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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by KindaFamiliar

  1. KindaFamiliar

    Aussie girl sleeve Fri 28 August!

    You ladies are all doing so well... You should each be so pleased with yourselves... Keep up the great work as well as the postings... Kinda...
  2. KindaFamiliar

    recent privacy concerns

    I'm one of those who was/is hesitant about posting pics. However, it's for an entirely different reason. You see, I'm ridiculously good looking.... Ruggedly handsome, yet bathed in youthful beauty and charm... I'm often uncomfortable with the level of attention that I get from both sexes... Not that I mind really... Let's face it... I've got it going on!!!
  3. It's hard being this pretty!! You wouldn't understand...

    1. ProudGrammy


      YES i do - i'm in the same predicament

      !! - good luck "pretty" - it's a curse being so attractive LOL - kathy

  4. KindaFamiliar

    Obsessed with me.

    @@bellabloom In the humble opinion of this recovering fat bastard, I reckon you should just keep on doing whatever it is you want to do.. Haters are gonna hate. Let 'em do so. If you're happy (and by the look of your pic I'd say you're happy!!) with where you're at then **** the rest of 'em... I say just keep on celebrating your good self... You've earned it!!! Kinda...
  5. KindaFamiliar

    VENT: Caught off guard

    It's the low-value opinion of a spineless, faceless keyboard warrior.. Why pay it any heed at all? Do they know you? Is their opinion really worth such angst? I'd say not... We all make uneducated judgements on occasion. This pelican just decided to put it in 'writing'... Remember... Just because you see it on the internet, doesn't make it true...
  6. KindaFamiliar


    You'll be fine... There are many here willing to provide support and answer questions... All you gotta do is ask... Flick me a PM any time...
  7. KindaFamiliar

    100 Pounds!

    Congratulations to you @@*Lexie* !! What a great job!!
  8. KindaFamiliar

    18 months out with Pictures!

    Congratulations... You've done a great job!!! Kinda...
  9. "Oh you gonna take me home tonight...Oh down beside that red firelight... Oh you gonna let it all hang out..." EVERYBODY SING IT!!!..

    1. gowalking


      fat-bottomed girls, you make the rockin' world go round!!

  10. KindaFamiliar


    Good luck!!!
  11. KindaFamiliar

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    I posted this pic in another thread but I thought I'd add it here too... It's a progress pic and just a head shot... The first is taken in December, which was just about my heaviest... I was then sleeved at the end of Feb The second pic was taken last week, six months post-op.. 65kg (143lbs) lighter and just over halfway to 'goal'... Kinda...
  12. KindaFamiliar

    Feeling so unsure.

    Quite simply, the best thing I've ever done... Not one regretful thought... Not during the difficult four week liquid diet prep... Not during the various stages of post-surgery diet... Not during the last six months where I've not once felt hungry... No regrets... None...
  13. KindaFamiliar

    Screwed up and feel bad!

    Ok, so you screwed up... It's ok to do so... As long as you learn from your mistake... You've now acknowledged your screw up... Next time you're tempted, think back and remember how bad it made you feel... We all make mistakes... Even me!!! (I know... Hard to believe isn't it...) Don't be too hard on yourself @@amcpherson29 Not this time, anyway... You'll get there...
  14. So I've passed half-way... 65kg (143lb) lost... 60kg (132lb) to go...

    1. pink dahlia

      pink dahlia

      I did a double take when I read that you've list 143 lbs ! That's what I weigh ! You 've literally lost a whole person ! You should be so proud of yourself ! Congratulations !!

    2. jane13


      that's AMAZING! CONGRATS!

    3. KindaFamiliar


      Thanx all... Your kind words are much appreciated...

    4. Show next comments  168 more
  15. KindaFamiliar

    200 lbs down!

