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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Rossy

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/11/1971
  1. Happy 42nd Birthday Rossy!

  2. Rossy

    Dont Get A Lapband

    Your typical B52 of folk there are great risks to this procedure and you of all people should warn folk of the dangers
  3. Rossy

    Dont Get A Lapband

    No there are 100s of failed Lapband users out there and i have just as much right to give my opinion as do sucsesful lapband users if you dont like it tough
  4. Ive wasted 6 years having a faulty band in me ive lost a few stone but this isnt down to the lapband its down to the fault DR Galloway Glasgow fitted faulty band in my and for yeras Fluid or stomach contents have graduly been getting into the band and filling it up making me choke i am due to finally getting mine removed after i moved to a different country for help as Glasgow wasn't helping me yesterday some blood was removed from the band hence i have gone onto emergency waiting list for removal but for years i have told surgeons something was getting in the band even when they discovered the fluid was a murky colour i am now seeking legal advice on Galloway and would deter anyone from using him or getting the band only thing that's gonna work is hard work don't kid your self's its a nightmare sleeping upright in bed as i choke if i lay down severe stomach pains chest pains and vomiting its not nice have a good think about getting this band fitted please xx
  5. Happy 41st Birthday Rossy!

  6. Hi thanks for the advice my problem is there is only 1 surgeon in my part of scotland so am a bit stuck :smile:
  7. Hi i hope there is a surgeon out there that can help me My Surgeon has been seriously dragging his heals since my problem started in March 2010 Let me give you all a quick step up to date i had the band fitted in 2006 since then 5 stone was my maximum loss (i still have 5 to go) In March this year it was discovered that the fluid in my band was discoloured a kinda yellowy straw like colour so my band was emptyed and refilled and since then i have had so many problems let me tell you. The band was far too tight i couldnt swallow my own salyva so i attened A&E and they didnt know how to take fluid out so i had to go to another hospital this happened 4 times then eventuly the Dr emptied my band but still i had 99% restriction? so i had a swallow Xray even a endoscopy and nothing was found to be wrong since the endosocpy my band seems as if there is no restriction at all now meaning i am starting to return to normal eating patterns and yep gaining weight. The pain i was suffering beforre the endoscopy was so seveere i was crying i couldnt sleep at night as i was choking and the noise was keeping my wife awake i have pleaded with my surgeon to please make me a priority this was his responce" I was reassured at the findings. It is a little difficult to find a clear way forward. Can I talk this through at the clinic. I will ask Angela to fix a date for you.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> David Galloway"<o:p></o:p>
  8. Hi i had my band fitted in feb last year and my weight loss has been slow infact 4.5 stone is all i have managed to shift i had a Barium Swallow after the all clear i was asked to come back in 3 months in wich i had gained 3 pounds (my first weight gain in nearly 2 years) the doctor said he wasnt sure how much my Band can take so gave me 1ml ive been having a few problems all day ive had some Soup and orange juice and it keeps coming back on me constantly before the 1ml was inserted my records showed i had 8.5ml but am sure this was wrong cause i was eating pretty normal! and the Barium Swallow prooved this but can 1ml make this amount of drastic change? i mean i have been sicking up little bits through out the day does anyone know exactly how much the swedish lapy band can be filled? many thanks and am glad i found this site Rossy :)

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