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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

  1. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Old habits creeping back in!

    My issue is if I see the food - I tend to eat it.. so I have built strategies to take i out of sight. This is helping. for instance, I avoid the break room with the "calorie rich Snacks. I also have a "cannot touch" cabinet in the house that is just for hubby and kids. And I have had to learn to stay away. Lastly - log everything.. Make yourself accountable. Here is my rule - I cannot eat until I finish my Water bottle. This way I have to drink 32 oz between each meal. This has helped....Especially since it take me almost 2 hours to drink my water. Good luck!!!
  2. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Halloween Challenge!

    Whooo hooo - made my target. 234 this morning...
  3. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    1 of many more NSV/hopefully

    But my knee still had my boobs .... does that matter?
  4. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Feeling down post op

    @@JudeaJordon - sorry you're having a bad time with this. It does get better. But....let me say this. My saddest point on this journey was my first time going out to dinner. I was so overwhelmed with not being able to eat like I used to that it became too much. My advice is to start thinking about where food was your most enjoy activity because those experiences are going to change and possibly go away. Start thinking about food as nourishment not as enjoyment. this really helped me overcome my sadness around food and eating. Hope this helps.
  5. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Smelly flatuence

    I love this post so much! It is truly the funniest thing on a Sunday morning.
  6. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Anyone else have issues with water?

    Same problem with regular water. I don't know why regular water does not sit well with me in my pouch. I have to flavor it with Crystal light with the sunny with some drops to make it taste better. Try iced tea, warm, cold. Etc.
  7. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    I miss salad?

    I was told I can have salad at six weeks. Too bad my pouch does not like lettuce. There has been no salad in my life for seven months. Sad jenn!
  8. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Peppermint extract

    Now that is a great idea! I want to try it. Thanks for the idea!
  9. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Pain on left side by rib

    One more thing to consider - did he have a hiatal hernia? When I have left pain on my left side it turned out it was from my hernia repair. That usually lessons as the time goes on but that might be the cause of it. have him check with his surgeon if it continues. One more thing to consider - did he have a hiatal hernia? When I have left pain on my left side it turned out it was from my hernia repair. That usually lessons as the time goes on but that might be the cause of it. have him check with his surgeon if it continues.
  10. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Soft food*Feeling full

    Everyone on this post has already said it but I'll say it again. Weigh out your food! This is really the only way I knew I was full at the beginning. It's hard to pay attention your body will tell you when it's full. For instance I start burping when I get full. Someone else may start sneezing when I get full. This is the time when you really learn how fulfilled in your pouch. Good luck!
  11. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Blog share

    search VSG and WLS in Instagram and you will find several that are fun to follow.
  12. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Hello All(:

    Welcome!!!! Let us know if you have any questions
  13. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Food amounts

    Hi - I am 7 months post op and here are my targets. Calories - 700-800. Protein - target is 80 g per day. Each meal is only about 3 oz of food (2 oz of protein and 1 oz veggie or fruit). And I still have one Protein shake - Pure Protein 35 g per shake. Here was my menu yesterday. B Fast - Fage yogurt (3oz) +1/4 small apple (I add a shot of caramel Torani sugar-free syrup too!) L - 1 pouch tuna (2.5 oz) with fat free cottage cheese (maybe 1/2 oz) with dill+ 1/2 small cucumber (the lemon cucumbers) Snack - Quest Protein Bar before workout dinner - Chinese fish stew (shrimp, scallops) and mushrooms and Beans After dinner - Pure Protein shake (chocolate) Hope this help...
  14. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Can we talk about Halloween candy?

    We got stickers this year... and thankfully my kid is too old now
  15. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Skin Discoloration

    I wear a gold (18 K) on one had and a silver on the other. No discoloration here Sorry.
  16. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Meal / food help please!

    at the beginning - tuna with a small amount of yogurt worked well for me (plus lots of protein). I added some herbs like Dill too. Other go to "real food" for me was rolled up sliced turkey (or any sandwich meat) with string cheese. This went down well too. Finally - try yogurt with soft fruit like kiwi or melon. If you use Fage it has the highest Protein. good luck !
  17. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    The 6 month stall?

    My month 6 sucked too.... very little weight loss but I did notice lots of changes in my clothes. pants that were tight are now loose and all of a sudden my stomach got smaller around. So no weight loss but my body did change. I think.... I think... I gained a lot of muscles this month since I did kick up more exercise so that may be the cause. I agree with @@Inner Surfer Girl - Embrace it. I am sure the weight loss will come again.
  18. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Ounces of protein

    I am at 7 months out and I still have 2 oz of Protein like chicken breast, steak or pork with 1 oz of fruit and 1 oz of veggie. If I eat cottage cheese or yogurt, I can usually do more - like 4-5 oz of protein.
  19. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Hair Loss

    I began at 3 months and now at 7 month it much much less. I still eat 80 G protien per day and take Biotin.
  20. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Halloween Challenge!

    236.5 today!!! Have a great week everyone.
  21. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Best Advice I've recieved from this site

    Thanks for the notes. Powercrunch - have not tried those yet. Must explore I still love the brownie from Quest. Its my favorite.
  22. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Pre-Op Diet Slip Up

    It's no big deal. Start over again tomorrow. everything will work out. Shake it from your mind ; you get to start over . OK.
  23. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Dog food perspective

    That is very funny. Thanks for sharing. I used to tell people that I lost a small cow and that helped make it fun too.
  24. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    Halloween Challenge!

  25. jhclikesshopping@gmail.com

    What a difference 6 months makes

    So last year at this time I was meeting with my PCP to talk about options. I had another trip to the ER thanks to my asthma and allergies. After the meeting, set up my first appointment with the surgeon. Needed to wait the 6 months and lose weight. I was glad for this requirement and I think it has helped me in my success. Now here I am 1 year from my surgeon meeting and 6 months from my surgery. Down a total of 108.5 pounds as of this morning. Not at goal but getting closer each day/ week. I do not regret my decision and know its going to get easier. The first 6 months have been hard, but I would not change it for anything. I have never felt better in my life. "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels" Before After

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
