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Everything posted by laguerr13

  1. laguerr13


    Only that I really feel that it does nothing for me except for taste, I can't tell a difference between the tastes, but I really miss the pick me up it used to have, I stay away from caffeinated stuff cause I'm an addict and was addicted to coffee and energy drinks, so if grab one its not gonna be good
  2. laguerr13

    New to the process

    It's actually a very quick process once they get the ok from your insurance, everyone's time frame and criteria is different depending on surgeon and their requirements, so it is hard to say what to expect, because we had to save and budget ( we are only on my income until my wife gets her Masters, then PhD) I had to research where to get my vitamins, proteins, and snacks, the ones that were offered through my surgeons office were 3-4 times more expensive than those I found on my own, I now go to the vitamin shoppe for my protein and buy 5lb tubs for $49-$59, and my Fuse vitamins I buy online,,I buy my snacks in bulk from Walmart and my friends now offered to get them for me at Costco, then it's a matter of weighing them out by nutritional value, making small snack packs out of them ( it's actually simple to learn, purchase a low cost kitchen scale from Walmart, read the product nutrition label and that will tell you what portion you can have at a time, Example: beef jerky is broken down to 1oz portions, so are Cashews), also learn to drink your fluids now by sipping all day instead of drinking massive amounts because that's the only way you can drink after surgery, start weening away from sugar, caffeine, etc. most important thing is be consistent and don't ever be afraid to ask questions or to question something your surgeon says, good luck it's a wild ride sometimes but well worth it
  3. laguerr13

    i think i have bulimia

    Your welcome, and I got a better response than when I told my nurse she had an infection and needed to go see a doctor, she went and did have an infection so she told me thank you then told me I was smug and to kiss her butt...... I love healthcare professionals......lol
  4. I have decaf now, but today allowed myself a cup with sugar, 1/4 cup and I was done and very happy, rest of the weekend sweetener, and non during the week, my wife is South African and does the tea and milk with sugar thing, so I've been craving hot tea with sugar, but I'm willing to substitute sweetener for now, I don't think I can do caffeinated again because it will start my caffeine addiction again and it leads to energy drinks for me which are very bad even if sugar free......
  5. laguerr13

    i think i have bulimia

    Hey RNmama: not getting help is what makes someone a bad mom!!!!!! I work around nurses and Dr.'s all day , I work at a psych hospital, and I can say you don't need to see a shrink YET!!! You already are seeing that there is some kind of problem and recognize the signs and symptoms, so denial is outta the way, first make an appointment with a counselor or therapist, make sure you tell them EVERYTHING, and try to work with them first, if you get nowhere take the next step them see a psychiatrist, ironically almost every week I see a mom in distress that maybe their child will be removed from the home or monitored, ironically most professionals recognize when a parent is trying to get help on their own before something happens and 9 out 10 times so not want to get involved and the 1% that do is because it is causing harm to the child in some way, you are on the opposite way of the spectrum, but are in more danger of doing yourself long term harm, and I hate to say this but I think it's necessary, wouldn't you rather take an hour or two a week to go see someone or are you willing to wait til you are hospitalized for a few weeks???? Or longer..... Be a great nurse and get help now.....your already a great mom !!!!!
  6. laguerr13

    Ignorant bi#@h

    I think some of us are destined to always be questioned in some negative way, I went back to work after 6weeks + off, and I got many compliments, I had been posting my progress on FB, but hey were saying it looked even more profound in person, and then yesterday I get the "dude you look sick, what is it???" And then a few hours later I get(and this from a seasoned nurse) " ah sweetie why did you do that? Your already looking too skinny so fast and your gonna be sick all the time" fortunately my charge nurse was walking up behind me and put her hand over my mouth( she knows I have no filter) and said "we gotta go" I was about to say "why'd you spend $8000 on your new boobs??? Didn't your husband leave you anyway???"lmao I can't win, but I love my nurse !!!!
  7. laguerr13


    Took me 3 nights to sleep comfortably on my side and stomach, when I ended up turning over at night I woke with lots of stiffness on he side I slept on, ironically my apnea went away and I can sleep on my back again, I'm just still scared to do it lol.......
  8. laguerr13

    Some times it's the "small" things.......

