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Everything posted by AngelaW

  1. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    I agree Kat! Excellent news indeed!!!! I am pooped. I will try and log on tomorrow... Angela
  2. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    *sigh* I updated my ticker.
  3. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Woo-hoo Suzie...beautiful pic! I love that you were able to ride all the rides. Doesn't it feel great? It made me think back to Silver Dollar City a few years ago when I was struggling to fasten the seatbelt. It was really embarrassing. Plain, you are a hoot! Are you any where near Tracy and I in Texas?? I thought a shirt I had on the other day had shrunk...it has a lining under the sheer top and it was crawling up all day. Well...either this shirt I have on today has shrunk too or I am in trouble!!! Guess there is no denying what is happening. Have a good one! Angela
  4. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Love the pics, Suzanne! You look great and what a beautiful bride. I too hope you are enjoying Disney!!!! I would post pics from the nieces...but after the story I shared last night they might be incriminating!! LOL. Busy day here. I will try to pop in later. Tracy...rain, rain, rain!! Not as bad as I expected with a tropical storm skirting us...but Palacios had already gotten 4 inches when I woke up at 7:00 am. Hope we stay in the clear!
  5. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi ya'll!! Tracy, you made me snort tea! Going to look for me at Wal-mart, eh? LMBO! Before I forget...welcome Debbie...and was there somebody else? I stink, I can't remember!! I love this group of girls! I myself was a lurker until I finally opened up. There is a hodge-podge of beautiful personalities here so come on in!! We had a wedding to go to on Saturday. Mike's neice (we are not really close to his half-brother) got married at a big church in downtown Houston. I gotta tell you guys...that was the weirdest wedding I have EVER been to!!!!! The first thing my sister-in-law and I noticed was there were no flowers in the church...no candles...no bows... no NOTHING. I guess to each his own, but I have never seen a big wedding where the church wasn't decorated in some fashion...at least with candles and flowers (heck...the dollar store has wedding bows!) The minister (not sure of his official title) never once asked us to pray and totally forgot the part where they exchange rings :thumbup:. He finished up and was telling everyone thank you for coming when the best man pulled the rings out. LOL. I am not sure where the vows came from. They weren't traditional and I don't believe they were written by the bride and groom either. It just seemed like the minister was flying by the seat of his pants the whole time! He kept stumbling and repeating himself. Oh...and the groom's cell phone went off during the ceremony. Everyone was scrambling trying to figure out where it was coming from and we saw the best man reach down in the groom's pocket and shut it off...lol!!!! Mike leaned over and (too loudly) asked me "Wonder who that could be?". He got my elbow in his dang ribs!!! We were all snickering. Just strange all the way around. Anyhow, my brother-in-law ended up staying down at the bayhouse with us Saturday night and we had a party on Sunday with a big portion of the family. We started with ribs and a bus load of sides around 3:00 pm and then about 9:00 last night we moved on to frying fish and shrimp. UG! I ate way too much. And then somebody had the audacity to make a carrot cake complete with cream cheese icing and nuts...from scratch. It was simply DE-VINE ya'll!!! (saying that with a little Paula Deen/Texas slang) I had to go back and stash a piece for later. We were anticipating my BIL and SIL staying the night last night but ended up with twelve people (drunk people...I might add) sleeping over. In a small house with two beds!!! We had a blast though. Luckly our couch set has multiple recliners. I was scrounging for blankets and pillows! Kat/ Tracy- I hate to hear you guys are getting sick! Tracy, I could run to Wal-mart for you. You need anything? You good?? LOL! Kat...you ok?? I would totally run to Wal-mart for you too, lol! Where is Suzie at right now? Jenn...good for you! Sounds like that "boss" was a pain in your backside. Ah well...I have got to get to the bottom of this laundry pile. If it topples I am going to be buried alive! It IS that bad!!!!!! Hey...is there a place where we can update our ticker to "I just don't wanna talk about it right now??" Have a good one! Angela
  6. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Lol @ Suzie... I wish!!! Tracy and I need to make REAL plans to meet up. It's too funny how we keep meeting up...at Wal-mart too!
  7. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    You guys will never guess who I ran into tonight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!!
