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Kimberly Bouche-Perez

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Kimberly Bouche-Perez

  1. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    Does Anyone Watch "My 600 lb. Life"?

    I LOVE this show. My mom and I watch it like a soap opera. Penny drives us crazy, lol. What AMAZES us is the fact that they right away go to eating really bad food a few days after surgery. I still had a hard time Drinking just water 2 month's after surgery. I am 22 months in, I actually had surgery the same day you did. I was 301 now 139. Like I said STILL having problemsproblems with food. So I don't know how that do it. Great t.v. though. I know they get paid to do the show, plus probably free surgery. This season Pauline was our favorite. She is just a b***h. How dare her. But again, it's t.v. If you need a surgery buddy, I am here. Good luck
  2. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    Post-op regain :(

    Thank you for your brother and husband's service. They are why we are free!!!!!! You WILL get back on track!!!!! Post updates and I can be there if you need support.
  3. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    I've gained and it's my fault.

    Hi thanks for posting this. I had surgery 22 months ago. Went from 301 to 139. I even just had tummy tuck on 3\21\15. I am TERRIFIED of this happening!!!!! I am one of the 10% who now have resumed my eating disorder. The doctors want me to put on 10 lbs. I don't want to. I NEED muscle's. I am still under no activity for another few weeks. But I will be working out again as soon as they will let me. Problem is, I still see the 'fat girl' in the mirror. Well until a week and a half ago. When I was finally able to take a shower, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I now see the very skinny person that everyone see's. I was horrified. I do see a therapist and she is great. I have a fear of the scale. But because of your story, I will be checking this more often. Thanks so much for your story! Let me know how you're doing! I am here if you need someone to talk to.
  4. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    August 6th lap band to gastric bypass surgery

    Lol the noises are LOUD and the gas is bad. I blamed it on the poor kitty's until one day I felt so guilty I told my hubby it was me, lol. 22 months later still have the gas. My hubyy calls it gernobile as in nuclear bomb, lol. At least he still loves me, lol, gas and all. Keep up the great work. Kim
  5. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    Am I the only one who keeps hearing this question?

    Hi, I get that a lot as well, lol. Before the surgery, when I did tell a few "friends" that I was having this surgery, I got. You're not that big. You can do it on your own, if you just try. It's so dangerous, why chance it? It might not even work. Everyone gains it back. Now from these same jealous people, I get. You're too thin. You look sick. When is enough enough?? And much more. These supposed friends I have left them behind for my sanity. I am still loosing cause all of this has awakened an eating disorder. I am in counseling. I usually only have about 500-600 calories a day. I know that is not good but I am working on it. I still get sick if I go for that 3rd bit. Never fails. I just had my tummy tuck 3 weeks ago. Recovery sucks, not gonna lie. But hopefully by next month it will look good. I do need muscles in my legs and arms and a soon as I get the OK, I will be doing squats on commercials. What people don't get, it's MY STORY not there's. Either support me or get off the boat. I would love to be weight loss buddy's. I just found this site a week ago. Love it!!!!!!! You are doing wicked awesome!!!!!!! Keep the updates coming! Kim
  6. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    Masshealth and Boston health net (bmc)

    Took me 9 months. Had to jump through hoop's. I am in western ma. You need 2 phsyc eveles. A sleep study. 3 classes/groups. Also, you can't gain ANY weight after you start. I got everything done in 6 month's. Took 4 weeks for approval then took 6 weeks for a surgery date. Hope this helps...
  7. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    My sad tale of woe...

  8. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    Should I just self-pay?

