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Everything posted by laguerr13

  1. I still get very depressed over the loss of my family, father , brother, mom, And my step daughter, but my wife is very smart as well as gorgeous and reminds me quickly that " family is what you make of those close around you" prioritize, first your health and surgery, then you need to have a heart to heart with your boyfriend and decide if you are going to handle it together, hold no grudges or bitterness, just be happy to be that your in a good place and live your life, that is a great vaccine for miserable people around you!
  2. lol it seems pretty standard on here that Eggs are the go to as a first meal, I even dreamed it for two nights right before, I even knew exactly how I wanted it , 2 egg omelet with spam and cheese, I only ate 1/2 but after having protein, broth and soups for nearly a month it was amazing
  3. Good point Kerrie, it's almost as if we need to be PC all the time or the secret police have to intervene.....lmao I'll catch flak for that doozie, but after all I've been through I don't care at this point,y thing is to help people and pay it forward, not analyze and make them feel grief stricken
  4. Your question was great, people nowadays Yale themselves too serious, we all know how this started, but you were asking an innocent question I think on my surgerversary on the 10th I was at 320 so 26lbs, I wanted the magic 299 by Christmas, but it's looking like sept oct maybe
  5. laguerr13

    I'm so sick of water

    G2 is the one that is controversial, something about the ingredients and electrolytes, I just can't piece together what it is, I was told powerade zero is much better, so until I find out exactly why I'm sticking with powerade
  6. laguerr13

    I'm so sick of water

    I don't know let me research, but even the guys that do bodybuilding at the gym say they don't drink it
  7. That's why your one of my favs surfer Girl lmao
  8. laguerr13

    Normal foods

    I'm actually happily finding that I do not have taste for the same foods I used to, I hate McDonalds now, the smell especially, I have my cheat days but I tried some Bush's chicken gizzards and liver and it took me two days to finish an 8 piece, I find that I prefer clean fresh foods now, fresh cut green beans, mushrooms, carrots, chicken breast, shrimp, liver, I kinda like that I'm picky now, and my portions are very small, it's very surreal at times, a typical breakfast used to be : 2 eggs, 6 slices of bacon, 5 pancakes, 6 cups of coffee w/ cream and sugar, and a large glass of soda or orange juice...... Now it's more like : 2 eggs, 1 slice of grain wheat bread toasted, and 1 bacon, 1/2 cup decaf w/ powdered cream and sweet and low, and I leave about 1/3 on my plate, my head just had to catch up to my stomach, it says "stop ur full" and my head still says " you need to finish" " your being wasteful" and " you didn't like it?" So I'm doing great so far, ironically my favorite food is seafood and I can pretty much have anything except it's so expensive....lol good luck
  9. laguerr13

    I'm so sick of water

    I wasn't able to tolerate anything the first week after surgery let alone water, I am doing well now and am learning new skills everyday, here is an example of my drink arsenal, and their are others, try these it may help BTW I have yet to crave sodas, yet I want my energy drink so bad lol There are a Walmart brand of MIOS so I have a variety Lemonade Tropical Grape Tang orange w/ 1g carbs Green tea Powerade zero Crystal light lemon Crystal light peach tea I don't know but I've been told by many people to stay way from Gatorade but I don't know why yet, I also think there are other flavored waters that may help and the only thing I do to make sure I drink is I always put lots of ice in my drink.......
  10. @ meowmers : please don't take this the wrong way, but I learned many years ago that the people that really matter are the ones that give back, love, respect, care, etc., and it's not always going to be your family, in all honesty you are never going to be good enough for her son, she has already made her judgement on who and what you are, it doesn't matter if your white, black, skinny, fat, she will always find fault with you, at least you know this sooner than later, this like many other things is very important to your health and longevity, if you love this gentleman you will need to lay boundaries as to you and his mother, you do what you have to do and count your blessings that you have such a wonderful family, I had a very hard childhood, but I took the positives and left out the abuse and treat my family as such, I am a Hispanic and I was very obese when I met my wife, she was my complete opposite, blonde, blue eyes, slim, beautiful, and she and me just had that magic, and the bonus, she is originally from South Africa and her whole family has taught me what real family is, her mom and dad love me as their own, and my sister in law Even sent part of the money I needed for the surgery from the UK, go for it, do what you have to do , bitter, miserable people ironically cant do it without others!!!!!
  11. laguerr13

