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Everything posted by laguerr13

  1. laguerr13

    No protein powders?!?

    I was told no protein post op first 7 days while on clear liquids, then start on them again immediately on day 8, I was sleeved in June 10th, and I still try to do at least 1 per day, I have researched many foods and to get the 60-80g that I need because I work out a lot, I would need a to eat atleast 7-9 times per day at a rate of every hour, things like cheese, beef, liver, nuts etc...... So whAt your surgeon said is very unrealistic and downright stupid, unless they only expect your intake to be at 20-25g of protein ???? You need to ask a nutritionist just to make sure, I'm not a professional but I had to research a great deal to teach myself where to get my protein from, and that was pretty much the break down of how much food and amount of time I would need without supplementing
  2. laguerr13

    Popping Bones!

    Yesterday after being in the gym for a month and a half and increasing my weights rapidly and strengthening, I thought it was time to hit the leg day, I noticed and remembered quickly part of the reason for my gastric, as I was doing squat machine my left knee be an to "crackle and pop" it was my arthritis, scarring, and permanently torn ACL telling me to chill out, I know I need that surgery next but the knees thingy scares me to death, lots of pain and rehab, and always a chance it could continue to hurt, I would suggest investing in knee braces, good ones
  3. laguerr13

    Ignorant bi#@h

    It's called Diarrhea of the mouth Dahlia....... Strictly only found in people full ****, lol
  4. laguerr13

    Why Not Bypass?

    It was an issue of safety because of my weight, my surgeon is well known and highly respected in this area, he said he opposes the band, but still has patients insisting on it, and likes the bypass but because of my weight recommended the sleeve, so far I have no complaints, and I am doing extremely well, I think my sleeve is slower than bypass but I'm not finding it hard at all, and my health and quality of life has improved tremendously, I had my sleeve on June 10th, and I would do it again in a second...........
  5. laguerr13

    Ignorant bi#@h

    I actually feel sorry for her, people are at a bad disposition when uneducated and just plain ignorant about others, this wasn't easy for me, just like a recovering alcoholic I had make admissions, and cried at times, I also had to be willing to become dedicated to a different way of life, and learn wrong from right as far as how and what to eat, it was very hard telling my wife NO! When she asked for something and I had to go to the gym, now she smiles and I know she is proud that my selfishness at certain times is a positive one, I lost a couple of close friends in recent years to health problems, and my entire birth family, so it was easy for me to turn away a couple friends who became very ugly and negative when I announced my decision, ultimately the negative comments and remarks should have no bearing on you since this a very personal journey, we are all here to support each other but it's your body, your pain, and your failures and achievements, keep your head up and be proud of the scars you now have, choose to be the better person and walk away each time, let others begin to see it for what it is, eventually she or he will repel others away with their negativity...........
  6. laguerr13

    One year surgiversary pix

    Way to go !!!!! Awesome
  7. laguerr13

    11 days post op

    Try Silk w/ protein powder, or mix it with coffee if you like that
  8. laguerr13

    Insurance Coverage

    Legally an insurance company may be held liable if a surgery was necessary due to a medical condition, so most companies don't want to deal with the implications that are associated with it, just make sure your surgeon's office complies with all the requirements necessary also, you lay have to try a couple of times, mine fell under morbid obesity, And health conditions associated it with it were an extremely high BMI, years of dieting, body pain, high blood pressure and apnea, good luck and don't just say ok if your insurance company says no, many policy holders are uneducated and don't realize that there are systems in place if they do deny you.
  9. laguerr13

    What Are Your Food Ruts?

    Regular bacon is also good for you in moderation, I usually eggs in the morning, boiled, over easy, soft, omelettes, etc I Also will add cheese sometimes, dinners vary from grilled chicken to tilapia to a lot of stir fry( I learned to Wok earlier this year) I also found a rainbow Sherbet that is carb friendly, and I utilize several websites for fast food and restaurant carb friendly places, I cheat in moderation lol, one of the most surprising ones to me was Panda Express, they several offerings, my fav is Kung Pao Chicken w/ stir fry veggies, usually I normally average 300-400 cal per day, under 60 carbs, and 60-85g of protein, I used to be at 2500-3000 cal per day, and I average 3oz portions, I'm happy with that!!!!!!
  10. laguerr13

    Am I overeating?