    I know it's tough waiting. I went through hopes for 9 months. you will need money for plastic surgery. I just had my tummy tuck 3 weeks ago. Insurance paid for basic tummy tuck. Not happy with it at all. never mind the hopes and denials I went through to get it. I need it for my thighs and arms but insurance won't pay for it. So if you can save the money. Ask your doctor for the weight time with self pay. Maybe you might still have to wait. Good luck, keep me updated. I am here if you need support.
  9. Hi, with my insurance (BMC Boston Health Net & Masshealth) I had a 'contract' of a sort. They way you at the beggining of you informational group or 1st group. Then during that meeting you are told that the weight you are that day is the highest you could be. (wish I had known that cause I starved myself for 2 days cause I was afraid of the scale, huge mistake) Anyway, we were told if we gain even 1 lb, it would delay the surgery for an extra 6 months. Secound time, it would be 1 year and they have the right to refuse the surgery and send you elsewhere. My first appt. with one of the doctor's, i had gain 4 ounces. I started crying. The nurse was very mean and said that the doctor might refuse to see me and make me come back. This was NOT the weight loss doctor by the way. This was the lab doctor. So i went in the room, still in tears. She said that all the scales are different. I need to worry about the scale in the weight loss doctor's office. She told me she will adjust the weight in my profile. BUT if it happens again, mind you we are talking ounces. but if it happens again. The 6 extra months would be added and if it happens again after that, they would 'recommend' another doctor or program. Needless to say, a few days before each appt I would be misserable. I remember breaking down a few times. I lost or stayed the same each visit after that. NOT a fun 9 months at all. But I did it. I think this program wa a little to strict but it was all I had. My surgery was 6/25/13. I started at 301, 5'7". I am now 163 lbs lighter. 138. My goal was 140. Now the kicker........ They now want me to put on 10 lbs. Cause everything i went through to get the surgery an old eating disorder has made it's ugly head. I am working on it. BUT, i am so happy I had the surgery. Now I know I can do ANYTHING!!!!! Good luck. Let me know if you need more support, I am here and this is a great website!!!
  10. Hi, I am having so many problems. I had gastric bypass on 6\25\13. I was 301 when I started. Now 22 months later, I am 139. I am 5'7". I did stop loosing Christmas of 2014. Then, boom, my weight just kept coming off. For the longest time. When I looked in the mirror, I saw a fat woman. A few days ago, I was getting into the shower and was shocked at what I looked like. I also just had a tummy tuck on 3\20\15. Still recovering. I am stuck on calorie counting. Plus I have no appetite. Some days I can only eat a half can of soup, all day. Example, 5:07 p.m. and I have not eaton today. No appetite. Also, my insurance cut my doctor's out. I need someone who is going through this process to help. I lost friends over this due to them being jealous. I just found this site last night. Looking forward to hearing from everyone. Thanks in advance.
  11. I would do it all over again even though I am still having complications. 22 months in, 162 lost, beat me goal weight. I just remebered, my doctor told me I would only go to like 180 at best. I proved him wrong. Now they want me to gain 10 pounds, I don't think so... Good luck, IT IS worth it!!!!
  12. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    Very scared.. Right decision?