    That's wonderful and made me feel better about thinking I was alone when I felt the same, I was sleeved on June 10th and up until last week had to rely on my stomach telling me to stop, I couldn't trust my head, it hadn't caught up yet, it's gotten easier to gauge now and my head actually tells me to stop after 3-4ozs, I also taught myself to grab a drink in between meals when I think I'm hungry especially at work, it is a hospital but hardly healthy, especially with nurses and doctors always dropping off goodies, just yesterday my supervisor said we were having our meeting next week and asked what I wanted, I said Deli sandwiches since I can have probably a quarter piece, keep on going it gets easier.....
  9. Once again -2 more points on our entire IQ as a whole, if you go back and Re-read the post and take down notes. Then you could Google some of the "Facts" she threw out there and realize why some of us had a right to be angry at her!!!!! At 51 years old I had to do my research and decided only after 2 years to have my sleeve done, I have not been entirely successful because of my sleeve and diet, I have been successful because of what I LEARNED through research and listening to others who were successful, and even those who were not, and the commonality of those who were not was that they never followed through with the post surgery guidelines, if I believed at any point I wouldn't be able to handle the life change it required I would have backed out and waited to die at an early age.......... Which is another statistic that should be looked up...... Sheesh
  10. laguerr13


    I never thought of it that way, I was leaning toward a passive reference to ................well let's just say moving in ways you couldn't or haven't in years or as king Julian says "I like to move it move it"
  11. I guess this like a few other posts will possibly go on for weeks, the reasons I got angry at the person who posted was mainly because there was definitely a lot of misinformation posted, a lot of misleading numbers were thrown, but mainly because I chose to advocate for others wanting it, I don't know if I posted here or to my friends on FB but last week I asked by my surgeon if I would be willing to do a testimonial and maybe speak to some people about my experience, I am considering it with modesty and seriousness because words carry more power than people think, and because of that dumb post someone reading too much into it and taking it as gospel could be swayed not to have the surgery, causing many more years of problems or even death.......... I think as this is my final post on this thread I chose as my last words to that person or anyone else that may in the future Rey to post similar misleading statements " You can only play the victim so long......"
  12. laguerr13


    @?slimsoon: I think it's a combination of various things, being more comfortable with your body is one, energy and stamina definitely go up, I've been on testosterone for two years now and as I lose weight I'm gonna ask to cut back on the dosage, my workouts are getting insane and I feel a bit more aggressive at times, and to put it tactfully and respectfully, I think part of the whole renewed interest and libido is also due to "more options" to have fun with ???? I hope I didn't offend my fellow losers,
  13. Although I never insulted anyone on my post directly, I can understand the frustration and passion behind it, in the original post there were way too many inconsistencies and holes in the story, and if some poor misguided 17-25 something read it and decided to take it to heart there could have been a tragedy, I have worked 17 years in psych in very acute units, and you quickly learn how powerful words can be and how easily you can persuade people in a time of weakness that what you say is the truth, my benefit is that I can easily spot "BS" and this story was just that, something just felt very wrong about the post especially after reading the parts concerning muscle loss, I didn't go into this thinking life and health would take care of itself if I had this done, I went in with knowledge, information, and a strong desire to prolong my life through better choices, exercise, and to keep learning as much as I can after the surgery, I used to teach an evening class to my patients called "the 50/50 group" and what it means is that we take for granted that much of how we live and function is 50/50, the first 50% is easy "gastric surgery"our 50% is hard, diet changes, exercise, following the program........ See where I'm getting at? Read carefully through the original post again remembering this and yeah it's gonna smell alot more like cow patties!!!!!!!
  14. laguerr13