    @@heynowkc Congratulations on hitting your milestone!! You must be well pleased to be having such success... I'm hoping to hit the same milestone some time before Christmas... Well done to you and keep up the fantastic work!!! Kinda...
  16. KindaFamiliar

    Feeling the blues

    In short, stick with it... You're doing fine... In fact, you're going thru what a large portion of us went thru... Yes, it's hard... Yes, it sux balls... But this is what you have to go thru... You must get your Water in... You must get your Protein in... If you need to talk to someone, do it!! An understanding friend... Someone in here... A professional... Your nutritionist.. But rest assured, it gets better... Keep doing the right thing and the weight will come off... There'll be good days and weeks and bad... There'll be stalls... There'll be little victories that you never even thought about... But you gotta get your water and your protein... You just gotta... Take care... Really... Kinda
  17. KindaFamiliar

    I like to lick things

    Soooooo... I just saw the subject of this thread and HAD to pop in.. Alas, I've nothing further to add... Well... Nothing constructive nor appropriate... Apart from this... I, too, have been known to lick.. That is all... Kinda..
  18. KindaFamiliar

    Doesn't it get annoying?

    Too polite?? Forget that shit!! @@Trinn .... Unleash the beast!! Put this 'friend' in his place... Second-hand, anecdotal experts seldom have anything positive to say.. You know your stuff.. Tell him... I dare ya!!
  19. KindaFamiliar

    My success story

    Fantastic... Congratulations!!!
  20. Well.. I was gonna Celebrate post 100 by suggesting that all the Southern Hemisphere folk get together and run amok while all the Northerners sleep. However, I've decided to be a whole lot more self-indulgent.. Now, this is the first time I'm posting pics or numbers so I'm finding it VERY confronting Anyway, here goes. I'm a big dude.. Big!! In the first pic (below) I was sitting at around 240kg (530 pounds).. See... BIG!! This was in December last year. Rock bottom came around the end of January. At this stage I'll not give the gory details, but rest assured it involved, a breakdown, tears and thoughts of just letting go and disappearing... I'd had my surgery postponed twice (finances first time and illness the second) and had had just about enough. As it turned out, I didn't kill myself. Instead, I got my **** together and did the four weeks of pre-surgery liquid diet. If I didn't want to kill myself before, I did then!!! Anyway, I survived that as well.. Surgery day (Feb 25) came and the doc made no promises about being able to complete the sleeve.. However, six hours on the table and the man had performed a miracle.. I was sleeved.. More tears!!! On the bright side tho... No pain during recovery... No hiccups along the way.. Apart from the whole not being able to break down meat Proteins (that SUX!!!) and here I am today... Speaking of today, that's when the pic on the right was taken.. I've no idea how much I've lost. I've only weighed in twice. And I honestly can't remember the exact number (or the date) the last time I weighed. My estimate is that I've lost around 60kg (130+ pounds).. It might be more.. Still a long way to go.. But it's a great start.. Thank you for your time.. If anyone ever has any questions, just ask me.. Anything!! And thank you for allowing me to feel comfortable enough to share my (personally) confronting details.. Kinda...
  21. KindaFamiliar

    Celebrating my 100th post with...

    @@CowgirlJane Let's make a deal... How about I post a dimple laden smile, right here in this thread, at 200 pounds lost... I'm sure I'll be a lot less frowny by that stage... Now, what are you bringing to the party?
  22. KindaFamiliar

    Freaking out a little!

    For me (4 weeks liquid diet) I just got it into my head that it was all up to me... I'd had to postpone my sleeving twice before and was not going to let ANYTHING stop it happening this time. I guess (for me) it was as simple as deciding what I REALLY wanted... I chose, long term improvement over 'instant' gratification.. Best of luck to you @@jennolsen You'll get it together... If for no other reason other than for yourself..
  23. KindaFamiliar

    Celebrating my 100th post with...

    Thanx!! I'm glad you like the pics and my posts @
  24. KindaFamiliar

    Celebrating my 100th post with...

    @@wantingabetterlife Thank you very much... And you're welcome... I'd hate to cause too much dimply smile induced angst...
  25. KindaFamiliar

    Aussie girl sleeve Fri 28 August!

    All the best @@smileygal See you soon!!

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