    Wor wonton soup

    I'll try, I just feel that I learned by doing and some of my measurements in spices are not exact, tomorrow I Stir Fry Shrimp Al Diablo, Olive oil 6-8 med shrimp 1/8 cup chopped green onion 1/8 cup chopped carrots 1/8 cup mushrooms 1/3 cup bell pepper( you can use red or yellow) Pinch of salt Pinch of pepper 1/2 finely minced garlic clove 1/4 tbs chili powder 1/4 tbs ginger ( fresh is better) 2 tbs white cooking wine 4 tbs soy sauce Heat up olive oil in Wok on high heat add shrimp cook 8 minutes, add all other ingredients and lower heat to med, add wine and soy and spices Stir fry to your liking of crispness of veggies. Give it a shot its spicy but great
  12. laguerr13

    The games our heads play.

    Still waiting for my head to catch up to my stomach sometimes, I work in psych and have worked on our Detox units, so I was never afraid to admit I was to food what an alcoholic is to a drink, 1 becomes 2, 2 becomes 3 and ........... , right now I have to let my tummy control things, my y says "Full, I stop, my head sometimes still says " no finish your plate" " what you don't like your food ?"etc... , so it's a day to day process with me but its getting a lot better very quickly, good luck and I agree with every word u said because I've seen it and heard it countless times, but it wasn't till I spoke those words I got somewhere.....
  13. laguerr13

    NSV....I DID IT!

    I still wish I could run, unfortunately my sleeve was for weight and not my damaged knees, I make up for it at the gym, I used to like the way bodybuilders looked so I loved to lift, now people are already seeing a difference and my muscle is coming back, it feels so great and it make me wanna keep going, I went back to the gym 1week after surgery on June 10th, I was curling 20lbs, yesterday I curled 50lbs, my PB 15yrs ago was 95lbs, so my goal now is at least 80lbs, still I wish I could do a 5k with my friends, oh well knee surgery may be next.........
  14. The broth recipe sounds awesome, I really struggled after 4 days on broth, now I am on regular and look back and laugh, nice
  15. laguerr13

    Wor wonton soup

    These diets we go home with from our NUTS are guides but not etched in stone, it is intended for people who have no idea what liquid, puréed, soft really is, but once we get the hang of it we need to think outside the box, just in fluid alone I have over 9 choices of what I can drink and the worse one only has 1g of carbs, and none are sort drinks, if your gonna make a life changing commitment then you need to have a great inventory to work from, good luck all
  16. I was required to take several tests at different phases, I guess I'm dumb for assuming it was standard fare, and as for psych I totally in agreement since I broke down in front of my therapist friend at work( I work in psych so I had lots of free helpers) when I had to admit that a lot of my bad habits started at home, but since my mom was my last family member to pass away in December 2013, and I have no more family except my wife and kids, it was very emotional but in the long run made me stronger
  17. laguerr13

    Getting the protein in

    I thought initially it would be hard to get my protein in but through research, my wife's math skills and memorizing amounts, I am more than able to surpass the protein amount on most days, I do 2 scoops in my shake which gives me 48g, and then I choose my meats for the day, chicken breast, beef, tilapia, shrimp etc, even my snacks, cashews ( only 1oz per snack) jerky and cheese, getting your protein in small amounts is not difficult, consistency is !
  18. laguerr13

    Protein Shake Questions

    I am trying to have a variety on hand, I buy my protein online because I work out alot and I buy 5lb jars, so far I have chocolate, and strawberry, and I'm trying to locate the punch flavor, BTW I've probably saved over $200.00 alone over the past 3 months by buying in bulk online and staying away from those Gucci overpriced ones
  19. laguerr13

    Did I make a mistake

    Your post was too vague so it's kind of a loaded gun, it could lead to people reacting negatively to other's answers, but with all due respect if you meant that you went off your recommended diet "a few times" then I would say you need to take a step back and re-assess your psyche, this is not a quick fix for many of us, I is very hard work that requires commitment FOR THE RESTOF YOUR LIFE!!! Part of this is your psych evaluation, but a lot of people on here know what to say, I think you should go through with this, but not unless your willing to commit and make the changes necessary to reach your goals, I am passionate about this since my health was deteriorating quickly and I am not ready to quit my wife and kids!!! If you want a pal to help you when you get discourage inbox me I'll give you my Facebook and phone, I want to pay it forward, and I want others to succeed!
  20. laguerr13

    Fell HARD off the wagon ????