  8. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good Grief! I use a lot of exclamation points when I write...lol. I just went back to clean some of it up real quick. I quit!!!! I guess I am excited when I write.... Oh well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL... Angela
  9. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning! ((((Michelle))))....((((Kat)))) I am praying for you both today. Welcome, Shar. You picked a cool group to join! Tracy, the creme brulee was out of this world! My torch from Target was terrible. I guess I need to work with it some more (or maybe I don't...see below). It might just be operator error...lol. On that note...I have gained 10 lbs. Not cool. I have been eating a lot of sandwiches and carb-filled meals (things I used to get stuck on) and sweets. I guess I need to get in and get some sort of fill soon. This is the first time in two years that I have been without anything in my band. It's renewing my faith that's for sure!! Congratulations Tracy and Terri on the weight loss!!! I'm gonna have to dust off my tennis shoes and get with the program myself. I want to chat, but work is calling! Be back later!!! Angela
  10. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning! Ahhh...I hate to hear that Tracy. We have a cat and a dog so I am going to pass on getting another. Our cat, or "catzilla" as we call him is 30 lbs! I know, it sounds like animal abuse but we have never fed him more than a cup of food a day. He is relatively healthy other than his weight. I guess we are ALL over-achievers in our house!! Our little 10 lb. malti-poo takes pride in tormenting the cat. I watch her run up to him and act like she is going to pounce then run off. Spunky (cat) cannot run as fast as her so it has become a game. She runs laps across the couch and love seat across the floor and back up again. It makes us laugh and laugh! I know she is just playing with him but we have to give Spunky a break sometimes and let him go lay in our room with the door closed....lol! Suzie, how cool to find a friend from high school! I love having facebook. All this modern technology has made it so easy to find people (mostly in a good way, lol!). I did get stalked for a little bit by one of my husband's ex-girlfriends who wanted to "fill me in" on their past. WTH? I ended up having to politely (and then rudely) tell her that I was not interested in anything she had to say. I think she was just trying to find a hole in my marriage. Not going to happen!! Kat, that sign on your truck/trailor had me laughing. Good for you guys. Poor Kinsey. Men can be so stupid!! Michelle, UG! Sister's hubby is out of jail? I hope your sister is somewhere safe. Did your husband make it home ok? Cindy, aren't animals funny? For years we just had the cat (who could really care less if we are there or not) to now having a little dog that goes NUTS when we are home. We almost lost her when we first brought her home (eight weeks old). They vet said that the separation from her siblings and mother likely caused her to be depressed. We ended up nursing her with Vita-Cal paste until she would start eating again. A gross but funny story...we made her a cage with baby gates when she was little so that she could stay in the front room on the tile (we were working on potty training with puppy pads). There was a gap between the gate and the floor and every time she would potty (#2) she would push the potty outside of her pen. We figured she was doing a little housekeeping. LOL! Tracy...the a/c fix was not the cheap one...but not a bad one. All in all it was under $100. One of Mike's co-workers does the a/c at the plant and as a side job so we got a little break. Have a good one!! Angela
  11. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning, Too funny Suzie!! Michelle, I am so glad your hubby is coming home. That has to be tough on you and your little one. Tracy...keep checking around. Four hundred sounds steep. Good for you to try and get back on track! If I had one wish (besides world peace and calorie free chocolate, and...and....) I would love to never have to worry about my weight again!! WE HAVE AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!!! Thank you Jesus (and Mike...lol!). Have a good day! Angela
  12. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Woo-hoo Suzie! I can't wait to meet you in person!! We reached 102 yesterday and guess what? Our freaking air conditioner is broke! When we came home yesterday it was making a humming noise but not running. I am praying Mike can get it fixed this afternoon. He thinks it is a $20.00 part. I sure hope he is right! Air conditioners are ridiculously expensive. We dug our little emergency (re: hurricane) window unit out of the shed and have it running for the cat and dog in the living room. Worst case, I guess we will all be sleeping in the living room tonight!! I picked Zach up from football yesterday and had to go purchase some pedialite (sp) for him. He was sooo overheated. I love that he wants to play football but I hate that they practice in this heat. Those little guys were miserable out there!! I saw them have to refill their water tanks (big trash can looking things that they set around the field) a couple of times in just the hour I was there. Zach said a lot of the kids went inside to cool off (off and on) during practice but I guess he was trying to tough it out. I watched him put his head down between his knees several times and it was all I could do not to go and pull him off that field myself (over-protective...me? A little!). I know they have a "doc" there to watch after them but I was really getting concerned. The weather guys are saying that this has been the hottest month in recorded history for Houston. We have not been below 95 in almost a month now. I am praying we get a decent winter...and that it starts cooling off soon. This weekend they are showing us at a high of 90. We'll take it! I hope you are all having a good day! Angela
