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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mistie

  1. Thank you, Infernogoddess! I guess I should say I've already met all preop requirements and am just waiting on my exact date. They wanted me to start a 'diet' change from the start, which I did, and preop diet October 1, which I have already started - it's suppose to be a 3-6 week preop diet. Hoping for October 19 or 26. Since I finished all testing on Friday, and all of the 'work' is out of the way, maybe my nerves are finally truly kicking in!

  2. Is major moodiness BEFORE surgery common?

    I feel like today (this evening, particularly) I'm just ready to scream - and I cannot even pinpoint why. I'm a counselor, so of course that means I'm analyzing myself! LOL.

    What I have so far is this, because there are a number of things that are starting to stress me, and my major stressor (ie. what is making me the most agitated) at any given time seems to be changing:

    • Fear of not making good choices after surgery. I'm on my pre-op diet now, and while I know I'm getting 'enough' calories and Protein in, toward the evening (which is my habit), I'm really wanting to eat fast food/junk food. I'm trying to remind myself that almost everyone who has had surgery has been in the exact same situation, that's how we got here!, and they did not become perfect health nuts - the surgery helps.
    • I'm grouchy because the scales have stopped moving while on this pre-op diet. A few years ago I did great at losing weight. Of course, it was only that one time I ever stuck with a diet long enough to see any progress - so this is my first time to truly experience TRYING to lose and failing (rather than giving up). So it's really upsetting to me to see the scales going up and down, up and down. The diet is not very strict (in my opinion), and it feels like I'm stalling on it, so it's frustrating to me.
    • In addition to the stuck scales, I am on the Depo shot - I worry how much that is causing the scales to stick, and how that might impact the scales after surgery, as well - but it is for medical necessity, not convenience.
    • I'm feeling a bit grumpy because I have a deadline for the weight loss the doctor wants me to have. I'm afraid of failing. I'm afraid of the accountability and answering to someone else, because I never have - I've never let anyone know my weight or if I was dieting - because I didn't want them to know if I failed. So this deadline is really raising my agitation level. I know I will make it, it's just making me so tense.

    Has anyone else experienced these anxieties or hormones or whatever is going on? I've read the forums so much, and thought I was prepared, now I'm wondering where my brain went!

  3. Hi ladies!

    I'm in Mississippi, but I was doing a search for support groups, and it brought me back to BP and this page, lol. I'm looking at the sleeve in October. There are few support groups in MS, and the ones my center has (in Jackson) are at a time when I cannot make it, so I was hoping to find a good support group in the Memphis area. It's a drive, but it would be better than nothing! How have the support groups been working for you?

  4. I've heard of so many different variations.

    My pre-surgery diet (which has officially began) is:

    I can have three Protein shakes a day, less than 2g of sugar, 150 calories or less and at least 17g of Protein.< /p>

    If I have three shakes then I can have a Lean Cusine meal not to exceed 380 calories.

    If I have four shakes a day, then my dinner meal can't exceed 250 calories.

    My max calories a day is 870.

    Unlike others I've heard, I am not restricted to only liquids.

    Mine is very similar to yours.

    Breakfast and lunch can be a Protein shake (200 calories or less) or a 'Meal Replacement,' which is a protein Soup, either the brand the doctors' office carries or any other brand 200 calories or less.

    dinner is a Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, etc. type meal of 400 calories. If the meal does not have enough calories, I am to eat something else to get to 400 calories, such as a side salad, green Beans, etc.

    I can also have two Snacks, between Breakfast and lunch and after dinner - either a Protein Shake, piece of fruit, or yogurt.

    This is for 4-6 weeks pre-op.

  5. When I first started trying to lose weight (actually TRYING, like seriously putting effort into it) a few years ago, I started weighing daily, and kept up the habit. I weigh daily and log it into my LoseIt! app. I also log all food/drinks I consume.

    When I wasn't actively trying to lose weight, I did it out of habit. Now that I'm active again (prepping for surgery in a few months), there are benefits. The benefit to this is if I'm up one day, sometimes I can go back and see what 'types' of food my body responds to (my body does not like white bread, lol). I can also see what food my body appreciates. I also know, however, that weight fluctuates. I know, for example, that after I have a day at Water aerobics after not being there for a few weeks, it will show up on the scales, so do not freak out.

    For me, it holds me accountable. If I did not weight for a week or more, I would be more likely to cheat, thinking, "I can get any weight I gain back off before I weigh again." Weighing daily, not as likely to do this. Now that I'm changing my habits, this is not as likely, of course, but, it still holds me accountable. I also like seeing those numbers dropping as I move toward surgery :)

  6. I have the Charge HR, as well. I upgraded from the Flex, because I was tired of wearing the Flex + a watch! I love that it shows the time, my steps, I can see who is calling by looking at my wrist (LOL), shows stairs climbed, my heart rate, and more. It even automatically monitors my sleep.

    What's cool about apps like this, is there are so many entities out there that WANT you to get healthy. I auto-sync with LoseIt! of course, but I also have it sync'd with Walgreens. It works with their rewards program - the more steps I take, the more rewards points I get back, which yes, turns into cash! So love it!

  7. You can do this, @@Litzy! Just remember the 'big picture!' Why are you doing this? Whenever you get hungry, remind yourself of why you're doing this. It may be hard over the next two weeks, but, it's ONLY two weeks before surgery, and then you'll move on to the next stage. You might try getting a small box (or even a baggie, so that it's portable), and writing on slips of paper all the reasons you are doing this, all the things you're looking forward to, etc., and putting them inside. Then, when you start to crave food or just want something to chew, pull out a slip of paper to fortify yourself against giving in!

    Good luck!

  8. I am so sorry this has been your experience.

    From my perspective, it's more important that YOU feel comfortable, that YOU feel valued, and that YOU are happy with your surgeon and the practice than that OTHER people have had a good experience. Others may simply be giving reviews based on the same thing criteria for which you are staying - reputation.

    As others have said, it is important to know about your insurance, and it is also important to communicate to your surgeon that you are not happy with your surgeon and the clinic. Unfortunately, not all clinics are created equally - I've been on both sides (I changed after one visit, however). Ultimately, you have to do what is right for you - and you have to be comfortable.

    Good luck to you!

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