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Posts posted by alindsey

  1. Surgery was a bit miserable the first day and night! I also had more pain than expected but after the first night it was sooooo much better and tolerable! I'm post op day 3 and have been shopping all day!!! You get better fast I feel great! I'm not hungry at all and I find my broth Jello and Popsicles easy to get down and i stay satisfied and hydrated! Walked over a mile today! No dehydration or headaches! I'm so happy ;)

    Glad to hear you are healing well. I'm pretty sore but going to walk a little more today. Surgery went well but really sore now (1 1/2 days home) Trying to get the liquids in and start making shakes. Any tips for getting going?

    Stay on top of your pain meds. I've been taking tordol every 8 hours. It's a miracle drug! I literally sip Water all day every couple mins I take a sip of Water or Jello or broth. I was a big water drinker before I've always drank about a gallon a day anyway. This is harder though the small sips are difficult because I want to chug! I've also taken a couple lortabs at night cause I find I'm more sore at night and I sleep better. These were left over from kidney stones. But I'm 4 days out now. Everyday get so so much better! Walk as much as you can I could only do like 5-10 min on day 1 and 2 I've worked my way up to about 30 min now. It's super slow but it's moving. I figure every calorie I burn and the more I use my muscles the better! Good luck Hun. The fist 2 days are for sure the worst! It gets better everyday!

  2. Surgery was a bit miserable the first day and night! I also had more pain than expected but after the first night it was sooooo much better and tolerable! I'm post op day 3 and have been shopping all day!!! You get better fast I feel great! I'm not hungry at all and I find my broth Jello and Popsicles easy to get down and i stay satisfied and hydrated! Walked over a mile today! No dehydration or headaches! I'm so happy ;)

  3. I was a BMI of 30 on my day of surgery last September. I only told two people, hubby, of course and a work colleague. I did have issues with some of the nurses who kept telling me that I shouldn't have surgery as I wasn't fat!! I recovered from surgery really well and have had a slow steady weight loss. I've not had any regrets. Oh my BMI is now a healthy 23.

    I had this issue to one of the folks there asked me why I was there I seemed to thin. I told them my bmi is 32 and I qualify and I'm sick of the yo yo life style! I felt like I was being judged the entire time I was there because I was smaller than everyone but I didn't care. I know what's best for me for sure :)

  4. Did your surgeon give you a PPI for your reflux? Mine had me on omeprazole for the first 2 months post-op. If not, you should contact him and ask if it's okay for you to take something over the counter.

    Yes in the hospital I was getting something similar to protonix iv which is a PPI they sent us home with liquid antacid meds which I'm sure is just maylox but it works????! I also put myself on omeprazole and since I'm having hard core reflux, it seems to all be helping!

  5. 48 hours out and feeling fine we decided to go home instead of stay the two nights in our hotel. We woke up at 6 am had a shower our dressings changed and ivs out. We were then transported to a X-ray office where we drank barium (which can give you diarrhea by the way) while they shot the X-ray checking for leaks. Me and my mom were both leak free and then headed back to hospital to have drain and staples removed.

    I was so anxious about the drain and I won't lie or felt really really weird and unpleasant. It took my breath away when she pulled it out super fast. However when it was out I had zero pain at all in my tummy. What little pain I was having was from the drain so I was glad to get it out!

    We called Sam our driver he came and got us to take us back to the border where our car was parked. Because we had a medical pass we got to go to the front of the line and crossed the border super smooth and fast!! The border man asked what we brought from Mexico I told him only medicines from hospital and that was that!!!

    The only thing bothering me today is reflux and I got a slight headache from not sipping enough while traveling. They sent us home with maylox tordol and antibiotics!

    Definitely didn't drink enough on the 3 hour drive and I'm suffering from it! Gotta gotta gotta stay hydrated! My body is used to the constant iv fluids and I barely drank 1 liter today! Gotta do better tomorrow. Glad to be home with the pups! Now just have to continue to sip walk sip walk sip walk!!

  6. Me and my mom were sleeved on Monday here it is Wed we are doing great and begging to go home! We have to get X-ray for leak test then drains and staples out if all goes well with leak test and we can go. We have nights paid for at the Marriot but we are missing our puppies and ready to get back!

    Pain is minimal at this point just and a little difficult to move around!

    I had the worst reflux of my life last night but mylanta saved me!

    My mom has had no nausea no reflux very little gas pain she is doing great!

    We are super anxious about having these drain taken out!! I know it's going to hurt!

  7. @@LadyinBlue

    I'm not in much pain now at 24 hours after surgery. I feel sore like I did a ab workout. I have some stabbing type pains when I get up and down out of bed but they are more irritating than painful.

    I had horrible pain last night. Gas pain and spasms in my stomach and nausea I threw up twice it was tough. But this morning im like another person! No nausea and I'm keeping liquids down and walking I feel good enough to go home!!

    With the gas pain laying in bed made it worse so as the pain got worse and worse I decided I had to walk so I did and it helped so much!!! If you have gas pain and I hope you don't you HAVE to walk even if it's the hardest thing in the world! Which to me it was hard bc I was nauseated and a lil dizzy.

    My mom however had no gas pain or nausea. She is doing awesome only some slight pain today getting up and down but she also feels good enough to go home!

