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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by glassarttist

  1. glassarttist

    Very discouraging news

    The clinic I was supposed to be having my surgery at is no longer taking patients. The public clinic has a 2 year wait list. I want to crawl into a hole and cry. I'm not going to be able to do this. I can't wait 2 years. My spirit will die long before then. Just when I had hoped for a better life I had my hopes taken away. Will it be marginally effective at all to just follow the diet as if I was banded? Will it still work eventhough I won't be having the surgery?
  2. glassarttist

    Very discouraging news

    Thanks everyone for your heartfelt replies. I can't possibly get financing. I was in a bad marriage and my ex destroyed my credit by walking away from a house and all its responsabilities and leaving me in debt which I'm still trying to pay off 5 years later. I can't even get an overdraft at my bank much less a store credit card or loan. That's not an option. There is no appeal process here. I either wait or pay for it on my own. Neither of those options will work for me. I'm in continuous pain in my joints and my feet especially because of my weight. I can't imagine another two years of this. It took a long time to decide to ask for help and want the surgery. To have to put my dreams on hold for two years is torture. I will try to follow the bandster guidelines and eat as if I had the surgery. I wish I could get hypnotized to thinking I'd been banded. Maybe that would help
  3. glassarttist

    Very discouraging news

    The way our health system works is that I have to go to the nearest clinic for it to be funded, otherwise I have to pay all the expenses myself. I'm barely keeping us afloat now as it is, working 2 jobs and not getting any assistance from their dad. It would take me probably 10 years to save the money required. Do you think it will help to go along with the Lap diet anyway?
  4. glassarttist

    Very discouraging news

    I'm in Canada and am a single parent with 4 kids. There is no way I could afford to pay for the surgery so I have to go with the one that our publicly funded health care decides.
  5. glassarttist

    I hate fat people!!!

    Actually I was thinking of getting buttons made with something like that on them, to wear afterwards.
  6. glassarttist

    Tomorrow-- Now I'm nervous

    I'm so glad it went well. I wish I had seen this earlier. I would have said, and this may be of help to others in the future, that they can give you an injection into the vein to freeze it, and then give you the IV. They did that for me when I had my Gallbladder operation.
  7. glassarttist

    fun thread -- names

    Go to http://tickerfactory.com and create one then add it to your signature in your profile.
  8. glassarttist

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    I was the same! I couldn't make it fat enough for my vision of myself.
  9. glassarttist

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    Crazy thing, someone ought to tell them that they are unrealistic.
  10. glassarttist

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    Well I wasn't too pleased with this when I tried it at Sears. How discriminatory is this? That was after I had created it at the main site, so I know it works. Apparently Sears doesn't think fat short people exist.
  11. glassarttist

    fun thread -- names

    Oh my god that's my last name too! I was going to say I'm Wynne (win) and so far haven't lived up to it.
  12. glassarttist

    I hate fat people!!!

    I have a similar problem. I hate seeing fat children. It's more pity and empathy for them than anything. I hate what the parents do to them by letting them get so fat. I wish my mother had curbed my eating when I was 5. I don't mean slightly overweight children. My own 8 year old daughter has a fat bottom but that part is genetic. She gets more exercise than 3 kids her age together and eats very healthy food (no fat, no butter, no junk, good portions). What I'm talking about is seeing a child who is so fat they can't move normally or function like kids their age should be able to. I've recently seen some children under 10 who were well over 150 pounds. That's clearly a problem with the parent if it isn't a medical problem. I see myself in that child and feel so bad for how they are growing up.
  13. glassarttist

    2 year bandiversary pics !

    Oh my goodness you look incredible! What an inspriration!
  14. Hello everyone. I just joined last night. I've not had surgery yet but had my first consult with my family doctor last week and he has referring me to a surgeon. I'm hoping to be able to get some information here as to what I can expect and also find some support amongst people who've been through what I will experience. I've looked for other places online to find support and only found a few places that have very sporadic activity. I was grateful to find this forum last night. I'm 34, a mother of 4 kids, engaged to a wonderful man, live in Canada, and have two hectic and stressful jobs. I'm very active but have some health and physical problems from my weight. Despite diet and exercise I've not been able to lose anything. I'm looking to lose about 200 pounds. I want to do this while I am still young and my weight hasn't caused Diabetes or affected my blood pressure or heart. To be honest I'm terrified to have this surgery, but mostly because I have never been thin and have no way to imagine what I will be like after I lose weight. I'm afraid I'll lose my identity. Yes I'm seeing a counselor and will be working on this issue. I'd just like to talk with others in a situation similar to mine. I've been reading the body dysmorphia thread and can relate to everything said.
  15. glassarttist

    Terrified new member

    Thank you so much for your replies. With me it's any food. It doesn't have to be sweets. I do lean towards carbs. Last night I had two soup bowls of steamed rice with butter and soy sauce on it. I could eat rice until I pop (and I'm well on my way). Rice and potatoes and bread are my downfall. I binge emotionally and really have to deal with that. I'm afraid but I'm excited and impatient. I want to have my surgery asap. I'm tired of being the fat mom, the fat neighbour, the fat coworker. I'm tired of waking up in pain every morning. I'm tired of not being able to shop for clothes. I'm tired of knowing my health is at risk. I'm a lucky one because the entire procecdure is covered by insurance where I live. I just wanted to say I feel bad for those of you who have to pay for it, but it shows how dedicated you are, and how much you want a healthier life, to be spending thousands of dollars on this procedure and the follow up treatment.
  16. glassarttist

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    That should be in my signature.
  17. glassarttist

    Size pictures and body dysmorphia

    I remember weiging 170 pounds in high school and thinking I was enormous! Well I was 5'6" so I wasn't that bad. But feeling fat and thinking I was hopelessly fat only created a feeling of helplessness and I just continued on eating my size up to 330 pounds. Now I look back at 170 and think that is only 20 pounds above my goal weight. Whatever was I thinking back then?

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