  13. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good afternoon...and happy weekend!! Hubby and I decided yesterday to take a break from all the crap and go gambling in Kinder, Louisiana which is about 2.5 hours from here. Guess who I saw there??? Tracy and Frank! That was way cool!! I think next time we are going to go together. That would be so much fun! I hit $500.00 on a penny fairy machine last night (betting 50 cents a pop and hitting bonus rounds over and over again) . We went to bed around 5:30 this morning and we were back up and going at it again by 7:30. Talk about fun. We needed it. Tracy said they weren't leaving until this evening so I hope they are winning big! I am pooped!! I will chat with you guys tomorrow. Angela
  14. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning... Michelle, lots of prayers coming your way. I hope your sister finds the strength after this to leave him for good. Kat, sounds like you had a blast! Your pictures are beautiful. I keep telling my hubby that one day we are going cross-country RV'ing. I want to see so many places. Your pictures renewed that idea!! I hope Kinsey is feeling better... Tracy, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. The man upstairs has a plan...so hang in there. Is Macy ready for school? Jenn, how are ya? I agree with what was posted above (sorry...forgot who?) that there is a reason George was in your life, even if it was just passing through. Stay strong! Mr. Right will come along... Suzie, your niece is a doll! How does she like school so far? How warm is it up there right now? I hear a lot of people complain that with the heat down here their pools become saunas. I hope you don't have that problem!! Cool water on a hot day sounds devine. Bethany, I think at this point we could write a (group) book about the band. Fills, unfills, over-fills, "too little" fills. It can be sooooo frustrating! One day you can eat a bowl of cereal and the next...nothing until after noon. To boot, some of us struggle with more tightness when we are on our cycle or stressed. It really is crazy...and not easy. I know that if I did not have this band my weight would be unmentionable, so I keep going as best as I can. I am horrid about emotional eating. I still find myself eating when I am not actually hungry :thumbup: . Right now, as I said a few post back, I am completely unfilled. I find that I am obsessed with weighing every day now because I am afraid I will put it all right back on. I have been enjoying bread and cereal for the first time in a long time. I know I am not making the best choices... I struggle with my inner fat girl daily. Stay with us and try to stay positive. I was too tight at 2.2 in a 4 band. You know, come to think of it, I really thought I had 2.2 when I went in for an unfill a couple of weeks ago. I only had 1.7 and I had been dealing with severe GERD. I guess I am still in search for my "good balance" too. I think I need a vacation!! I have been so stressed out here at work. We are a month into this "new" system and there still is not much relief. Add to that the expenses of school starting (clothes and shoe shopping) along with not having enough time in the day to get anything done! I usually leave work around six in the evening or so...run home, change laundry, feed animals and rush back up to the high school to grab Zach from football. Yesterday, I made a mad dash to Walmart in between work and football and I think I started having a panic attack. I could feel my heart racing a little and I got a rash across my chest and down my arms. That's a first! Scared the crap out of me. I showed Mike when he got home and he said that my eyes looked swollen underneath too. I am going to have to better learn to manage my time or start letting some non-essential things go (Like work????). Lol, that's not going to happen any time soon. How sad is it that I find fishing with my hubby stressful? He wants to go this weekend and all I can think about is how much crap I could be getting caught up on in the time period that he wants to go. I really need to chill. Work is calling. Hope I didn't miss anyone! Have a good day. Angela
  15. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Happy Birthday, Kat!!
  16. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    4.5-5 hours from here to Dallas. I sure hope we get to see you Suzie! ....Bowing my head with you, Tracy!
  17. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Oh yeah!!!! I am really excited for you Tracy. Keep us posted. Quit worrying about your weight! We all have pounds to loose and I think you are harder on yourself than anybody else would be. You are beautiful...and lots of fun . Michelle...good luck with that headache. UG!! No fun... Suzie, I sure wish we had a pool to enjoy. This weekend, I have ran back and forth between the two houses here turning on/off soaker hoses and watering my plants. They look sad!! I can see too far down between our foundation and the grass :cursing: we need rain...badly. I hope Kat is partying it up! How was the Zac Brown Band concert, Jenn? Tracy...I did find shoes for Zach. Just for the record, I HATE Baybrook Mall. It is ate up with tweens that do not watch where they are going! Man, that sounded mean... What I meant to say is that I was really short on patients yesterday. Too many kids on their cell phones zig-zagging around the walkways. That mall is way too crowded for that silliness. I guess I am getting old. I need to get started making our dinner and ironing clothes...catch yall later!
