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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by OutsideMatchInside

  1. There are lots of stories on the band to sleeve forum https://www.bariatricpal.com/forum/394-band-to-gastric-sleeve-revisions/
  2. It really depends on how large you are. It also depends on where you lose it from. It took me about 40 pounds to lose a size at first. Plus sizes are cut huge and honestly most people are squeezing into their clothes pre-op and are larger than the size they are wearing. In regular sizes I lose a size every 5 to 10 pounds depending on where the weight comes from.
  3. OutsideMatchInside

    Yet another NSAID question

    The jury is kind of out on this. There used to be someone that posted here that still took NASAIDs. Most surgeons say no, but some say yes. I would hate to be in your situation, best of luck.
  4. OutsideMatchInside

    Slow loss and loose skin question

    Myth Loose skin is genetics, and how long you have been big. There are people on skin tight that take 3 to 5 years to lose their weight and still have loose skin. It doesn't matter.
  5. OutsideMatchInside

    New here.....income tax reimbursement??

    Ask your accountant.
  6. OutsideMatchInside

    Hair dye after surgery ?

    If you want to dye your hair, do it.
  7. I have to agree with Ldy. Telling them is just setting yourself up for failure, plus you already lied to them so you are going to look crazy coming clean now. Tell them you are still healing from surgery and you are taking it easy. Honestly it is none of their business. I'm so glad I don't have the friends/co-workers that most of the people here have.
  8. OutsideMatchInside


    I drink coffee, actually I live off coffee. I don't do decaf. You want low acid coffee. French Roast is lower acid than most coffee Cold Brew is low acid and it is as smooth as iced tea, this is your best option. Cold Brew is not iced coffee, it is brewed with cold water over 12-24 hours. There are specific low acid coffee brews. TJ has a low acid french roast. This is my current low acid coffee http://www.puroast.com/ It is as smooth as cold brew, almost too smooth, lol.
  9. OutsideMatchInside

    Protein Requirements As We Loose

    The government has a 900 page PDF about protein intake that cites about a ton of studies. I linked it a while back. I trust that a lot more than WebMD (which is universally hated by all Doctors). The numbers you quoted are the bare minimum a person needs NOT TO BE SICK. Not what is suggest for optimal health. The government found that unless you had some pre-existing kidney issues, you can eat up to 250 grams of protein a day with no adverse effects. WLS patients and food addicts needs higher protein diets because protein is lower in calories and keeps you full longer. It helps prevent over eating. Everyone can eat how they want, but I know I wouldn't have lost nearly as much if I was eating 60 grams of protein a day. I would have lost a ton of muscle (I have lost maybe 5 pounds of muscle and 180 pounds of fat). That has helped keep my metabolism higher and I can consume more, or really just have more of a cushion so I don't have to try and maintain on super lower calories forever. Also eating 120 grams of protein a day leaves me little room for anything else except veggies, which keeps my calorie intake naturally low, without even trying to keep it low.
  10. OutsideMatchInside


    I was around one year, I just didn't have the room before to eat anything extra and meet my protein goals. I also really suggest not adding in extra things and just focusing on protein. It makes it easier later on to keep them as occasional things instead of diet staples. Flat Out https://www.flatoutbread.com/products/flatout-wraps/flatout-light/light-italian-herb/ I use those for flat bread pizza. The protein Up versions just don't taste as good. Tumaros http://www.tumaros.com/content/tumaros-products?cid=77 I have only seen these in stores on the East Coast, I stock up, freeze them and bring them home. I also only eat 1/3 or 1/4 of those at a time, with lunch meat, so they last me a very long time. Joseph's Bakery https://www.josephsbakery.com/shop/specialty/high-fiber-plus-pita-bread.html I have had those all of twice with gyros. They are good but I can honestly just eat gyro meat with nothing else. Unless I make it myself gyro meat already has carbs, no need to add more. Cheap and readily available in any store. http://www.healthylifebread.com/ No really low carb, but sort of. The bread mainly just isn't dense and the slices are small. They whip more air into it to make it less dense which lowers the carbs. Not worth it in my opinion, but if you are desperate... Mama Lupe's tortillas https://www.tortillaking.com/mamaLupes.php They are at the regular grocery store for me. Hot Dog and Hamburger Buns http://www.shop.greatlowcarb.com/main.sc These are good but they are a waste of money for me. I pull off and throw away almost all the bread it doesn't really make sense to have them. I have bought them twice for cookouts. I don't have the room for that kind of bread and honestly I like eating my burgers bunless in a bowl better at this point. You can always make cloud bread. I am too lazy and not invested enough in eating bread or making sandwiches to make cloud bread. google a recipe. Bread is useless wasted calories imo. I go months and weeks without any of these above, and most of them I have only had once or twice with the exception of the Flat Out and the Tumaros.
  11. OutsideMatchInside

    Not eating enough...

