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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Newyearnewme2019

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    Senior Member
  • Birthday 10/17/1973

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    Tanicka U Turner

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    Over 40 and Fabulous.
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    swimming, shopping, traveiing
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    Speech Analytics Team Lead
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  1. Issues Getting in fluids and Protein

    I am so off on my protein its crazy,  I am supposed to drink 3 shakes a day and I can barely get in 1 1/2 shakes a day primarily because I can't stand the taste of the protein and artificial sweeteners.  I am also lacking in the calories.  I find myself sipping water and G2 all day and not really wanting to eat because I am not hungry.  Then when I do get hungry I take in a little soup or broth and that's it.  


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Newyearnewme2019


      Getting my liquids in is getting easier, but still struggling with the protein. My small saving grace is I am now in puree stage, so I am hoping to pick up some protein that way.

    3. LesbianDad30


      Yea me too pureed stage

    4. The 56 Bypass

      The 56 Bypass

      I sure hope you're telling this to your surgeon. They need to know so they can help you.

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