    Hi, If you wern't scared something would be wrong with you, lol. I had bypass 22 months ago. Actually I just had a tummy tuck 3 weeks ago. (Not fun, not fun at all) But..... I can walk more then 20 feet without knee pain I can keep up with my grand kids I can walk a mile and entire mile in 15 mins Cloths fit they actuqlly fit I can go into the store and buy regular clothes, not plus size I can fit at those bucket tables without my stomach barley fitting in Up until a week ago, I still saw the fat Kim Now I have a problem keeping weight on. I am 'under weight' now. It is crazy that 22 months ago they were telling me loose loose loose, lol As far as you worring about being stuck up and so. You will be the same loving person you are now. The surgery changes the outside. YOU change the inside. This site is great for aupport I wished I found it saooner. I am here for you if you need me. Good luck and I look forward to hearing good things from you!
  13. Hi, I understand your wifes concern. I could not have done this without my hubby and youngest son. Everyone is diffrent, though. My surgery was 22 months ago and I remember wakking up and the pain I was in like it was yesterday. I felt like I got hit by a truck. AGAIN, this was me. You will need help the few weeks after surgery. Maybe a friend or neighbor can check in on you. Even with the pain and complications I had, I WOULD DO IT AGAIN IN A HEART BEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will do great and a year from now you will be shocked at the diffrence. Good luck!
  14. Quick up date: Today I had 1/2 cup of egg beaters (LOVE THEM) store brand of course, lol 1/2 piece of turkey bacon (walmart Oscar myer $3.49) It was painful in my pouch BUT I kept it down. Total calorie 50 It's 5:00 and because of the support from this website I am gonna try to drink an unjury Protein shake. It might take me all night, but I am determinded to do it. Went for a walk in the stores today. Stilll very sore from the tummy tuck though. Hd to come home and take a 30mg of morphine. Feels like the seems are pulling. But it wa greaT TO GET OUT!!! I treated myself to a pair of atrechy yoga like shorts. Smallest they had was a medium. There a little big, but WOW a Walmart medium. This storee runs on the small size. Still amaze me. I also noticed that now that I am not a size 22-24 they relly have very pretty plus size cloths now, lol. It figures, lol. Thanks agin for the support. I will keep updating.
  15. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    Exhaustion & hard to drink liquids

    I had a tuff time even drinking 1 oz of water. I was very week. My poor hubby had to wake me up to try to getme to drink. You are doing GREAT!!!!!!! As long as not to be gross but if your pee is clear, you are doing great. Good job on weight loss!
  16. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    Learning how to eat slowly!

    I use a shrimp fork and a baby spoon still. 22 months after surgery. Once you have pouch pain trust me, you will eat very slow after that. It is a learning progress and you will get the hang of it. Good luck
  17. When i was walking to the doctor's office (about 1000 ft away) and my then 17 year old had to come and get me cause I could not take another step. My oldest and then my youngest (15 at the time) walked me hand in hand to the office. It took 45 minutes. My knees and back could not hold my weight anymore. I was always thin. Then in 2008 I put on 100 pounds. That day my boys had to help me walk. I dais to myelf NEVER AGAIN. I wa gonna have the lapl band. But after some research I went with the gastric bypass. Good luck to ALL
  18. Thank you BOTH so very much for your coments! I am seeing a theropist. She is great but also very concerned. I have discovered I am just so AFRAID of gaining the weight back. My Doctor never gave me a calorie amount. Just kept pushing 80 grams of protein. I do still use UNJURY. I have a perscription for it. I try to sip it. After 2-3 sips I am full. I guess there are those who gain the weight back and then there are about 10% of people that are like me. AFRAID of food.. I was just o hocked with what I saw the other day in the mirror. I am working so hard. I need to put muscle back on. In about 6 weeks or so, I caan be cleared to work out again. I have the total gym in the basement. Me and my mom watch 'my 600 lb life'. I am just shocked at how they can eat real food so soon after surgery. My husband had to almost force me to drink the 1 once of water every hour for weeks after surgery. I just had a tough time after it. It was about 3 months pot op till I tried solid foods. Like I said, I did stall last Christmas 2014. I was stuck at 180. Then after the new year. I just started loosing like crazy. I have a great PCP. He tells me how proud he is of me. Would I do it all over again? YES with a YES!!! Before I could not walk more then 20 feet without my knees hurting or back hurting. Now (well before my tummy tuck) I could walk a mile in 15 minutes. To me, that is amazing. I don't want to discorage anyone. This is what happened to me. I think this site is wonderful. I only wish I found it sooner. I love the fact that now I have people ho care that have been through what I have. So thank you... I look forwrd to hearing from more people about their stories.
  19. Hi I am 22 months out and yes the day after surgery I cried to my husband and said what did I do????? I was in so much pain!!!!! I am still having probbut i but lems but I have lost 162 pounds in 22 mons
  20. Kimberly Bouche-Perez

    Untitled Album

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