    We are all losers here, not quitters, and seriously we are all human, just keep going, veterans and posts like you are what keeps us newbies going, so far I've been lucky since my small accomplishments motivate me, and I think I'm addicted to this whole healthy living going to the gym thing, it makes me feel good to know that people close to me say I'm inspiring them, and some are shocked at my progress, hell I'm shocked, started at 388 in January, 342 on my surgery( today is my one month surgerversary) and today probably between 318-320, I was expecting the magic 299 by Christmas, but o can keep this up Iay be looking at August, September, I took this pic today before my workout at the gym, my friends know I love bodybuilding, so lifting is my go to, and I'm 8 waist sizes down from a size 60w.......so keep posting peeps like u and all the others on here inspire me!!!
  21. laguerr13

    Post Your Food Pics Here!

    first attempt Wednesday at Stir Fried Cashew Chicken, and I got to tweak it by omitting the bad stuff, it was amazing
  22. laguerr13

    125 pounds lost (pictures)

    1 month surgerversary today I only found 1pic from 3 weeks ago showing my scrub fit, then today before gym I took this, I'm so excited, I though I would hit the magic 299 for Christmas but if I keep doing what I am supposed to I may be looking at September, October, started in January @ 388lbs and first Dr. Visit in April @ 362.2lbs, today between 318-320lbs and 8 waist sizes lost, and I'm gonna keep going........
  23. laguerr13

    Back to Running After Tummy Tuck + Panni

    I would love to run a 5K unfortunately the gastric surgery never fixed my knees but I'm working on it !!! I am full time at the gym again
  24. Karlnjax : I work in a psych hospital and I used to do an evening group about what happens after discharge, maybe this will help, there is still a negative stigma attached to this, deaths from surgery, the quick fix comments, and my favorite, $999.99 in Mexico special, but because of all the negative aspects that surround it, those who are uneducated fear it, and when we as Humans fear or don't understand something we attack it, you will not always find support where you expect, it could come from an old friend, a bowling buddy or people like us willing to extend a helping hand and a pat on the back, or even tough love when necessary, this is your journey and Its about your life so it cannot be taken lightly, if you need a push from time to time you can friend me, there are any people just on here alone who are willing to support you, don't turn your back on family out will end up bitter, but move on and don't talk to them about it, you need to be 100% to get through this, it is too important to toss over negative feedback, sometimes people don't like viewing bitter on their own and feel the need to share their regrets, look at it that way and good luck, remember this is all about you !
  25. laguerr13

    Sleevers over 300lbs?

    Chelenka I hear what your saying and I know that honesty like yours causes people to become very defensive, ( without even knowing it's called guilt), but to hear what you have to say is very necessary, those of us that are new to all this can learn from veterans like you, I knew going into this that if I wanted to be successful I had to have certain things in place, my mind set plays a major part in this, I used to have a teacher who said that the mind and body that can be balanced and healthy and create a beautiful continuing circle, unhealthy body and the kind suffers, unhealthy mind and the body suffers, I never understood this balance until after my surgery, I am far from perfect and make many mistakes, but I refuse to overlook them and I try to not repeat them, I make comparisons of myself to an alcoholic, it helps me understand my psyche better, 1 turns to 2, 2 turns to 3.............., so I learned to not even start on those things, if I want a dessert because I take my wife out to dinner and hers looks awesome I will then take a bite of hers and not order one, with an understanding that I will not do that every time we go out, and if can't say ok to myself then I say NO!to myself, this is and always will be a constant battle with myself, but the more small victories I have the easier it becomes, don't give up, you have come to far, and if what you say sets even one person straight then you have done more than most, be strong, if your kicking then your breathing, and if your breathing keep kicking!!!!

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