  18. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hey ya'll! I ran into Tracy at Walmart and got a big ol' hug! I got to see her hubby and Macy too. She is sooo cute! It was fun to see you again, Tracy!! Have a good night!
  19. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hang in there Bethany! I just had a complete unfill myself. I have been second-guessing this band thing myself. I feel like I can't find a happy medium...I am either way too tight or eating junk. I know it is in my head and that is what I struggle with. Good morning all...be back later!
  20. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    National Smores Day??? LOL! Step away from the smores, Tracy.... You guys, I slept like a baby last night!!!! On my favorite flat pillows to boot! I can't believe I waited this long to get something done. I still hope you get to swing by our way, Suzie. We would certainly find some margaritas to get into! Jenn....Zac Brown?? Love them! I really like their song "Free". Have fun with that! Hi Cindy! You have a great attitude about teaching. I noticed it with your summer school issues. I wish there were more teachers like you! Michelle....Mmmmmmiiiiiicccccchhhhheeellllleeeee???????? I hope Kat is having a blast as well! I would love to be on vacation right now. Give these IT guys at work a little more time to work the kinks out, ya know?? LOL. Have a good night! Angela
  21. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi ya'll, LOL, Suzie! I carried my butt on down to the LAP-BAND® doctor and ended up getting my band completely unfilled today. I have been miserable/whiny/grouchy because I can't sleep without waking up with crap in my throat. This has been going on for way too long . I suffered from GERD before the band and now it seems to be back. I have been taking Prilosec for several weeks now and while it has helped, it never fully eliminated the problem. So...the doctor removed everything and wants me to stay completely unfilled for a while to see if that will make it stop. Lord, give me strength! I hope you guys have a good night. Wish me luck on a more restful night's sleep myself... Angela
  22. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Morning, Sorry I have been MIA. I lost my "woo" for a little bit. Tracy, I am sorry I missed Macy's b-day. From the pics on facebook, it looks like you guys had a blast. Beautiful cake. Thank you for thinking about me. Suzie, I love butterflies. You my friend, are a beautiful lady! I hope Kat is having fun. I will check in later...getting busy here. Angela
  23. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi ya'll. I'm here...reading and chugging along. Sorry, I am in a funk and not feeling like talking too much. Work is still stressful...three weeks out! I left work for the first time before 6:30 pm yesterday and today. I am grateful for my job but not impressed at all with this system we are using. Had a couple of margaritas tonight to help me sleep. I will check in tomorrow. Have a good one.
  24. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Good morning! Good grief! That is a lot of money, Cindy. I dread that starting here. I am right behind you with Zach. He is going to be 15 this year. He already has a copy of the driver's handbook and has been reading it every chance he gets. Tracy, I am sooo excited for you. Keep us posted! Jenn...keep on "keeping on" and don't let anyone discourage you. You only live once! We had a pretty busy weekend here. Saturday I ran errands around here and then drove to Palacios to be there for our early Sunday morning floor layer (7:30...EARLY Sunday morning, Tracy! LOL). He finished up Sunday around noon and then we started on the quarter round. It looks really nice. The plans are to go back this weekend and finish up so I think I will be missing Macy's party. You will have to post pics, Tracy. Well, I am on the clock so I need to get something done here. Have a good day everyone! Angela
  25. AngelaW

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi! Kat, those concerts sound like a lot of fun!! I am embarrassed to admit but I didn't catch the "DNA catcher" business until you wrote it again...lol! I have always been slow. Too funny! Suzie, that is a hot topic! It's a hard one to discuss with so many angles. Tracy...she is local. She lives in Pasadena. How are you feeling this afternoon? I am in better spirits today. I am ready...yet not ready for this weekend. We are having the floors done at 8:00 am on Sunday. Uh, thanks Mike? I told him I was glad that the bedroom didn't have to be done and to let me know when it was over, lol! A great big hug to all of you. I am glad to have a place to come and chat and vent. It means more than you know. Angela

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