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About gettingtothenewme

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    Senior Member
  1. I am currently 17 months post-op. 37 years old. I am at the maintaining level and happy with weight. I had 2 pregnancies prior to surgery (many years apart). Spouse and I are thinking we would like another. original weight 240- now between 138-144. Water weight sucks. I am off the BC because of side affects. Any one have any input on side affects of losing weight after?
  2. gettingtothenewme

    I'm in need of help.

    Did you have issues with peanut butter? Like nausea? I started to feel sick after but family happened to be sick so I was not sure if it was PB or virus. Also what do you eat with yours? Yes i can't eat peanut butter anything.
  3. gettingtothenewme

    How long did your hair fall out?

    I lose hair but can't honestly say it's more than before. I have fine curly hair. If I wash it and put no product in it, I lose less but that was true before surgery. I did cut a ton off as part of the make over. I wash my hair everyother day so what I lose I figure is 2 days worth. Dr and hair dresser it's normal to lose 100-150 strands daily.
  4. gettingtothenewme

    3 months out

    Calories 600-900, I walk 3-4 miles a day. Fluids vary. I try. Protein I don't get the 60 grams. 50 is usually good for me. I weigh less in morning by 2 lbs but through the day I put that back on. So bounce from 168-170 daily.
  5. gettingtothenewme

    3 months out

    3 month check up I hit my 60% mark but now having a hard time getting past 60-62 lbs. Any advice
  6. gettingtothenewme

    200 lbs down!

    this is fantastic. You're a rock star!
  7. Everyone is different. Hour body is adjusting. I lost quick but then hit plateaus for a week. That is a shocking revelation. I think once your body adjust the weight will follow. 1 week out you're still full of Fluid and gas. I'm on a plateau now for approaching 2 weeks. I know it's frustrating. Sometimes you have to up your calories to get your body out of starvation mode.
  8. gettingtothenewme

    You know you lost weight when

    I love getting to go to TJ max and not having to shop in plus size. I'm 3.5 months out, and have gone from a 20 to an 8/10 pant size. Almost got into a size 8 dress but my bust is still to big. I love 5hat feeling you have lots of selection and can try just about anything on.
  9. gettingtothenewme


    I had a bad feeling after pasta.
  10. gettingtothenewme

    Weight loss after surgery

    There is no normal. Each of us are different. I lost 25 lbs immediately but now I've plateau'd at week 3. I'm 203 and 4 lbs from onederland
  11. gettingtothenewme

    I ate a pancake!

    Try out carb quik. 2 g or protein, 2 net carbs. And they have sugar free maple syrup. Pancakes can be eaten in the small portions we can hold and healthier
  12. gettingtothenewme

    HELP....painful gas

    If strips make you nauseated then try your zofran 30 minutes before then a strip. I never experienced the gas pain but I have a friend you did.
  13. gettingtothenewme

    I'm in need of help.

    Did you have issues with peanut butter? Like nausea? I started to feel sick after but family happened to be sick so I was not sure if it was PB or virus. Also what do you eat with yours?
  14. For those that are 3-6 months out and more. Are you able to ever eat more and 3 bites of anything?
  15. gettingtothenewme


    You have room for all that? I can only do maybe 3 bites off food before I get the lodged feeling.

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