    My wife tells me to leave her alone.............almost everyday....... Or 2 or 3 times a day !!!!! Did that help !!???!! And I'm 51
  15. I am deeply saddened that this has brought down the IQ of us as a whole by at least 3 points...........sheesh I have to go outside I'm still smelling it in here.....
  16. I don't care , let me call it what it is bull****!!!!! First of your post is very misleading and you chose to omit certain parts of how you gained the weight back, but more detrimental is the fact that your sources about "muscle loss" are misleading and down right wrong, there are variables as to why people lose muscle mass, age, sex, genetics etc..... I have lifted weights for over 25 years, and when I had my sleeve done I chose to research about keeping muscle and taking proteins, I can pull stats all day to counter what you are saying, but how bout this instead, you are in no way qualified and in fact may cause someone wanting to have the surgery to see your post and say no, when you light a match make sure your not in the middle of a gas station, one of the last people I spoke to had her surgery 2 years prior and had gained 75lbs back and had complications, when she told me I shouldn't have it I had already spoken to her sister at work and her truth was totally different, she NEVER intended to do anything past having her surgery, and had been back to many of her old habits before 1 year was even over!!!!!! Maybe the surgery never worked for you, but you had no right to throw that crap on here, we will never know what really happened will we???? Only you and God really know, how's this for stats, when I wanted this I researched for two years and found this remarkable 90% of people who claimed complications and failure, never followed through with post surgery regimens 5% due to incompetent surgeons 5% due to complications from surgery Hhhmmmm?????? As for me Since June 10th I've lost over 48lbs, my BMI is at 47.8, down from 59, and I've gained 4lbs of muscle mass, if your stats were a boat it would sink....... Too any holes in your story!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll sit back and relax cause I love to leave It to Karma!
  17. laguerr13

    Beginning my weight loss journey

    I am 51 and I look up and respect young people such as yourselves who decide at a young age to have this done, I commend you both on your change and choice to live a better healthier life, my weight never affected me when I was young, but I did so much damage to my body during those years that it became a necessity now, your saving your body from wear and tear, and you will never get those years back, it is a lifestyle that is tough at first, but when you look at the transformation, quality of life, and all those around you will see it also, it makes me feel humble that you are able to do what I should have years ago, good luck and inspire others too....... I was at 388 at one point, and on my surgery day on June 10th I was at 346, today I am at 307 and going strong at the gym, and I eat as healthy as I can.........and guess what ? It really does get easier!!!!
  18. laguerr13


    I wasn't allowed to even come home til I could show that I held fluids down, I would also call my surgeon ASAP, it is serious
  19. laguerr13


    Today was my first day back at work, and surprisingly people were very positive about my surgery and the transformation that I have undergone, I thought there would be a few negative people with bad comments, but I was amazed at all the love and support I got from co-workers who are like extended family and all the other people I ran into, they said I looked even better than I my pics, the only fun they had was when they asked me to undo my scrubs, I was in my old scrubs which were size 7x, and I have lost 9 waist sizes so they were cinched up as far as I could and they kept slipping down, lol, and my shirt was hanging way out, but I felt great and the weight loss and time at the gym helped me get through my first day back without all the pain I used to have, my knee was still kicking my butt, only not as bad as before, now if I can just get the fluids down quicker, and I gotta figure out the lunch thing, the food was horrible and after several bites I could immediately tell it was processed hospital food, tomorrow will definitely be a test since I go directly to the gym for an hour or two after work..........#excited#
  20. laguerr13

    Hamburgers are gross

    McDonalds is gross to me, but we do have great burger places here, unfortunately or rather fortunately on my cheat day I can only eat about a 1/4 of it, and I don't like reheating it, I'm going to these places I found online like Carl Jr.'s, they offer the option of wrapping your burger in lettuce instead of bread
  21. laguerr13

    Sugar Addiction

    It's called "Dumping" and it sucks, I get severe cramping, nausea and diarrhea, and you learn after one time lol, look up gastric sleeve, dumping
  22. I wish someone had told me to walk as soon as I could, i waited til night and had lots of gas and nausea pain until I walked 10 minutes and it made a great difference, I was very medicated the first day but my wife said I was sweating and kept dozing off, I was great the second day and left, also wished someone had told me I would have bad breath during the liquid phase LMAO

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