  8. Dr Garcia did mine and my moms sleeves yesterday around noon. They wheeled me into the OR after my nice dose of sedatives that eased my anxiety. I got onto the table and it was just me and the anesthesiologist. I made small talk with him about how many cases they do a day and saw the syringe in his hand and asked him if that was gonna knock me out he said yes and next thing I know my Bp cuff going off every 5 min in recovery woke me up. I had no pain at this time I was just so sleepy I couldn't hold my eyes open. I tried hard to make myself wake up so I could walk. Once in my room after a hour or so I was not dizzy and sleepy anymore so I walked and walked. My mom went first so she was already awake and waiting for me in our giant room (it's super nice) Once I got awake the pain came. Awful gas that felt like a elephant on my chest and stabbing pains in my left shoulder. Then I would get horrible cramps in my stomach. The tordol IV helps so much. When the gas was unbearable I made myself walk and that helped tons. I'm slightly sore but the incisions don't hurt. I feel like I can feel my drain though. When I take deep breaths it's like a pinch where the drain incision is. I also vomited twice which was awful I was nauseated and hurled up mucus and blood which is normal. They gave me nausea meds. I can not tolerate even the smallest ice chip. I tried one the size of a corn kernel and it was bad. So I swish Water around my mouth and spit it out for dry mouth. We are both still on IV fluids which keeps us hydrated.

    My mom is doing great very little pain or gas!

    The staff is nice but are hesitant with pain meds which I'm not sure why it's not narcotics or anything?

    It was a tough night I think the worst is behind though and I have no regrets. Next on the agenda is showering more walking and I think they will make us drink today which I'm worried about after the ice???? I'll post tonight with further updates!! Xoxo

  9. Well it has been 1 week since my surgery and I have lost 16 lbs! I am over the moon! I know that rate won't keep up so I am relishing the moment.

    I have had terrible abdominal pain for the last week. It began to subside yesterday which is great, but now I am really tired. I can barely keep my eyes open right now.

    And I have experienced my first bout of head hunger. I have not been hungry at all since my surgery. And I haven't had any cravings until today. Now I really want Peanut Butter and chocolate but not a Reeses, just mountains of Peanut Butter and chocolate. Lol. I know this is completely in my head and I am trying to get it out by having a chocolate Protein shake so we will see if that helps.[/quote

    Hey buy you some chocolate PB2 power it's super good for you natural coco powder Ives it a great chocolate flavor! I swear by it :)

  10. When we first got here they weighed us in the lobby area then sent us to our room. Which looks like a suit with couches flat screen etc..Had EKG, labs, IV places and are getting IV fluids.

    We have been napping on and off because they gave us klonipin and lorazapam by mouth when we got here! I'm very relaxed lol.

    My mom is going back first at noon then I will go.

    This entire experience so far has been like a vacation, everyone is very accommodating!

    The only bad thing this far I can think of is dry mouth. I woke up with dry mouth knowing I could not drink lol made it worse. My next drink of liquids will be post sleeve!! I can't wait!

  11. Crossed the border it was so easy took all of 5 min to get to the Marriot! Sam picked us up and was Very sweet and well dressed :) A nice guy who even brought his wife with him who was a sweet heart also! The Marriot is super nice! Everyone is so sweet! They have live music also at the little bar restaurant downstairs in the lobby! The room is nice and we just had room service delivered to us which consisted of bottle Water, broth, and melon infused Popsicles! That's included with the package Ns I didn't know about it. A very pleasant surprise! Sasha called as soon as we got here and gave us instructions to shuttle to hospital at 645 in the morning to meet her at the hospital. I'm blown away so far everything is amazing!

  12. So excited for you! Who is your Dr? I am having mine Wed in Tj. Been on liquids for 11 days now! Sooo ready to be done! Good luck and enjoy this time with your Mom!

    Dr Garcia at Cer hospital!!! I'll definitely update you guys! I'm just having crazy nerves right now lol :)

    It's so good that you have each other for support. Good luck for tomorrow.. make sure you keep in touch and let us know how you are :D


    Thx so much!!! I'll put lots of updates on here for sure!!

    So excited for you! Who is your Dr? I am having mine Wed in Tj. Been on liquids for 11 days now! Sooo ready to be done! Good luck and enjoy this time with your Mom!

    We will prolly still be there wed. Where are you staying? What hotel?

  13. I know the feeling. My surgery is 28 th. I have worked in hospitals for 25 years. You would think I would not be scared. My other big concern is caffeine withdrawal headache. I have cut way back and I get up with a headache every day. I gave up the diet Pepsi two weeks ago. Now I have one glass of tea every day.

    I wish you and your mom the best of luck. You are going to be fine.

    Thanks Hun!! I've also worked in hospitals for ten year as I nurse I think I know to much and it makes me freak out!!! I should know it will all be ok but the what ifs get to me!

    I also get up with a headache everyday. I find it's a lil better with a cup of green tea but I'm soooooo ready to be headache free. They suck! Soda withdrawals are tough lol but worth it I know! Good luck to you as well. Feel free to message me after the 8th I'll update you on the process! Or follow me on here I plan to post all about it!

    What helped me was watching a video on you tube of the surgery. I think knowing exactly what they do made me feel better. Makes me kind of know what to expect. It's funny how we nurses think.[/quote

    I watched it too! It helped me also!! Seemed like more of a minor deal after really seeing it!

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