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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Applebootom9 reacted to RockinRobin59 in African American Sleevers   
    Your just starting out I think that will go away when your able to drink Protein Shakes but drink your Water and walk when it's cool early morning or evenings don't forget your Vitamins I would sometimes forget because I never took vitamins that will keep your energy up keep the good work it's worth it!!!
  2. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to OutsideMatchInside in African American Sleevers   
    You are not consuming that many calories and with the heat and probably minimal Water intake, feel dizzy is pretty normal. Make sure you keep your Water intake up. your body is using most of its energy to try and heal, so make sure you don't over do it. this is still major surgery.
  3. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to illailla in African American Sleevers   
    I'm a week out and all of a sudden feeling dizzy this morning..I walked for the first time last night and felt good doing but after started feeling somewhat dizzy..is that normal?
    Sent from my SM-G935T using the BariatricPal App
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    Applebootom9 reacted to b4real5 in African American Sleevers   
    Thanks!!!!! Good luck on your journey. Be blessed. It really is a blessing
  5. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to b4real5 in African American Sleevers   
    Down 140lbs sleeved August 26, 2014

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    Applebootom9 reacted to This_IsMyRIHality in African American Sleevers   
    wow! You look amazing! I'm so excited that I downloaded this app and found this thread! I'm seriously thinking about getting the sleeve! I'm actually going to get it, just gotta go to the seminar, get the appointment and pray that my issuance doesn't give me any troubles! Lol Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
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    Applebootom9 got a reaction from RonnieRab in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    @, keep your head up and start reading positive affirmations to build your self esteem. Maybe you have a favorite poet or female personality that you enjoy listening to ie.. Fran Drescher, Suze Orman, Maya Angelou-Phenomenal Woman. I found this one here:www.omharmonics.com/blog/affirmations-for-women this is just a piece of the affirmation from this page check it out. hope it helps. Keep in mind your not alone a lot of us are going through the same changes just like you. Keep up the good work.
    Affirmations for Women I am the co-creator of my life. I accept responsibility for my life. I am strong, beautiful, graceful and elegant I set healthy boundaries that honor my values and truth I am worthy of love, respect, success, wealth, health and happiness I am surrounded by beauty, peace and love I am resilient, flexible and adaptable I am as yielding and as powerfully unstoppable as Water
  8. Like
    Applebootom9 got a reaction from RonnieRab in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    @, keep your head up and start reading positive affirmations to build your self esteem. Maybe you have a favorite poet or female personality that you enjoy listening to ie.. Fran Drescher, Suze Orman, Maya Angelou-Phenomenal Woman. I found this one here:www.omharmonics.com/blog/affirmations-for-women this is just a piece of the affirmation from this page check it out. hope it helps. Keep in mind your not alone a lot of us are going through the same changes just like you. Keep up the good work.
    Affirmations for Women I am the co-creator of my life. I accept responsibility for my life. I am strong, beautiful, graceful and elegant I set healthy boundaries that honor my values and truth I am worthy of love, respect, success, wealth, health and happiness I am surrounded by beauty, peace and love I am resilient, flexible and adaptable I am as yielding and as powerfully unstoppable as Water
  9. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to Deborah Bennett in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    After after back surgery 13 years, and 3 knee surgeries. I been trying to lose my weight and keep it off so much of my adult life. Recently again I been going through back injections for pain in my back. My Dr., whom I've been with for about 25years, and I came to this decision. My husband is 8 years older and we do not have children. The thought that I wouldn't be able to do things by myself if something happened to him really made the final decision. He is with me every apt. Thank god for making this gift possible.
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using the BariatricPal App
  10. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to NeedaBreak4Me in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Hehe i always weigh myself just before my morning shower.... I'm always nekked and do a quick once over hehehe
    I watched all of clusies videos when i was pre op....
    I actually took half nekked pics the night before my surgery... my 8th week is next week so it might be time for an updated one.
