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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jennolsen

  1. jennolsen

    Me At retreat

    From the album: Before

  2. Got the call from insurance and I'm approved! Next step waiting for a call from the surgeon!
  3. Congrats! I got my approval today and am hoping for surgery near your date. Good luck to you!
  4. jennolsen

    Waiting for official approval

    My paperwork was submitted last Thursday and I got a call from insurance with approval today! I started calling them Monday daily asking for a status update. I was totally shocked that that it was so fast. They answered my call quickly and I always got a polite response. The lady that called me even said she was I aware I called several times to check in so she wanted to make sure she called me as soon as the determination was made. Certainly never had this experience with insurance before! Good luck! Waiting is certainly the worst part.
  5. jennolsen

    Preop newbie still

    No preop liquid diet for me either. I was so relieved.
  6. jennolsen


    Finished all of my requirements and the surgeon's office submitted my request for approval to insurance yesterday! I hate this part. With no tasks to complete, no one monitoring me and no certainty about if this surgery will happen or not I feel a little lost. Any thoughts on this waiting game are appreciated. Anything that kept you motiviated? I would love to hear about how long it took to get a response from insurance. Jenn
  7. I had my last required appointment today, a visit with the dietitian. Although I didn't have the 6 months of visits like I have heard others talk about I still feel sense of accomplishment at meeting all of the requirements thus far. The dietitian asked me to loose 5 lbs. over 1 month while following a low carb-high Protein liver reduction diet. I was able to lose 7! This next part waiting to hear from the insurance seems the most nerve-wracking since I don't have anything to do but wait. I would like to start preparing but don't want to do so then find out it was for nothing. If approved my insurance pays 80/20 so I need the coverage or no surgery for me! It seems like many people are waiting two weeks or less to hear from insurance. I would love to hear from people about their wait. I have Network Health out of Appleton Wisconsin. I am working with Midwest Bariatric Solutions. Anyone have experience with either of these?
  8. I had my last nut appointment today and hoping to get the surgeon's office gets my letter for approval into the insurance company by the end of this week. I have no idea what to expect from them on a time frame for response. I am also hoping for mid to last September due to my work schedule. Good luck to you!
  9. jennolsen

    It's all i think about

    This is my first time on this website and of course first post. I am totally obsessing over the details too. My insurance company is not very forthcoming with details so that makes me nervous. I am following the preop requirements from my surgeon because insurance had nothing to add. I have high expectations and am terrified that I will get denied by insurance. Also very nervous about the wait. I am glad to hear so many others are having the same concerns. I am so excited I have been talking about it a lot. I am regretting talking about it so much. I have gotten mixed reactions. Some are super supportive others tell me how I don't need it and should just be able to do it on my own. I am a nurse and have recently reconnected with a previous coworker that has bariatric surgery patients on the floor she works on. She didn't have much positive to say. Probably the most defeating conversation this far. I like that I found this outlet of supportive people to express to. Thanks you all for listening.

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