    BTW : I Remove my plate and trash it as soon as I think I'm full!!!!!
  11. laguerr13

    Am I overeating?

    I am going to be very careful so that this in no way reflects on you, I also am full after just 3-4oz of food, usually 4-5 bites, I had to see my friend who is therapist before and after getting sleeved, and it was revealed that I had hidden issues that started at 5yo, it was tearful and traumatic since my mom was my last living family member and passed in December 2013, part of my problem was that we ate by emotion, and culminated with phrases like "you need to finish that plate" " you want seconds?", and the old "what, you don't like my food?", I had to learn to ignore my head and listen to my tummy, and guess what it's working!!!!! Sometimes my wife reminds me to stop when I say I'm almost full, it is the greatest feeling in the world, don't get me wrong, I don't suffer by any means, Saturday I had trout and oysters, I threw away the fries, ate half a fillet and 3 oysters, and I still have a fillet in the fridge, so basically I still get to taste the good stuff from time to time but I stop when my stomach says stop !!!!!! Hold your chin up and keep going, if we are kicking and breathing we are still alive and trying !!!???
  12. laguerr13

    TX Buddy

    Good luck, learn as much as you can prior to sleeve, learn how to sip your drinks and ween yourself away now from caffeine and soda, exercising prior to surgery is also beneficial, light circuit training works, and don't be afraid to ask your surgeon anything, you need to comfortable with them, I had mine on June 10th in San Antonio and I am making great strides, inbox me if you need anything, but on some questions it is best if you are told to ask your surgeon since a lot of the regimens vary, like diets, protein intake, and post op diets, this is your journey and it is much easier with the right support!!!!!! See you on the loser's side
  13. laguerr13

    looking for a sleeve buddy

    Good luck from San Antonio, I was initially willing to travel to Dallas to get sleeved, fortunately after much research I found a center of excellence here, which is part of my insurance requirement, get ready for a wild but rewarding ride
  14. My wife worked out the co pay with the surgeon and hospital , she put money down then we are making payments I think it only came out to $3500 for everything, not bad considering the hospital alone charged $68000.00 I got approved in less than a month because I met my dietician visit requirement quickly
  15. You make the appt with anyone listed as "center of excellence" also shop around, there were two in my area, I chose the one recommended more by word of mouth, and listed in network, the surgeon can tell you if you will qualify right away depending on BMI and associated health like apnea, pain, etc....... UHC choice approves a high percentage as long as you do at least 3 dietician visits, also I was on a very tight budget and assumed everything was through my insurance, check to see what is included in the deal with the surgeon, you may need money upfront for certain tests, and the dietician, and things come up like vitamins, and protein, good luck let me know if you need anything, you can inbox me anytime I check once per day.....
  16. The 10th of July was my one month anniversary and I am happy that I only average about 3-4 oz per meal, I've had some of the foods that I missed, like last night I had trout and oysters, but I threw out the fries, ate the oysters and ate only one fillet yesterday and today, and have one left for lunch tomorrow, tonight I made my family and a guest Stir fried chicken w/ snow peas, and white rice( my midlife crisis gift was a Wok) and I had a 4 oz portion and left about 1oz on the plate, that is the greatest feeling in the world for me !!!!!!!!!!
  17. laguerr13

    Fed up

    Everyone here looks gorgeous, is that name calling??? And Babbs is a sweetheart and a hottie!!!!! I think that because there is always stress involved some peeps forget and start to vent, I would like to think that an apology can be offered after the fact, and I appreciate certain members on here because we agree to disagree with out pointing fingers........ I wouldn't have come this far and smoothly without this forum, I think it is one of the better ones......
  18. Walking helps, I actually was nauseous for 5 days since I screwed up and was taking my nausea medicine everyday, I called my nurse and she laughed and told me that if I wasn't nauseous the mess would bring on the nausea, so I was ok in 2 days after the call, and I have only been nauseous once since then
  19. laguerr13

