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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by lisaanewme67

  1. @@Bellaloly74 are you rescheduling? How close were you to surgery before you ran?
  2. @KingMoose..Awesome... go to find one this weekend,Thanks!
  3. lisaanewme67


    @@tiggerbug Correction I just spoke with the sleep study team and found out that I was wrong. I missed taking a breath 71 times a MINUTE!!! OMG... was I actually breathing while I was sleeping??? this is super scary. I am so thankful that I went ahead with the sleep study. I haven't been able to sleep much worrying if I am breathing but now... Oh Boy. I a going to push the lever to ASAP on this CPAP machine.
  4. lisaanewme67


    Awesome everyone... Thanks!!!
  5. lisaanewme67


    @@funkecoldmedina I will be following your post because I posted a similiar inquiry as well. I'm looking for info on Protein also. Maybe between us both we will get a lot of info.
  6. @@Smokinjoe781 Thanks, I will just buy as needed. I will look into Quest products.
  7. lisaanewme67


    @@kaseyw0od so happy to hear that surgery went well and that you are up and around a little. Thank you for updating us...we are all cheerleaders together in this journey. Blessings to everyone!
  8. lisaanewme67


    Best of Luck.. I am sure you will do GREAT and I can't wait to read your updates. Lisa!
  9. lisaanewme67

    My bypass surgery experience

    @@dhrguru Contrats and thanks for posting an update. I am always happy to hear of everyone's experiences. I am waiting for a surgery date. Should have surgery in June when my daughter is done with school for the year. I would take an earlier date if possible in May. I am ready to start my new chapter. I'm happy to know that your srugery was a success, many, many blessings!
  10. lisaanewme67


    I had my sleep study last night. It was a very relaxing setup much like a hotel room with private bedroom and bathroom. I thought I slept great but unfortunately, I had to be awakened at 1am and be placed on a CPAP machine because 71 times per hour I had partial or full collapses (meaning I missed taking a breath 71 times per hour) in my sleep. After falling asleep with the CPAP machine, I had 0 collapses. I definitely have sleep apnea but the wonderful thing is that I know and can be treated until my surgery and I lose weight and be cured. I have be prescribed a CPAP machine. I will be getting setup by a home health care agency for it. Good thing is that it won't hinder my progress in getting my surgery scheduled. I just need to be sure to keep my log of usage for 30days. Just to think that I dreaded this sleep study and today, after having it, I am so grateful.
  11. lisaanewme67

    Looking For Bypass Buddies!

    @@Kimberly Bouche-Perez thanks, My name is Lisa and I would love to be a buddy and have a buddy. My email is mslisaluvslife@yahoo.com. Congrats on your accomplishments and I know you look awesome (not sick). I do realize once I am done with this process, I will lose friends (I really mostly have associates). Don't plan on telling people anyway just don't need others opinions, comments and questions. I am sure once I start losing the weight they will ask. Still not telling about my surgery. You are right.. this site is wonderful and I am learning so much more everyday. It is much better to chat with people who understand. @dolphin_girl. Feel free to email me as well. My surgery won't be too far behind yours. I am new to the process but everything is going very quick so far. I have my sleep study tonight, very excited about that... sounds weird but I am ready to be done with it. I was originally scheduled for August sleep study, I kept calling and caught a cancellation for May 12th. I was ok with that (better than waiting till August) but I called one more time last Wednesday and someone had just cancelled for today. I took it without hesitation. After this all I need is a PREP session that only meets once a month. May is booked although I am calling next week to see if there is any room but I am currently scheduled for June. My surgery will more than likely be mid June. I want to wait until my daughter is done with school. BUT if I can get a May date, I will probably take it. It will be tricky but would force me to move around once I am discharged. I will have to drive my daughter to school and pick up but that won't be too bad. If I get a mid June date she will be done with school. Hope to hear from you guys soon and I am excited to meet you.
  12. @@gowalking I have to say a very BIG THANK YOU for your encouraging words and this post. For the past couple of years trying to lose weight on my own, I would eat better, work out 5-6 days a week. I literally did everything I that I COULD DO to be my best me and not gain anymore weight. The scale was the enemy that would tell me that all of my hard work meant nothing because it really did not move in my favor. Being hypothyroid, High Blood Pressure, Diabetic and High Cholesterol I couldn't win for losing. I never would allow myself to be weighed at my MD appointments because I knew that my mind would play tricks on my. "see all that sacrificing Snacks & your favorite pizza at the party meant nothing"... "Working out after work instead of relaxing catching up on your shows was a waste of your time.. I told you" . That scale was the devil I swear. I basically judged by milestones by how I began to feel everyday, if my clothes wasn't snugged. I feel I have done everything I could plus learned alot about making healthier choices, resting, staying active than ever before. It is NOT about the scale but so much more. Breaking milestones, overcoming defeat, learning what worked for me. In the past, I only felt my worth was in the numbers and if it didn't read on the scale, it was nothing. With being diagnosed with my medical conditions, I have learned to have to confidence, educate myself and simply listen to my body and what works for me. I push myself to be active, eat better and motivate myself regardless. Now the scale don't indicate my worth. I just laugh at it either way and keep doing my BEST!! With my requirements being completed (after my sleep study tomorrow night). My surgery will be early June and I know I have the tools mentally to DO THIS WORK and maintain. I am so grateful for this site and all of you that keep sharing, posting and encouraging. Also so happy to find someone else who share my feelings on this topic. KUDOS and Thanks, Congrats on your progress...
  13. @MichelleTN.. awesome and GREAT news. Keep up the good work and can't wait to read your updates!
  14. lisaanewme67

