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Posts posted by weegie88

  1. 35 pounds lost in your first month is a lot, I only lost 16 pounds in the first 4 weeks. My revision was on June 20th, 10 weeks today, and I have only lost 28 pounds over that time. Like you I also have a mobility issue, waiting for hip replacement in October and also like you I am sticking to the rules, drinking enough, Protein etc.

    It is hard, a lot of revisioners lose slower than on their first surgery. I only lost 4 or 5 pounds sticking to my pre-op diet that I did for 17 days. I put it down to reduced activity etc but it does suck big time.

    So, all we can do is keep at it, plod on. Our journey will be longer but hopefully will still get us there.

  2. I had my MGB revision from a band on June 10. No regrets but my weight loss has been slow. I am 10 weeks out and lost 28 pounds. Happy they have gone but I still have 60 to lose to be in a normal BMI. Weight loss settled lretty quickly to 2 pounds a week or less.

    I am pretty good at sticking to the rules, I only had 2 head hunger days out of over 50 where my cals went up to 1400 but most days I am between 750 and a 1000. I have been able to eat more than a lot of bypassers right from the get go, there is restriction and I do not push it. Only had a couple of cases of dumping from fats, but I often need to sleep after a meal even if it's relatively low sugar. A lot of fatigue.

    food wise I can eat juts about everything unless too fibrous like sweetcorn. Beef, steak, chicken all fine. I try to stick to the harder Proteins as much as possible as they are the only things that give me restriction.

    There is research that says second hitters don't get as much bang for the buck but that does not affect everyone. Muts unlucky I guess it will be a long road for me.

    One caveat, I am not as mobile as I should be as waiting for a hip replacement though I am comparing to the first few months of having a band when I was also pretty immobile for other reasons.

    Still no regrets. :)

  3. Im getting ready for revision 2 im a band to a sleeve now going bypass the gerd is unbearable even with 3 medications ive5been dilated 7 times didn't help

    I hope you get the relief you need and recover quickly, too many habing a 3rd op due to reflux.

    My MGB is on Wednesday in Belgium. GERD has been a little better with an empty band but I am hoping it goes fir good on e the healing is done,

  4. I actually had a rough patch after I posted last, I ended up in the ER with dehydration and pneumonia in both lungs! That slowed down my recovery quite a bit so I didn't really feel like myself again until about 3 weeks and 2 days post op. I'm eating regular foods and I know the MGB is working because I've gotten every well acquainted with agent orange !! Lol I've lost about 18 lbs which I knew my weight loss would be slow. I'm only about 25 lbs from goal now.

    Grr I hate how this site crashes every few minutes on my ipad, I just wrote a long reply but well .. Zap.. Gone.

    Anyhoo. Have caught up with your journey, am sorry to hear about your pneumonia, glad they caught it on time and hope you can now go from strength to strength with your recovery.

    Take care sweetie.

  5. Thanks so much all of you for your great reporting of your experiences. Please feel free to post how you are doing.. there is just too LITTLE information on the foreign doctors that do the MGB and I love hearing every little detail.

    Weegie did you get your operation? How did it go.. detail details PLEASE.

    Thanks again to everyone for your reports. Very excited to hear about Dr. Rod because he was one of my faves. Thanks!!!

    Sorry only just saw this as am holiday in Turkey. My op is on June 10Th so currently on pre-op diet. My surgeon is Dr Chris De Bruyne in Belgium.

  6. I'm one week and one day post op. Everything went great !! Dr. Rod and his team were amazing ! I am however glad it's over and I'm home and doing good. I still get very tired in the afternoons and I get a lot of headaches but Iv been on nothing but Clear Liquids for the first week. I'm finally now adding some yogurt and will start Protein shakes tomorrow. I'm actually terrified to eat but I'm trying to work though. Surgery wise I felt fine after some very uncomfortable gas and discomfort around the drain area. I went back to work on Tuesday and other than fatigue I was okay. My incisions are healing nicely and I have no pain in that area and it may sound crazy but I feel like my insides are healing well too ! So far so good, I have no complaints.