    Somehow i don't think ill be posting them on here though hahahaha i don't want to scare the little child lol
  11. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to NeedaBreak4Me in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    See... this is the strange thing with me.... i lost all my weight with my band... got to goal.. had the "i see myself as bigger than what i really am" phase.... my brain finally caught up and i knew i was slim and everything was normal and in proportion.
    Fast forward removed the band, gained weight quickly over 12 months... and my brain thought i was thinner than what i was....
    Now that i am sleeved and losing... my brain thinks i am bigger than what i am...
    So it funny how your brain creates an illusion to what you really look like. Now i try to get family members to point out people who are a similar build, so i can get it right in my head.
    Its amazing how your mind plays tricks on you.
    You would think after going through the process, all the head stuff would be easier to recognize and deal with.... but nope!
  12. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to RonnieRab in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Thank you! This is helpful for me too. I never feel like I'm saying anything good to myself. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  13. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to RonnieRab in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I watch a lot of wl YouTube videos. One girl I love to watch, Clusie L, recommended checking yourself out in the mirror alot. It helps your brain take in and understand that you are physically changing. It probably makes more sense to do it at home where no one else is looking at you funny because you're staring at yourself. Always catch a glimpse of yourself in reflections out in public also. You will start to realize that your brain is making the connection and always tell yourself positive things. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  14. Like
    Applebootom9 got a reaction from RonnieRab in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    @, keep your head up and start reading positive affirmations to build your self esteem. Maybe you have a favorite poet or female personality that you enjoy listening to ie.. Fran Drescher, Suze Orman, Maya Angelou-Phenomenal Woman. I found this one here:www.omharmonics.com/blog/affirmations-for-women this is just a piece of the affirmation from this page check it out. hope it helps. Keep in mind your not alone a lot of us are going through the same changes just like you. Keep up the good work.
    Affirmations for Women I am the co-creator of my life. I accept responsibility for my life. I am strong, beautiful, graceful and elegant I set healthy boundaries that honor my values and truth I am worthy of love, respect, success, wealth, health and happiness I am surrounded by beauty, peace and love I am resilient, flexible and adaptable I am as yielding and as powerfully unstoppable as Water
  15. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to NeedaBreak4Me in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Thank you... i was having a bit of a "moment" i appreciate your support.
    You would think this being my 2nd time around it would be easier... but its not... the emotional issues i had dealt with when i lost all the weight initially all came back.
    Just goes to show that this is not a cure... its something that needs to be worked on for life...
    I went shopping today... and the self loathing came rearing its ugly head... i have lost weight, am looking better, but obviously my brain has other ideas... i went into the change room and tried on some clothes.
    The clothes i grabbed were way to big... hence looked horrible. . Instantly my reaction was to blame my body not the clothes... not the fact that my brain hasn't caught up... argh...
  16. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to RonnieRab in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    You are on the right path. Keep moving forward one step at a time. Sent from my SM-N910T using the BariatricPal App
  17. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to wfhmomtx in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Surgery scheduled for 29th. Excited and scared.
    I found a few old journals when cleaning out a cabinet. Reading them again, I realized that it's been 30 years of fighting this weight--lose 20 pounds, put it right back on, lose 30, gain it back, etc. Made me angry and sad--what a waste of time and energy, when I could be living the life I really want. When I told my husband, he just calmly looked at me and asked, "So are you ready to win the fight?" We started serious research, and now I'm a couple of weeks away.
    I've watched my mom struggle to walk, breathe, and get comfortable. I refuse that future.
    So let's get this done.
  18. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to NeedaBreak4Me in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Aww thank you @@Applebootom9 i really appreciate that.
    Actually writing that out and having that cry was quite therapeutic.. it reminded me why i want to go back to being healthy and slim and what i do not want to be anymore.
    Well, i am getting there.. 28 down and only 57 pounds to go till goal!!
  19. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to NeedaBreak4Me in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    My final moment when i decided to do something was after i gained weight after being at goal for 6 years and having my band removed, hence gained weight.