    Not telling anyone

    @@spiritfilled It is so hard and that is the reason I don't want to tell anyone. I don't want to regret it later and I have a feeling that I will. No matter what just keep your attention on your goals and say what you want, do what you want. You GOT this!!! Keep me posted, so happy to read your post.
  15. lisaanewme67

    Not telling anyone

    @@finediva just curious... what did you tell people when they asked what you were doing and how you lost he weight? I plan to not tell people although my significant other knows, we live together. My 19 year old son knows and a close friend and nurse that I work with knows (she's my sister from another mother and our small children goes to the same school). She had lap band surgery 3-years ago and I know her secret. She would die if anyone knew so if she tells mine I will be telling hers. What was your response to questions about your weight loss surgery???
  16. Looking forward to trying all of these recipes so excited...Thanks all!!!
  17. lisaanewme67

    Drinking too much water?

    Thanks everyone... Great info as I am a Water fean or phean... this will be hard for me I feel very dehydrated if I don't have alot of water.
  18. lisaanewme67

    One week to go

    @Briohn! That is awesome and you should be very proud!!! Keep up that hard work champ...
  19. lisaanewme67

    Got my Surgery date!

    @@Emmyandlisa Congrats its exciting but scary so natural but you will get through it. Keep up the good work and eye on the prize!!! Best of Luck it will be here before you know it..
  20. lisaanewme67

    Hitting every bump

    Oh my... I pray you feel better. There are always up and downs with every type of surgery. I am sure they will get to the bottom of what the problem is. Please post and keep us updated... Feel Better!!!
  21. lisaanewme67


    I was contacted by my surgeons office and told that I am done with all of requirements. When I have my sleep study on Monday, April 27th and if I am diagnosed with sleep apnea all I will get is a cpap machine or any treatment that is recommended. I don't need to keep a log for 30days and wait for a surgery date. I was previously told this by an intake coordinator at my surgeon's office. I will have my PREP 3-hr Session in June (Prep only scheduled 1nce a month) then surgery. I may be able to go to Prep in May. I am to call her office the first week in May to see if there are any cancellations. This is wonderful NEWS!!! Surgery is closer than ever I am so happy that I am in the clear. Excited to feel better inside and outside. I am literally walking around feeling all of my symptoms of my diabetes, high blood pressure and High Cholesteral although I am on medication for all of this, I know that one day I will feel much better... That day is coming for all of us!!!
  22. lisaanewme67


    @@tiggerbug it is rough whenyou work where you receive your care. I am dealing with the same thing as I work in surgery and work closely with the General Surgery Team. But as you said.. Oh well, I am working to better my life, be healthy and happy and can't worry about who know's what. Honestly, why would people want to risk their job gossiping about someone elses health care? Hopefully, if you do well with and no issues (insurance, test results or have to do a nutrition plan) it should go pretty quickly. Also, my sleep study is Monday night and my instructions read that if a person has special needs (sleep in a recliner) it can be accommodated. Just talk to the person who sets up your appointment about that and they should be able to make that happen. Keep me posted though and we will Stay Strong!!
  23. lisaanewme67

    It's so WEIRD not looking fat.

    @@blondebomb wow... you have done some awesome work. We have much in common with our medical conditions and I am so happy to hear that I am not alone in feeling this way with all of my friends here I feel secure. I am so excited about the "new me"!
  24. lisaanewme67

    Feeling Excited!

    Thats Awesome @@KalelsWifey. I hope you are resting well and comfortable. I would love to follow your progress as am almost finished with my surgical requirements and close to getting a surgery date. Keep up the hard work and I look forward to hearing from you!!
  25. lisaanewme67

    It's so WEIRD not looking fat.

    My main concern is the drastic weight loss that I see from other people. When my Dr. recommended Gastric Bypass as the best option for my medical condition(s) I gasped. He asked my what my concern was and I guess the biggest is how fast losing weight can be. I know everyone is different. I really want to be healthy and rid of my meds. I will do any and everything to achieve this. He told me working out with strength train to build muscle is the answer. I felt foolish being alarmed with becoming thinner again. Its been this way for me since I had my daughter in 2004 and being diagnosed hypothyroid. It weird being used to being over weight. I am READY for this cure and new life.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
