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Posts posted by pinkie1

  1. I am with HCF and had the theatre cost's of surgery covered in a private hospital. I had to pay an out of pocket expense of $570 to the anaesthetist. all the pre surgery such as dietician and exercise physiologist psychologist and doc apps I had to pay myself which came to about $600, but if my health cover covered it would have been less.

    I had to pay an out of pocket expense to the surgeon himself of $3350, but this fee includes free appointments with his clinic for the rest of my life, and should something go wrong and I need further surgery it too will be free.

    My health insurance is $111 a month with a $450 hospital gap. if I were you I would go for the no gap and pay that little bit extra every month.

  2. If your BMI is in range for the surgery I can not see why any surgeon would not put life threatening, my surgeon has an easy process claim for this, but unfortunately for me here is SA, my super is with SUPER SA and they do not let you get your super out not matter what, if you want it you have to resign and claim then. so I just signed up for private health waited a year and had my surgery last week.

    Good luck fingers crossed you

  3. I agree with you iamCJayne iam not sure wether my body is just working on fixing this wound and the weight will come later. Boy I hope it does, the main thing I hope is that my type 2 diabetes goes away.

    I have ceased insulin which is amazing but I was hoping tablets would be gone too. I think I just need to give it time

  4. I am only 8 days out and have been home for 4 days, I have made myself walk to the post office box which is about a mile I thought to myself I would make it this weeks goal whilst healing from operation to just walk to the PO BOX.

    Well yesterday I wanted to keep walking so I did I did 3 miles and today I was in a bit of pain and thought I would have a break but later in the day I thought nope I want to go for a walk so I did another 3 miles.

    I'm very proud of what I have done, as I reached my weeks goal and then went on some more.

    But I would not do more than what my body would allow me, I'm taking each day as it comes and there is one thing that I made a NO COMPRIMISE with myself and that was I have to go for a walk everyday, it doesn't matter what time just do it.

    Just think, you have wanted this for so long and the surgery is only one tool in the weight loss game, it's a great one but it still requires you to put in some effort along the way.

    If you find it hard after work try a little walk before walk and maybe at lunch time, find ways around work where it requires you to move more like taking stairs if possible, and walking to a co worker instead of ringing or emailing them. just little things like that you can use to add to your exercise bank.

    Good luck :)

  5. Hi everyone,

    I had my RNYGB on the 20th May and I'm only over a week out, but I have had these thoughts even before the surgery that what if this fails this is my last resort and knowing my luck I will be this one person in the world who doesn't lose weight from a weight loss surgery.

    I know I'm doing everything right and not "cheating" but I feel as though what if my surgeon made the pouch to big and I don't reach my goal.

    I know I have to give it time and be patient but I am a natural worrier and can't help but fall into the "what if's" I guess that comes from so many past failures.

    Another thing that I worry about is that compared to quiet a few people on here I seem to be able to eat a bit more than others.

    I guess I would just like some comfort in knowing some others had these feelings and fears.

  6. I know it would be too soon to be looking into plastic surgery just post op, but maybe you could invite a surgeon who specialises in bariatric post op skin removal surgery to give a talk, or you have a nutritionist, maybe a fitness coach and a life coach a motivational speaker, a professional under garment bra fitter for the ladies and maybe even a glamour booth to dress up but a bit of makeup on and get the after pic as suggest above.

  7. Before I left the hospital I asked my surgeon "so how soon should it be before I weigh myself" he looked at me and said with a very serious tone "2 years, don't even think about the weight I want you think about getting you healthy, weighing can be counter productive and undo all the good that we are working on here".

    Of course my reply was "well you now I am going to weigh myself"

    But he is right we went into this with the ultimate goal to lose weight but why because we wanted to be healthy, we wanted to be around for our kids, to have kids, to fall in love to move from the bad and to be fit to run marathons or just walk to the mailbox with out needing an oxygen tank and a knee replacement.

    Your weight loss is amazing at this very early stage, stop discounting it and think "hey before the surgery losing this amount of weight in this amount of time was impossible and now look at me go".

  8. I'm on the liquid diet and I say it sucks donkey ass! I'm not experiencing true hunger, For the most part it's head hunger. Last night I did go too long between shakes though and I threw a temper tantrum! I'm laughing about it today but last night I was REALLY upset about not having French fries. So you are not alone ☺

    Lol temper tantrum, I know how you feel.

    And I agree for the most part I haven't had real hunger it is mental hunger all a mind game with myself.

    I guess that is the real battle we have all faced with weight loss and have lost, though we have bounced back and come to terms with ourselves and have taken complete control (for the most part) and are taking the never lightly decision to have WLS.

    You know what I think, we are all awesome, we could have just ignored the weight like we all have for years, but no, not anymore we are taking our lives back and not letting food control us.

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