    Well your Dr lied to you. You'll find out what healed is at 6 months. The world is full of quacks.
  12. Pre-op Size 28/30 BMI 60 Current size 10 BMI 31
  13. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    I enjoy them but they can be overwhelming. If you are used to and comfortable with your body and it is suddenly totally different, it is hard to adapt. Most of my weight loss did not create a dramatic change. Since I was so over weight I had to lose about 140 pounds before I was at the bottom of plus sizes and the top of regular sizes. Then every 5 pounds after that brought a lot of change and finally being under 200 my face went from just being smaller to completely chiseled. My cheekbones are different. My face went from round to a square oval. I am still adjusting to my face every day. It is fun some of the time or even most of the time but completely replacing basically everything that touches your body and dressing an entirely new body is a lot to deal with and there isn't exactly a guide to it. Luckily I work in fashion and understand clothing and dressing for your body type. Still with massive weight loss your body type changes and adjusts even at the same weight. I still feel like I am in a constant state of flux and I just want some stability.
  14. OutsideMatchInside

    361 Days Later: My Story

    @Dashofpixiedust8 Last fall my life felt like Freaky Friday. I felt like I had been transplanted to this foreign body and I really struggled to get use to it. My center of gravity was off. All the stores that I shopped at for years, I didn't fit the clothes. My shape was completely different. I'm still dealing with changes since my face shape is completely different. I am relearning my makeup application. I need different earrings, I have to style my hair differently. It is a lot to deal with and I never really see people talking about it.
  15. OutsideMatchInside

    200+ pounds to loose and scared

    I did not start as high as you, my highest was probably 380 at some point. I weigh around 185 now and I am very happy with my weight loss so far. I too have a lot of loose skin but the more weight I lose the easier it is to manage. Even with the loose skin this body is a lot better than my old body because this body grants me an entirely different, rich and full life. I am not sure which surgery you are considering. If I was your weight I would consider the DS. It is the most weight loss period
  16. OutsideMatchInside

    No judgement please

    I have been tp the gym maybe 5 times not counting my stint with crossfit to meet men. You can't out train a bad diet. You can erase 2 hours in them gym with a few bites of a bad food choice. So working out doesn't matter if you aren't eating right. Most peoppe with RNY don't dump, at least not long term. They might at first but once their intestines adapt they no longer do. Which means at 1 year or 18 months they are stalled out or regaining from bad food choices like anyone else. The sleeve is just a tool, it can't save you from yourself. You have to make the right food choices that work with you sleeve not against it. You can easily get back on track but you are going to have to accept that some things are not helpful for losing weight, like alcohol and other nutrient devoid foods.
  17. OutsideMatchInside


    1000 calories does not seem high. If you are well healed, meeting high protein goals. 1000 is pretty easy to hit, anything between 800 and 1000 is really good at 4 weeks. No reason to wreck you metabolism eating war rations calories longer then necessary. Losing weight slowly and steadily helps prevent you from looking hagard and old like a lot of weight loss patients. There are some people you can just look in the face and tell they had WLS.
  18. OutsideMatchInside


    I have lost almost 200 pounds and my first month I lost 21 pounds. It did not seem like a lot at the time, I wanted to lose 30 or 40 like other people, but it adds up. It doesn't matter the rate that you lose, just that you are losing. You do not lose every day or every week. When you have a lot to lose like 200 pounds you kind of have to face reality it is going to take you a year (if you are a guy ), or 2 or more if you are a female. You have to accept that it won't always be losses and keep your eye on the prize or you are going to be miserable, and probably just give up before you get to goal.
  19. OutsideMatchInside

    Old clothes? What did you do?

    I got rid of clothes as soon as they are too big and I still do. As soon as something is too large it is gone. There is no going back. The only person I know that lost 200 pounds without surgery gave me this advice and some other advice and I have followed it. I donated almost everything with the exception of my coats which I sold on Ebay because I had some really nice coats. Keeping your fat clothes is just telling your subconscious it is okay to regain and be fat again because you have a fat clothes safety net.
  20. OutsideMatchInside

    Foods you no longer enjoy

    Nothing. My tastes are pretty much the same. I make better choices. I will say things I didn't like before I really hate now, like yogurt. I don't waste calories on food I don't love.
  21. OutsideMatchInside

    Finally cut out coffee creamer!

    Were you using a coffee creamer of half and half? I use half and half, 40 calories 3x a day isn't a big deal.
  22. I had BCBS. Didn't have to do a diet. Most of the time these diets/6 month programs are just money grabs on the part of the Dr office. A lot of insurance does not require it.
  23. OutsideMatchInside

    Keto vs paleo??? Have you ever tried it?

    Then that isn't paleo. Not eating dairy is pretty much a cornerstone of paleo because cavemen did not have animal husbandry.
  24. The same reason people think muscle weighs more than fat, they are idiots.
  25. I wouldn't pay their prices considering how littered their app is with inaccurate information. There are other apps out there with better information at a lower cost.

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