    I was standing in front of a full length mirror... i looked at myself and my body and actually thought i was ugly... i realised at that moment that i no longer loved myself.... i was critical of every feature.
    I would look at my face and think i was no longer pretty
    I would look at my stomach and sigh in disgust
    I would decline catching up with friends because i did not want them to see what i had become
    I stopped going out and doing things i enjoyed out of fear of judgement
    I stopped doing my hair, nails and make up because i thought it was no use
    I didn't participate in life anymore because i felt i had no life in me left
    I hated that i had come so far only to go back to where i started
    I felt no one would love me
    I thought i would die alone as no one could love me.
    Omg i am actually in tears...
    But thank god i woke up... i did this because i love me... i am beautiful inside and out, i am a good person, i am intelligent, kind, honest, thoughtful, and have so many good qualities.
    Yes, i am unhappy about the outside, but the inside is good .. i just needed to do this because i did not love me anymore.... and no clothing tag size or number on the scale could fix that.
    Im sorry, i am just really emotional right now.... this is the first time i have ever said these things out loud...
  20. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to Panda Chai in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Hi everyone: Reading all of these stories is so inspiring.
    Im 55 years old and have worked in the same industry for 33 years. I worked tirelessly for a promotion that I truly deserved and when the time came, I was passed over for someone tall thin and young. Sound common....but I heard a rumor that "I didn't look the part" to head up a corporate America position"....I think it was the last straw. As the years have gone by I have let me self go. I am not as active as I used to be, I struggle with stairs, and sit on the couch way too much. I needed to make a change and my surgery is 6/28....this is for me!!! and I can't wait.. Good luck to all of you.....
  21. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to Kyn13 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    So I'm almost 29 and this is the list of things that made me want to do this. Now I know some of this is gonna be tmi or whatever but if it helps just one person to not feel alone or helps push them to finally go through it it's well worth it.
    So I can't do anything I love
    Horse back riding
    Bike riding
    Roller skating
    Sitting at a booth in a restaurant
    Wearing cute clothes that don't look like an old couch fabric or that I didn't have to order
    Not being able to be the mommy I should be to my son
    Volunteer fire fighting
    Now here are the things that aren't so pleasant to admit to or hear
    I can barely put on my own socks
    9 times out of 10 I can't tie my own shoes
    I cry all the way home from work every night I pull a shift at the hospital cause my feet are in agony
    No Dr will help us have a second baby
    I have to wear sanitary pads because my bladder leaks without notice if I suddenly have to pee
    No matter how often I shower and wash I still feel like I have a smell
    I can't shave my legs as well anymore
    I also can't shave my lady parts alone anymore (thank god for a loving spouse! !)
    I hate that my boobs sag
    I used to be healthy I was a size 12 leaving hs and then it all went to hell I'm really just fed up with it all. Especially going into my closet and trying on everything I own but I'm too fat and they are all too tight
    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G870A using the BariatricPal App
  22. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to UsernameTaken in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Paying so much extra $ for clothes at LB and it still doesn't look neat...
    My last business trip I had to ask for seat belt extension on the plane in front of my boss which was very embarrassing...
    Having hard time putting shoes and being out of breath after little effort.
  23. Like
    Applebootom9 reacted to wyominggirl in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Losing my brother in law and sister in law to cancer in a short span of time. I need to be there for my nieces and nephews and can't in my current health situation.
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    Applebootom9 reacted to magoosmom in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    Going on insulin before I even turned 40. Being on 3 different blood pressure medicines and not being able to miss a single dose without feeling the effects. Realizing that I felt hopeless and so discouraged that I didn't want to even try another diet because I had failed so many times in the past.
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    Applebootom9 reacted to karine76 in What Was Your Final "straw That Broke The Camels Back"   
    I'm sick of paying for fat girl clothes. which is 3 times the price of regular clothes in many stores around here regulare dull t-shirt can be 50$ in these stores. and I just want to be able to look in the mirror and stop saying that I look like pig and no one will ever want me. I want to love myself again.

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