was in a panic and though you were all saying frickin this and frickin that about ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Apples2

    All you people do is complain...

    I have an embarrassing one. My DH and I were raised Catholic. One of the requirements of my church was to go to an "engagement retreat" for a weekend which is sponsored by the church. It was held at a university and we were matched with other women (men with men) to share rooms. Well, got there on a Friday and by Sat. morning my DH had convinced his roommate that we were going to skip the morning session, switch roommates and then we would all slip into the late morning session and would never be missed. Well, after a nice round of sex with my DH, and thinking that no one figured out where we had been, we go out into the lobby of the dorm for our next session. They have us line up in two lines for men facing women. (The purpose was to have us stretch b/4 the next session). With every movement, I queefed (sp?). I thought I was going to die. We went home early...claimed I was sick. Had to do the weekend all over again a month later.
  6. Apples2

    All you people do is complain...

    Hey Kat, We have a big cookoff at our resort at the lake every year and everyone tries to outdo the others stuffed peppers. When you were talking about your meatloaf type stuffing it reminded me of one of the recipes made last summer. Use either mild or hot peppers. Stuffing is simple. Brown 1/2 lb. spicy ground sausage (Jimmy Dean works) and 1/2 lb. ground beef. Add 8 oz low fat cream cheese and 2 tbls taco seasoning. Wrap in two slices of salami (overlap on sides and fasten with two toothpicks). Grill. Easy...not too fattening and tasty!
  7. It really hasn't been too bad, Brandy. I guess I would recommend the six month period for anyone thinking of being banded. I am sure I will have questions after I am banded and will need support from people that have gone through it but really feel that I am ready and well-informed and can take what I've learned and do the best I can after being banded.
  8. Good for you, Brandy. You must be very happy to get your answer. My dr.s office submitted mine at three months and was told (after two weeks) that BCBS wanted me to do another 3 months. Was a little disappointing at the time but now I am happy I have had the time to think about what I am getting into. Gave me time to plan ahead, etc. I cannot have my surgery until at least the middle of June (we farm and don't want to do it during planting season). I know I will be ready when the time comes!
  9. Congratulations Brandy. I also have BCBS MN. In my last month and then can submit. That was a pretty quick approval. My dr.'s office says about 14 days with BCBS. Can't believe you have no pre-op diet. Good luck
  10. Apples2

    Just venting

    I am sure we have all had these kinds of comments. They hurt....really bad. These comments are something that stick with us. But, you are on the right track and will be able to prove to yourself (because you are the only one you have to impress) that you can lose the weight and get healthy. Just try to imagine yourself next year at this time planting your flowers down your driveway in a cute little pair of shorts.
  11. Apples2

    All you people do is complain...

    Ok. I have a recipe for another dip and not terribly high in calories. 8oz. low fat cream cheese 1- 0.7oz packet of Good Seasons dry Italian salad dressing mix Need to mix it up the day b/4 use.
  12. Apples2

    All you people do is complain...

    As I stated above...trying to revamp the fattening artichoke dip recipe. Maybe I will just try the spinach dip. My recipe has parmesan also. Bet it will work. Thanks for the tip. BTW. We have name our dip Chicken Sh** Dip.
  13. Apples2

    All you people do is complain...

    I guess after reading all the complaints above that I should feel thankful that the closest Applebees is 95 miles away. Talking of dips....Green Mill has a great artichoke dip. Pretty fattening but good. I have a recipe similar to it and add chicken. I have been trying to revamp it with low fat mayo.
  14. Congrats on your first month's weight loss. I wouldn't worry about getting below 40BMI and being approved. I'm in the same situation and believe my surgeon when he tells me to continue to lose. He's been doing this a long time. Good luck. The time goes by faster than you think it will.
  15. Apples2

    That lady at the top.

    BBK...you have my vote. See you at the top!
  16. Sorry Paulax....didn't mean to take the focus off of your original post. Congratulations on reaching goal and good luck with maintenance.
  17. Good luck at the dr. on Monday and also good luck with your stressful feelings about letting your daughter go out into this world. A situation like that can be stressful but if we we've raised them to be independent, it's the best thing to let them go at 18. I've been an empty nester for 8 yrs. Tough for a bit but, believe me, it does get better. My son moved to Alaska for two years at 18, right out of basic training with two duffel bags on his back. Then onto Santa Barbara and then Florida. It is fun to watch your kids thrive and make a life for themselves. Hope things settle down for you soon, Grace.
  18. Just checking to see if anyone has tried the Walden Farms products. They have calorie free salad dressings, dipping caramel, BBQ sauce, etc. We live in a rural community so I order from Amazon.com. Anybody use them?
  19. Apples2

    All you people do is complain...

    If you are into a lower cal version of the jalapeno popper...it's easy and very good. Need a grill, not a fryer. Take jalapeno (can use mild or hot), stuff with low fat mozarella (sp). Take two pieces of salami, wrap around the pepper and grill until cheese is melted. A lot of the fat in the salami cooks off. I dab with paper towel to get rest of fat off. The salami gets a little crispy. A great low fat version of the original.
  20. Apples2

    All you people do is complain...

    Thank you for taking care of that little problem
  21. Apples2

    6 month diet...little white lie?

    Kelly, I, too, was bummed about the 6 month requirement. I am close to the end and paperwork will be submitted to ins. co. soon. I am so thankful to have had the last months to prepare myself. I think about what I am doing to myself with this surgery so differently than last Oct. There are so many people here that have been down the LB road and will be here for support. I am so thankful and I have learned so much about myself during these past months. Be patient, your time will come. Good luck to you
  22. A quick question for you. I have read a number of your posts stating that you are struggling with maintenance and that if you continue to lose, you will go for an unfill. I take it that you have yet to do the unfill, as you stated above that you are not having success with maintenance. I am what would be considered a "newbie" and yet to be banded. In some of your previous posts it's sounds as if life with a too full band is causing a lot of physical symptoms. The reason for my questions is that I am just trying to learn from those that have been down this road and I just cannot make sense out of why anyone would prolong an unfill. I was using this scenario the other day when I was visiting with my surgeon. He stated that it is extremely important to stay in contact with your dr. and be totally honest about if you feel you are too full or not full enough. There has to be a sweet spot for you somewhere. I guess if I were at goal I would be so happy to get that little unfill so that I could actually eat and maintain. I guess physical comfort would be worth gaining a few pounds while a person found out what they needed to eat to maintain at goal.
  23. Apples2

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hey Wheetsin, You have great advice. If I have ever forgot to thank you for replying, I would like to do so now. Thank you
  24. Apples2

    Approved today @ 4pm!!!

    Great news!
  25. Apples2

    Low carb wine?

    When I think back it was a $2 buzz also.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