    Fat confessionals

    I'm gonna be happy just going out to buy 3x scrubs soon, I was 7x scrubs and I'm gonna buy a T-shirt of every color at my HR, cause there were only 2 of the 12 shirts that fit me the last two years, and I want outrageous scrubs like purple, and some yellow ones, it's gonna serve a dual purpose since iWork on a psych unit!!! Lol
  20. laguerr13

    Fed up

    I don't like the whole "Goal" thing we are all made differently for a reason, I started at 388 in January, GSV on June 10th and today am at 318 -320lbs, my doctor said my goal weight is to be 160lbs, I said my goal was 190-200lbs, I work out hardcore and love building muscle, I also have a cheat day once a month, people on here are great for the most part but on occasion I will see something that borders on ludicrous, I caught alot of slack for saying that I use milestones instead of the scale, but twice I have seen the same peeps that admonished me freak out over the dreaded "Stall" if I doing so bad then why and how have I lost over 70 lbs since January, and 9 waist sizes, and I've even managed to break my personal best at the gym twice this month, and guess what ? All I really care about is that my Apnea is almost gone, my blood pressure hovers around 125/78, I don't have diabetes, and I will be here longer for my family, oh yeah and I care about the Kayak my wife is getting me, yeah the Kayak , that's a biggie!!!!!!!! You are doing nothing wrong, and as long as you are trying and kicking, won't be!!!!! Be about happy, and don't fall into the misery likes company thingy, unhappy people are never content, they take care of the weight but forget about the mind!!!!
  21. laguerr13

    Rant from a single woman!

    Very good perspective chasingpolaris, my wife is experiencing this right now, life caught up to her, she was a size 6 when we met very athletic and active I was 350lbs, after she gave me my twin boys 6 yrs ago the weight never seemed to come off, she was a 120-130 throughout the beginning and with the twins 200lbs, now at 150-160lbs, she is very critical of herself and tells me she feels disgusted that she can't take off the weight and has lost her sexiness, all I can do is reassure her she is loved even more than when we met, but also remembering to validate her feelings, it just boggles my mind how she fell in love with me, but is so critical of herself, either way she is always amazing to me
  22. laguerr13

    Help! Losing so slowly...

    I'm envious of you, my weight loss is too fast, but it has its drawbacks, I started at 388 in January and was 362.2 at my first appt, on surgery day June 10th I was at 344, and today probably at 320, but I used to get in atleast 1500-2300 calories per day, I now at under 100carbs, 400-500 cal, and 65-89 protein per day, I also work out hardcore 3 times a week at the gym, so I can't do more than 3 because of muscle repair time, I'm also not sedentary like i used to be, but the problem is that posing weight that fast usually means you can gain it back a lot faster than some one who losses at your rate, I would be content at 2-3 lbs per week, sometimes it's more like 3-5, keep going and do what your doing, you are doing everything right, good luck
  23. laguerr13

    Everyone is an expert!

    I've gotten atleast 1-2 texts or phone calls a day from work, I was sleeved on June 10th and because I also had a pretty bad hernia repair it went from 2 weeks to almost a month and a half, my vacation days were usually 2-3 days here and there, and I had the same response last year when I took my first real family vacation and asked for 6 days, as for this expert thing, I only respond to people who haven't had gastric surgery and ask questions first, there are too many variables, surgeons, regiments, diets, etc..... So I say ultimately we are only experts of ourselves, but if someone asks something you can help with it is nice to offer a suggestion, good luck and keep the Boss crazy
  24. laguerr13

    I am flat out hungry (rant)

    One of my friends kept having that problem for a few weeks and after being checked out by her surgeon, the fix was simple, he sent her to see the dietician and after 20 min of questions and answers, the dietician put her on 6 small portions per day, now at 6 months out and eating normal foods she carries small snacks and still eats 6 meals a day, 4 meals and 2 snacks @ 3oz portions, so maybe you should go see your surgeon to rule out anything else and then talk to ur dietician, we are all made and function differently, good luck
  25. laguerr13

    What if it is hard to exercise

    I have terrible pain in my knees due to severe arthritis and trauma to both knees, but I excel at the gym with weight training, since I went back to the gym I have made tremendous strides, I sleep better and my back pain is gone, I don't know what to say except you may need to have some more surgery, my wife has a bulging disc in her neck and the pain can get very bad so I understand, good luck

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