    Hi there, glad to see everything going in the right direction. I am in total awe of you being back at work already. Will be following your progress. Not long now toll my own MGB hope it goes as smoothly as yours. Take car.e x

  7. @@Band07 Hoping your operation went smoothly and you are on the mend.

    Take care x

    Everything was great ! Gas pain and pain from the drain was the worst but as of today I feel good except occasionally moving wrong and feeling pulling in the incisions. I'm on Clear Liquids for a week and they are going down well. I'm still resting for the most part mixed in with some laundry, dishes, light cleaning ect but I go back to work tomorrow.

    Great to see you the other side :). BUT BACK TO WORK TOMORROW? DId your surgeon OK that. Most folks I know take minimum 4 weeks off. Please take good care of yourself and your new WL tool.


  8. Hi I am in a similar situation. Band fitted 2007, lost 120 pounds, life was great... Sort of. My band would self tighten on a regular basis requiring an emergency unfill and then it would take many fills to try and get back to anything like a sweet spot. I persevered, but 18 months ago I started with A persistent cough, then things just went down hill. I have silent reflux, GERD gastritis. My throat was red raw and I was hoarse. My band had been checked and it hasn't actually slipped but it does have a fine tipping point between restriction and total closure.

    My sugeon advised me against the sleeve due to having reflux. I am now due to revise to an MGB in June.

    If you have not been tested for H Pylori I would suggest you get this checked. I was positive and it magnified my symptoms.

    Good luck with whichever route you take.

  9. I am sure you will be fine. Emotional roller coaster is understandable, it's human nature.

    I have had to have my band completely emptied. Silent reflux , coughing got so bad, I could hardly breathe. Have to have some diagnostics next week once it has had change to settle, barium, endoscopy and possibly CT scan. K hope this wont mess up my planned MGB.

    Good luck again for Thursday.

    God Bless x


  10. @@Band07 Yes I have felt tHe same way and have defended my band even when its misbehaved. Now I am starting to hate the fact it is in there. I really wish I did not have to wait until June. Had a dreadful night, was coughing a lot before I went go sleep and at one point coughed so hard it felt like my port had flipped. Such a sharp, deep, cramp like pain it took my breath away. Just another crappy side effect making me miserable. I am also starting to dread what my surgeon will find on the day of my op, Praying hard here that it isnt too bad for the bypass to go ahead.

  11. I did look online and in other forums, everyone talks about night reflux. They are aware of it. I had absolutely no problem at night though I have slept with 3 pillows since my band. I start to cough when I wake and it goes on all day. I guess because I had a history of asthma pre banding they started off looking at that. My husband was very worried as we lost 2 close friends to lung cancer so even he thought it was unrelated to my band. It feels like it has been a long road.

  12. I have had a persistent cough for 18 months. After over a year of chest xrays, blood tests and breathing tests they now think I have silent reflux. My band has been ignored by the medical professionals involved. Part of my research has me seeing recommendations that MGB is the best op for reflux.

    Now my head is seriously all over the place :(

  13. @@Maverick1971 Hi there, June is not really that far off, well that is what I have been telling myself today. It gives us a few weeks to get as healthy as possible before surgery. It will all help.

    I went to costco and bought some good multi viamins, some D3 and chewable Calcium. Nearer the time I will start taking arnica which helps healing. If anyone has any other suggestions please throw them my way :)

    Not long now till @@Band07 has her op, sending positive vibes go you both.


  14. @@mrmbv so sorry to hear of your complications. I pray you will see a some good resolution to it soon and you can get back to worrying about your kids which is a mum's normal state of mind :). Both my boys were born at 42 weeks, neither wanted out of there and the youngest did a full 180 turn at 39 weeks otherwise he would have been breach. That was a night to remember.

    What you said about doing the best thing at the time based on the research available, it is all any of us can do. None of us have a crystal ball and thats a good thing in a lot of ways. I did watch a lot of Dr Rutlege's youtube videos as part of my own research and he does cover reflux and 'fear of' cancer. I am wondering if his advice has changed since he started out, especially with advice on that? Does anyone know why he is MIA, has he retired ?

    Either way, I really do wish you God's speed with a good outcome. Thank you for sharing your story it will help many others I am sure of that.

    Chrissy x

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