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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    CravingABetterMe reacted to Margie122 in Surgery on Dec 23, I have a cold and un-supportive husband   
    Have the surgery. I lost 39lbs before surgery and I had the "if you lost weight without it why do you need it" comments too. I think my family was just scared of me having surgery. It's not something to take lightly. I told them I had lost weight before but always gained it back plus some.
    Don't lie to your doctor. Try to get some sort of activity in every day. As you lose weight it gets soooooo much easier to do! You will be able to do so much more with your kids.
    And when your husband says you have commitment issues tell him you committed to him and your kids and you want to be around for a long time to be with them! ????
    Best of luck. You got this.
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    CravingABetterMe reacted to lmm300missouri in Surgery on Dec 23, I have a cold and un-supportive husband   
    Have your SURGERY! You had a great start on your own but keeping it off is the tough part. I made my GOAL weight yesterday and I want that for you. Like you I actually lost weight during my 6 months insurance waiting period. So I wondered, but I had gained and lost a zillions time. I had surgery August 19 and hit 140 yesterday from 229 and 5'4" very similar to you. My husband was supportive most of the time but kind of panicked the last week. It is to be expected in some ways, they are men. I'm sure he is worried about what life changes HE can expect. But that is his problem not yours.
    I don't workout every day, I feel this is a life change not I diet for me. I feel I can have 1-3 small bites of anything but I always stop at three and certainly not often. Sometimes when I take a workout break for 3-4 days my body drops pounds.
    Bless you and have a safe journey.
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    CravingABetterMe reacted to NYGirlxo in Surgery on Dec 23, I have a cold and un-supportive husband   
    It sounds to me, and this is just my observation, that you're upset because this IS something that you want. And you're willing to put that to the side because of your husbands disapproval. I'm so sorry you are going through this. Let me just start by saying that you ARE A STRONG WOMAN. Sometimes, and I know this is hard to do, you need to be "selfish" and think about what's best for you. Honestly, at the end of the day it's YOUR body and YOUR health. Don't ever let someone hold you back from being the best YOU you can be. As long as you believe in yourself nothing else matters .. And when things get tough and you start to doubt yourself ( because you're human and that's perfectly Ok ) know that EVERY ONE HERE BELIEVES IN YOU. I know I sure as hell do. At the end of the day you and only you will need to live with your decision. You deserve this! Don't let anyone tell you differently. You will be just fine! Your husband doesn't necessarily have to agree with your decision but he should at least support you because he loves you. Try sitting down with him and letting him know this is something you're serious about and you would at least appreciate his support. If that doesn't work then just tell him you're sorry he feels that way and focus on you! You can do this!! There's a saying that I love that says " When faced with a hard decision .. Toss a coin.. The truth will always come out in that split second that the coin is in the air.. You'll find yourself hoping it lands on a certain side"
    HUGS to you. I know everything will fall into place for you. Remember to grow through what you go through. Communication is always key.. Everything will be ok xoxo
  4. Like
    CravingABetterMe reacted to FrankyG in Surgery on Dec 23, I have a cold and un-supportive husband   
    Your husband is (excuse my profanity) a complete asshat.
    I know I've lost lots of weight over the years using all manner of diets. And I've regained every damned bit of weight after as well.
    This surgery is a tool to help you get control of your eating habits, allowing you to relearn how to eat healthy and create an entirely new lifestyle if done properly. It is not a fad or a diet - it is a total life change. Your relationship with food is forever altered. So if you weren't already aware of that, then I guess it might be something to think about.
    But the fact is, no one exercises every day. No one eats perfectly every single day. This isn't a sign of lack of commitment; it's a sign of being human. But using the sleeve, you'll lose the gnawing hunger, and the ability to eat large quantities and also for about a year's time, you'll lose the overwhelming desire to eat really bad stuff. This gives you a chance to change up everything. You should become better at making healthy choices overall, so that the indulgence of a small slice of cake or a few Cookies every once in a while don't do anything to your weight. Or feel well enough to get out there and walk or ride a bike or go play a sport several times a week. You might even get to enjoy certain activities to the point where they don't even feel like you're exercising. That's the goal - and with this surgery, it is achievable.
    He is a jerk for being so unsupportive. He is a jerk for not understanding that carrying large amounts of weight around is only going to increase your health issues as you get older, and he is a total jerk for trying to make you feel like a failure before you've even tried. Just because you've lost some weight now doesn't mean you will be able to keep it off long term, and you are giving up on yourself because he's basically put you down enough to where you feel like it is a given that you will fail at this too. And that is the biggest jerk move of all.
    Even if you do give up on this surgery, you need to sit down and really examine the relationship where your husband is so unsupportive of something that is meant to improve your health and well being. It might be that he is scared something bad might happen, or it might be that he is upset that you might get better to the point where you might leave him or some other insecurity he has that makes him project his fears and anger at you. Because that sounds like a really crappy relationship to have, and I would be super pissed off at my spouse if he acted that way.
    All of this should have all be discussed and worked out months ago - when you first started this whole weight loss journey. He should not be freaking out and making you feel awful just days before your surgery. And that is why I say he's being a complete asshat - because he is so small and petty as to basically tear you down right when you need him to be there for you - no matter what his reasoning is for doing so.
    Big hugs, and I hope you can have a real conversation with him regarding his attitude and what you need from him and he actually hears what you're saying. And good luck with whatever you decide... but I do hope you are able to move forward.
  5. Like
    CravingABetterMe got a reaction from Bandista in Any 30's bandies who started at 220-230lbs? I have a few Q's   
    Thanks for all the replies!
    I contacted my insurance company and have to jump through a few hoops before they hopefully approve me.
    First is a doc-supervised 3 month diet!
  6. Like
    CravingABetterMe got a reaction from Bandista in Any 30's bandies who started at 220-230lbs? I have a few Q's   
    Thanks for all the replies!
    I contacted my insurance company and have to jump through a few hoops before they hopefully approve me.
    First is a doc-supervised 3 month diet!
  7. Like
    CravingABetterMe reacted to funky_monkey800 in Any 30's bandies who started at 220-230lbs? I have a few Q's   
    I am 34 had my band put in last november. 5'5 and 250 to start...i wish I would have done it sooner! I am at 176lbs..no where near where I want to be but definitely close to my goal than I was! I definitely sleep better and I feel 110% better! For the most part my skin hasn't been bad...other then my lower tummy (also had 2 c-sections) so I could use a tuck...but it's honestly livable! Maybe with some focus on my abs i could change that....And I have dd's ..lol..Cup size has stayed, but from a 38-34 band... and I drink tons of Water and stay active...I can hike with the family...
  8. Like
    CravingABetterMe reacted to cortneyb in Any 30's bandies who started at 220-230lbs? I have a few Q's   
    Yes!! Everything pretty much the same. I was 28, 220lbs, and around 5'4". Wearing a 13/14 or whatever would fit.. I was miserable. No sleep. Couldn't breathe. Didn't feel like doing anything. Period. I had surgery on October 30 th 2013. Best decision I ever made. Now 30. 150 lbs. ( could lose a little more) wearing a size 3/4. Happier than ever!! I can do whatever I want. I'm happier, my husband is happier, and my kids are happier. I can actually play with them now. I don't have to just sit and watch!

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